

(Published in Part II, Section 3, Sub Section (ii) of the
Gazette of India Extraordinary)

Government of India
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
Department of Pharmaceuticals
(National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority)

New Delhi, the 20th September, 2013



S.O.2875(E)  – In compliance of directions given in line the review order passed by the Department of Pharmaceuticals on 19.11.2012 vide letter no. 31015/15/2011-PI.I in respect of S.O. No. 2710(E) dated 28.11.2011 for I.V. Fluids, fixing the prices of Sodium Chloride (0.9%w/v)+ Dextrose (5%w/v) Injection formulations, the matter has been reconsidered and re-examined by the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (hereinafter mentioned as NPPA).

Accordingly, in respect of above mentioned price fixation and in exercise of the powers, conferred by paragraph 7 of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995, read with No. S.O. 637 (E) dated the 4th September, 1997 issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, the NPPA, in addition to its order S.O. No. 3013(E) & 3014(E) dated 27th December, 2012, published in the Gazette of India, extraordinary, part II, section – 3, sub-section (ii), hereby prescribes the norms below for Conversion Cost, Packing Charges, Packing Materials and Process Loss of packing materials for the purpose of the said paragraph, which shall come into force with immediate effect:


A. Conversion Cost Rs. per 500ml
-- Viaflex Container (PVC) with two ports 6.68
B. Packing Charges Rs. per 500ml
-- Viaflex Container (PVC) with two ports 1.54
C. Packing Material Rs. per 500ml
-- Viaflex Container (PVC) with two ports 19.76
D. Process Loss
Packing Material


-- Viaflex Container (PVC) with two ports 4%



F. No. 8(7)/2013/D.P./NPPA-Div.II

Deputy Director
National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority

Last Page Updated: 24-01-2019