
1503(E) / 1ST JULY 2011

(Published in Part II, Section 3, Sub Section (ii) of the
Gazette of India Extraordinary)

Government of India
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
Department of Pharmaceuticals
National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority

New Delhi, Dated : 1st July, 2011


S.O. 1503(E) :-In exercise of the powers, conferred by sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3 of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 read with S.O. 637 (E), dated the September 4, 1997 issued by the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority hereby notify that bulk drug Methylprednisolone does not come in the category of scheduled bulk drugs as it is not a salt, ester, stereo-isomer and / or derivative of Scheduled bulk drug Prednisolone listed in the First Schedule of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995.


File No. F-9(134)/2011/DP/NPPA

Deputy Director
National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority

Last Page Updated: 05-02-2019