

By Speed Post

F. No.20(3)/2013 Div-I(MIS)/ NPPA
Government of India
Department of Pharmaceuticals
National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
Ph: 23345116, 23345118 & 23345122
Fax: 23345119

5th / 3rd Floor,
YMCA Cultural Centre Building,
1, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi- 110001
Phone: 23345120/23345116/23345118/23345122
Fax: 23345119

Dated: 05.03.2013


The Companies as per List

Subject: Submission of data for pricing of NLEM-2011 drugs under National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy 2012 (NPPP-12)


The Government of India have issued Gazette Notification on 7th December, 2012 announcing the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy-2012 (NPPP-2012). As per the said policy, the prices of drugs under National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) are to be fixed by the Government, primarily based on (a) the prices at stockist level and (b) the market share of specific formulations. The details of NPPP-2012 and drugs covered under NLEM are available at official website of Department of Pharmaceuticals –

In order to fix prices of NLEM drugs, NPPA requires data relating to production, Moving Annual Turnover value (MAT value), prices at stockist level as on 31.05.2012 as per the enclosed format.

It is mentioned here that the methodology of fixing ceiling price of NLEM medicines, by adopting the Simple Average Price of all the brands having market share( on the basis of Moving Annual Turnover) more than and equal to 1% of the total market turnover of that medicine, will be as per formula mentioned in the NPPP-2012. It is therefore essential that the data furnished should be complete and correct in all respects.

Thus, it is requested that complete data/ information in respect of NLEM drugs manufactured by your company may be furnished to NPPA in the specified format in excel sheet at email The complete data / information should also be furnished in both soft and hard copy by 20th March, 2013 positively in order to carry out process of price fixation under NPPP-2012 in time.

It may kindly be noted that the submission of this data is mandatory as per extant rules and timely submission of data will be highly appreciated.


Yours faithfully


(Gur Pyari)
Director (MIS)
Tel: 23345177

Last Page Updated: 22-01-2019