


Date Particulars
01/01/2000 Message from Chairman, NPPA on the New Year Eve.
05/01/2000 Retail Prices of 32 Formulation Packs including Ceiling Prices fixed/revised.
08/01/2000 NPPA brings out Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) relating to Drug Pricing matters for information of general public.
15/02/2000 Retail Prices of 36 Formulation Packs including three ceiling prices fixed/revised.
02/03/2000 NPPA develops a simplified Questionnaire on Cost-Cum-Techno Study of Bulk Drugs. 
04/03/2000 NPPA fixes/revises Bulk Drug prices of Cloxacillin Sodium & Trimethoprim.
13/03/2000 NPPA fixes/revises Bulk Drug prices of Erythromycin Stearate/Ethyl Succinate/ Estolate.
29/03/2000 NPPA fixes/ revises prices of 82 formulations packs which include formulations of Ibuprofen, Caramezapine, Insulins etc.
20/04/2000 Consolidated list of notified prices of schedule bulk Drugs under DPCO, 1995 uploaded.
19/05/2000 Prices of three bulk drugs (PCMX, Vitamin E and Griseofulvin).
19/05/2000 NPPA’s office shifted to a new premises
22/05/2000 NPPA revises price of 22 Ceiling Prices (Betamethasone, Levodopa, Prednisolone based drugs) and 16 Non- Ceiling Pack Prices.
13/06/2000 NPPA fixes/ revises prices of 2 new packs and 34 existing packs (Pseudo Ephendirne base formulations). Down word price revision ranges from 1.89% to 79.64%.
28/06/2000 Procedures for pricing of Scheduled bulk drugs and Scheduled formulations explained under DPCO, 1995.
14/07/2000 Validity of Notification No. 578 (E) dated 13thJuly, 1999 (for CC,PC and PL) extended.
18/07/2000 NPPA has reduced the prices of five bulk drugs viz. Sulphamehoxazole, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B2-5 Phosphate, Chloroquine Phosphate and Pentazocine on 14th July, 2000.
23/07/2000 NPPA has fixed/ revised the prices of 61 medicines on 20th July, 2000. These medicines are used as Antitussives, Antiallergics, Anti-TB etc.
03/08/2000 NPPA has fixed/ revised the prices of 15 formulations on 1st August, 2000. The formulations for which prices have been revised/fixed are Anti-T.B, Antibiotic, Analgesic and Antibacterial formulations based on bulk drugs Rifampicin, Framycetin Sulphate, Pentazocine, Streptomycin Sulphate with Penicillins and Trimethoprim in combination with other anti-bacterial sulfa drugs.
04/08/2000 NPPA has revised the bulk drug price of Cloxacillin Sodium (Sterile)from Rs.4417/kg to Rs.1890/kg on 2nd August, 2000.
06/09/2000 NPPA has issued a Press Note for information of all concerned regarding vacation of stay by Hon’ble Delhi High Court in respect of some Scheduled Drugs and subsequent action taken by NPPA.
18/09/2000 NPPA has fixed/ revised the prices of Tetracycline Hydrochloride, Cefotaxime Sodium (Sterile), Cefazoline Sodium (Sterile), Cefadroxyl Monohydrate and Streptomycin Sulphate on 15th September, 2000.
29/09/2000 NPPA has fixed/ revised the prices of 38 formulation packs on 26th September, 2000. The formulations for which prices have been revised/ fixed are Amoxycillin +Cloxacillin Injections, a broad spectrum Antibiotic, Broncoril Syrup an Anti-Asthmatic, Chloroquine Phosphate based formulations used in the treatment of Malaria, Dexamethasone based formulations used in the treatment of Allergy. The revision in prices has occurred due to change in the bulk drug prices.
29/09/2000 NPPA has issued a circular to industry/trade associations for the attention of all manufacturers, importers, distributors and retail chemists indicating the areas where returns have been prescribed under DPCO, 1995 for compliance by all concern.
30/10/2000 NPPA has revised the price of the bulk drug, Famotidine from Rs.4684/ kg to Rs.3143/ kg on 28th November, 2000.
08/12/2000 NPPA has revised/ fixed the prices of 124 formulation packs on December 8, 2000. The formulations for which prices have been revised/fixed are based on the bulk drugs viz. Asprin, Pseudoephedrine, Cefadroxyl, Cefazolin, Cefatoxime, Cloxacillin Chloroquine Phosphate, and Pentazocine.


Last Page Updated: 22-08-2018