

(Published in Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) of the Gazette of India, Extraordinary)

Government of India
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
Department of Pharmaceuticals

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority

New Delhi, the 29th March, 2016


S.O. 1254(E)- In exercise of the powers, conferred by paragraph 4, 10, 11, 14, 16 and 17 of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013, read with S.O. 1394(E) dated the 30th May, 2013 issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (hereinafter referred as NPPA) hereby fixes the ceiling prices as specified in column (5) with immediate effect and revised ceiling prices as column (6) of the table herein below, exclusive of local tax applicable, if any, in respect of the Scheduled formulations specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) of the said Table with the strength and unit specified respectively in the corresponding entries in columns (3) and (4) thereof:


Sl. No. Name of the Scheduled  Formulation Strength Unit Ceiling Price  (Rs.) Revised Ceiling Price  (Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)



Each Controlled Release (CR)/

Extended Release (ER)/ Sustained Release (SR)/

Immediate Release (IR) tablet contains:




1. Carbamazepine CR Tablet  Carbamazepine-200mg 1 Tablet   1.48 1.44
2. Carbamazepine CR Tablet  Carbamazepine-400mg 1 Tablet  2.91 2.83
3.  Levetiracetam ER Tablet  Levetiracetam-750mg  1 Tablet 16.58  16.13
4.  Phenytoin ER Tablet Phenytoin-300mg 1 Tablet    5.54 5.39
5. Levodopa+  Carbidopa CR Tablet Levodopa-100mg Carbidopa-25mg  1 Tablet    3.19 3.10
6. Diltiazem SR Tablet Diltiazem-90mg   1 Tablet 8.90 8.66
7.  Isosorbide-5-mononitrate  SR Tablet  Isosorbide-5-   mononitrate -30mg   1 Tablet   4.67  4.54
8.  Isosorbide-5-mononitrate SR Tablet Isosorbide-5-   mononitrate -60mg  1 Tablet  6.09  5.92
9. Metoprolol SR Tablet  Metoprolol-25mg 1 Tablet 3.85 3.75
10. Metoprolol SR Tablet  Metoprolol-50mg 1 Tablet 5.50  5.35
11. Metformin CR Tablet Metformin-500mg  1 Tablet  1.82   1.77
12. Metformin CR Tablet Metformin-1000mg  1 Tablet  3.47  3.38
13. Metformin IR Tablet Metformin-1000mg  1 Tablet 3.43   3.34



Each tablet contains:




14. Paracetamol Tablet  Paracetamol-650mg 1 Tablet  1.76   1.71
15. Allopurinol Tablet   Allopurinol-300mg 1 Tablet  7.13  6.94
16.  Hydroxychloroquine Tablet Hydroxychloroquine-400mg 1 Tablet 11.39 11.08
17. Carbamazepine Tablet   Carbamazepine-400mg  1 Tablet  3.16   3.07
18. Clobazam Tablet  Clobazam-5mg     1 Tablet 4.90    4.77
19. Clobazam Tablet  Clobazam-10mg     1 Tablet 8.61 8.38
20.   Levetiracetam Tablet Levetiracetam-250mg   1 Tablet 5.58 5.43
21.   Levetiracetam Tablet  Levetiracetam-500mg   1 Tablet 11.28 10.97
22.   Levetiracetam Tablet  Levetiracetam-750mg   1 Tablet 17.33 16.86
23. Lorazepam Tablet Lorazepam-1mg 1 Tablet    1.97 1.92
24. Lorazepam Tablet Lorazepam-2mg 1 Tablet   2.39  2.33
25. Phenytoin Tablet Phenytoin-300mg  1 Tablet   4.51    4.39
26. Sodium Valproate Tablet Sodium Valproate-300mg 1 Tablet    3.79       3.69
27.  Mebendazole Tablet   Mebendazole-100mg 1 Tablet 2.80    2.72
28. Diethylcarbamazine Tablet Diethylcarbamazine-100m 1 Tablet 1.30 1.26
29    Cefadroxil Tablet   Cefadroxil-500mg 1 Tablet 3.85 3.75
30 efixime Tablet   Cefixime-400mg 1 Tablet 21.05 20.48
31  Clarithromycin Tablet     Clarithromycin-250mg 1 Tablet 26.70  25.98
32  Clarithromycin Tablet   Clarithromycin-500mg 1 Tablet 47.07 45.79
33  Ethionamide Tablet   Ethionamide-250mg 1 Tablet 15.06 14.65
34 Ethionamide Tablet Ethionamide-250mg 1 Tablet 1.91 1.86
35 Levofloxacin Tablet   Levofloxacin-250mg 1 Tablet 4.20 4.09
36 Levofloxacin Tablet   Levofloxacin-500mg 1 Tablet 6.40 6.23
37   Linezolid Tablet   Levofloxacin-750mg 1 Tablet 10.42 10.14
38   Linezolid Tablet  Linezolid-600mg 1 Tablet 31.51 30.66
39    Moxifloxacin Tablet     Moxifloxacin-400mg 1 Tablet 24.16 23.51
40  Fluconazole Tablet    Fluconazole-400mg 1 Tablet 29.80 28.99
41     Abacavir Tablet Abacavir-300mg 1 Tablet 44.98 43.76
42 Abacavir+  Lamivudine Tablet Abacavir-600mg    Lamivudine-300mg 1 Tablet 45.95 44.70
43 Tenofovir +   Lamivudine Tablet   Tenofovir-300mg     Lamivudine-300mg 1 Tablet 41.05 39.94
44  Tenofovir + Lamivudine+  Efavirenz Tablet   Tenofovir-300mg  Lamivudine-300mg  Efavirenz-600mg 1 Tablet 94.27 91.71
45   Nevirapine Tablet   Nevirapine-200mg 1 Tablet 13.65 13.28
46 Raltegravir Tablet Raltegravir-400mg 1 Tablet 143.13 139.25
47 Atazanavir + Ritonavir Tablet Atazanavir-300mg   Ritonavir-100mg 1 Tablet 94.15 91.60
48 Darunavir Tablet  Darunavir-600mg 1 Tablet 159.20 154.88
49   Lopinavir+Ritonavir Tablet   Lopinavir-200mg  Ritonavir-50mg 1 Tablet 43.47 42.29
50 .     Entecavir Tablet Entecavir-0.5mg 1 Tablet 72.98 71.00
51 Entecavir Tablet     Entecavir-1mg 1 Tablet 115.95 112.81
52 Sofosbuvir Tablet      Sofosbuvir-400mg 1 Tablet 636.56 619.31
53 Tenofovir Tablet  Tenofovir-300mg 1 Tablet 45.01 43.79
54    Artemether+  Lumefantrine Tablet   Artemether-20mg   Lumefantrine-120mg 1 Tablet 11.94 11.62
55    Artemether+  Lumefantrine Tablet   Artemether-40mg        Lumefantrine-240mg 1 Tablet 15.39 14.97
56   Artemether+   Lumefantrine Tablet      Artemether-80mg Lumefantrine-480mg 1 Tablet 22.10 21.50
57     Flunarizine Tablet  Flunarizine-5mg 1 Tablet 2.63 2.56
58   Flunarizine Tablet Flunarizine-10mg 1 Tablet 4.50 4.38
59    Propranolol Tablet    Propranolol-80mg 1 Tablet 4.76 4.63
60  Tranexamic Acid Tablet     Tranexamic Acid-500mg 1 Tablet 15.89 15.46
61   Warfarin Tablet   Warfarin-1mg 1 Tablet 2.30 2.24
62 Acetylsalicylic Acid Tablet Acetylsalicylic Acid-150mg 1 Tablet 0.39 0.38
63 Isosorbide Dinitrate Tablet     Isosorbide Dinitrate-5mg 1 Tablet 0.73 0.71
64     Isosorbide Dinitrate Tablet      Isosorbide Dinitrate-10mg 1 Tablet 0.71 0.69
65   Amlodipine Tablet     Amlodipine-10mg 1 Tablet 4.84 4.71
66  Ramipril Tablet   Ramipril-2.5mg 1 Tablet 4.74 4.61
67 .     Ramipril Tablet      Ramipril-5mg 1 Tablet 7.48 7.28
68 Telmisartan Tablet Telmisartan-20mg 1 Tablet 3.47 3.38
69  Telmisartan Tablet Telmisartan-40mg 1 Tablet 6.29 6.12
70 Telmisartan Tablet   Telmisartan-80mg 1 Tablet 9.59 9.33
71 .     Atorvastatin Tablet  Atorvastatin-10mg 1 Tablet 5.23 5.09
72   Atorvastatin Tablet Atorvastatin-20mg 1 Tablet 12.68 12.34
73   Atorvastatin Tablet   Atorvastatin-40mg 1 Tablet 18.41 17.91
74    Donepezil Tablet    Donepezil-5mg 1 Tablet 10.72 10.43
75   Donepezil Tablet    Donepezil-10mg 1 Tablet 15.30 14.89
76  Ranitidine Tablet Ranitidine-150mg 1 Tablet 0.71 0.71
77      Methylprednisolone Tablet Methylprednisolone-8mg 1 Tablet 4.87 4.74
78   Methylprednisolone Tablet   Methylprednisolone-16mg 1 Tablet 8.51 8.28
79  Glimepiride Tablet    Glimepiride-1mg 1 Tablet 3.42 3.33
80 Glimepiride Tablet         Glimepiride-2mg 1 Tablet 5.44 5.29
81  Levothyroxine Tablet    Levothyroxine-12.5mcg 1 Tablet 1.30 1.26
82  Levothyroxine Tablet     Levothyroxine-25mcg 1 Tablet 1.25 1.22
83 Levothyroxine Tablet Levothyroxine-50mcg 1 Tablet 0.94 0.91
84  Levothyroxine Tablet     Levothyroxine-75mcg 1 Tablet 1.24 1.21
85 Levothyroxine Tablet Levothyroxine-88mcg 1 Tablet 1.46 1.42
86  Levothyroxine Tablet      Levothyroxine-100mcg 1 Tablet 1.14 1.11
87    Levothyroxine Tablet      Levothyroxine-125mcg 1 Tablet 1.46 1.42
88  Levothyroxine Tablet     Levothyroxine-150mcg 1 Tablet 1.47 1.43
89 Baclofen Tablet    Baclofen-5mg 1 Tablet 5.07 4.93
90   Baclofen Tablet     Baclofen-10mg 1 Tablet 9.83 9.56
91    Baclofen Tablet   Baclofen-20mg 1 Tablet 13.54 13.17
92     Misoprostol Tablet       Misoprostol-200mcg 1 Tablet 15.92 15.49
93 Cholecalciferol Tablet   Cholecalciferol-1000IU 1 Tablet 3.58 3.48
94     Cholecalciferol Tablet     Cholecalciferol-60000IU 1 Tablet 23.87 23.22
95  Pyridoxine Tablet Pyridoxine-100mg 1 Tablet 5.34 5.20



Each effervescent/ dispersible/enteric coated tablet contains:




96  Acetylsalicylic Acid Tablet Acetylsalicylic Acid-75mg 1 Tablet 1.17 1.14
97 .     Acetylsalicylic Acid Tablet     Acetylsalicylic Acid-150mg 1 Tablet 1.15 1.12



Each capsule contains:




98    Cycloserine Capsule  Cycloserine-250mg 1 Tablet 51.78 50.38
99    Rifampicin Capsule    Rifampicin-600mg 1 Tablet 11.07 10.77
100  Ribavirin Capsule Ribavirin-200mg 1 Tablet 76.50 74.43
101   Clindamycin Capsule  Clindamycin-150mg 1 Tablet 13.24 12.88
102  Clindamycin Capsule  Clindamycin-300mg 1 Tablet 21.61 21.02
103   Hydroxyurea Capsule Hydroxyurea-500mg 1 Tablet 11.73 11.41


Note :

  1. The above mentioned ceiling prices mentioned at column (5) shall stand revised as per column (6) in accordance with applicable Wholesale Price Index (WPI), with effect from 1st April, 2016.
  2. All the existing manufacturers of above mentioned scheduled formulations having MRP lower than the ceiling price specified in column (5) in the above table plus local taxes as applicable, if any, shall continue to maintain the existing MRP in accordance with paragraph 13 (2) of the DPCO, 2013 till 31st March, 2016 and they shall further make corresponding reduction in MRP as per WPI @2.7105% with effect from 1st April, 2016.
  3. The manufacturer may add local taxes only if they have paid actually or it is payable to the Government on the ceiling price mentioned in the column (5) of the above said table.
  4. The ceiling price for a pack of the scheduled formulation shall be arrived at by the concerned manufacturer in accordance with the ceiling price specified in column (5) and column (6) of the above table as per provisions contained in paragraph 11 of the Drugs (Price Control) Order, 2013. The manufacturer shall issue a price list in Form–V as per the paragraph 24 (2) of the DPCO, 2013.
  5. The manufacturer shall follow revised ceiling price as mentioned in column (6) and report to the Government in Form II as prescribed under Schedule II of the Drugs (Price Control) Order, 2013 within a period of 15 days of such revision.  Non submission of Form II in this regard shall be construed as non-revision in MRP as per WPI and the concerned manufacturers shall be liable to deposit the amount charged over and above the pre-revised/revised MRP, as the case may be, along with interest thereon from the date of overcharging.
  6. Where an existing manufacturer of scheduled formulation with dosage or strength or both as specified in the above table, launches a new drug as per paragraph 2 (u) of the DPCO, 2013 then such existing manufacturer shall apply for prior price approval of such new drug to the NPPA in Form I as prescribed under Schedule-II of the DPCO, 2013.
  7. The manufacturers of above said scheduled formulation shall furnish quarterly return to the NPPA, in respect of production / import and sale of scheduled formulation in Form-III as prescribed under Schedule-II of the DPCO, 2013. Any manufacturer intending to discontinue above said scheduled formulation shall furnish information to the NPPA, in respect of discontinuation of the production and / or import of scheduled formulation in Form-IV as prescribed under Schedule-II of the DPCO, 2013 at least six months prior to the intended date of discontinuation.
  8. The manufacturer not complying with the ceiling price and notes specified hereinabove shall be liable to deposit the overcharged amount alongwith the interest thereon under the provisions of the Drugs (Price Control) Order, 2013 read with the Essential Commodities Act, 1955.
  9. Consequent to the issue of ceiling price of the scheduled formulation as specified in column (2) of the above table in this notification, the price order(s) if any in respect of such scheduled formulations, issued prior to the above said date of notification, stand superseded.


F. No. 8(27)/2016/D.P./NPPA-Div.-II
Assistant Director

Last Page Updated: 09-01-2019