

Date Particulars
01/01/2002 Message from Chairman, NPPA on New Year Eve.
01/01/2002 From Member Secretary’s Desk
14/01/2002 NPPA advise the State Drugs Controllers that coercive actions in respect of seven bulk drugs may be kept in abeyance.
14/01/2002 NPPA has revised the price of bulk drug Pyrantel Pamoate from Rs.1148/kg to Rs.1393/kg on 11th January, 2002.
04/02/2002 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 62 formulations packs on 31st January, 2002. These include formulations based on bulk drugs Pseudoephedrine, Diosmin, Ibuprofen, Dexamethasone, Trimethoprim, Vitamins and Pheniramine Maleate etc. Please see details.
07/02/2002 NPPA has revised the price of bulk drug Rifampicin from Rs.4167/kg to Rs.4200/kg on 5th February, 2002.
21/02/2002 Government of India, Deptt. of Chemicals and Petrochemicals has announced Pharmaceutical Policy 2002 on 15th February, 2002. Please see details.
11/04/2002 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 16 formulations packs on 10th April, 2002. These include formulations based on bulk drug Pyrantel Pamoate an Insulin. Please see details.
2/05/2002 Shri B.S. Baswan has been appointed as Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India. He has relinquished the post of Chairman, NPPA on 30th April, 2002 to take up the new assignment. Shri P.K. Mishra, IAS (OR 66) has been posted in his place.
6/05/2002 Shri P. K. Mishra assumes charge as Chairman, NPPA.
24/06/2002 NPPA has fixed/revised the prices of 7 bulk drugs namely, Ranitidine HCl., Griseofulvin, Famotidine, Nalidixic Acid, BeNPPA has fixed/revised prices of 14 formulations packs on 21st June, 2002.
These include formulations based on bulk drug Methyl Prednisolone and Insulin.
16/07/2002 Validity of notification S.O. No.578(E) dated 13th July, 1999 relating to fixation of norms for CC, PC and PL has been further extended vide notification No. S.O.737(E) dated 12th July, 2002.
23/07/2002 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 3
formulation packs on 22nd July, 2002.
These include formulations based on bulk drug Ibuprofen & Paracetamol,Griseofulvin and Levodopa & Benzerazide.
8/08/2002 NPPA has revised the prices of bulk drugs
Sodium Penicillin G, Benzathine Penicillin G and Procaine Penicillin G on 6th August, 2002.
10/09/2002 NPPA has revised the prices of bulk drugs Vitamin C (Plain), Vitamin C (Coated), Sodium Ascorbate & Iodochlorohydroxyquinoline (ICHQ) on 6th September, 2002.
11/09/2002 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 24 formulations packs on 9th September, 2002.
These include formulations based on Insulin, Rifampicin, Spironolactone, Frusemide, and Vitamins.
24/09/2002 NPPA has revised the price of the scheduled bulk drug, ‘Pentazocine’ from Rs.38,498/Kg to Rs.35,512/Kg on 23rd December, 2002.
10/10/2002 NPPA sponsored a study on availability and prices of medicines in India to a NGO, namely, ‘Voluntary Organization in Interest of Consumer Education (VOICE)’. The study conducted in Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka has thrown up many findings. Full report: “A Study on Availability and Prices of Medicines in India”
24/12/2002 NPPA has revised the price of the scheduled bulk drug, ‘Pentazocine’ from Rs.38,498/Kg to Rs.35,512/Kg on 23rd December, 2002.
26/12/2002 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 70 formulations packs on 24th December, 2002. These include formulations based on bulk drugs Insulins, Penicillins, ICHQ, Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C etc.

Last Page Updated: 22-08-2018