

Date Particulars
17/01/2003 The Hon’ble Karnataka High Court at Bangalore in their orders date 12th November, 2002 in W.P.No.38973/98 (M/s Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals India Limited, Bangalore Vs Union of India and others) has given rulings about the applicability and implementation of prices fixed/ by NPPA/ Government of India
23/01/2003 NPPA issued a Press Note (dated 22.1.2003)on the subject “Misuse of exemption order (S.O.134(E) dated 2.3.95) meant for SSI units by organized sector units.”
11/02/2003 NPPA has revised the price of the scheduled bulk drug, ‘Chloroquine Phosphate’ from Rs.870/Kg to Rs.790/Kg on 11th February, 2003.
19/02/2003 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 13 formulations packs on 17th February, 2003. These include formulations based on bulk drugs Insulin, Pentazocine, Betamethasone, and Methyldopa etc.
03/04/2003 NPPA has revised the prices of the scheduled bulk drugs, ‘Prednisolone’ from Rs.59000/Kg to Rs.58520/Kg and Prednisolone Acetate’ from Rs.62000/Kg to Rs.38560/Kg on 2nd April, 2003.
03/04/2003 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 42 formulation packs on 2nd April, 2003. These include formulations based on bulk drugs Aspirin, Multivitamin, Frusemide, Erythromycin Estolate and Chloroquine Phosphate etc.
27/05/2003 NPPA has revised the prices of 22 scheduled bulk drugs on 23rd May, 2003.
29/05/2003 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 87 formulations packs on 27th May, 2003. These include formulations based on bulk drugs Cefazolin, Chlorpromazine, Dexamethasone, Gentamycin Sulphate, Levodopa & Carbidopa, Streptomycin & Penicillin, Sulphadoxine & Pyramethamine, Vitamin C, Oxytetracycline and Tetracycline etc.
09/07/2003 NPPA has revised the prices of 7 scheduled bulk drugs Frusemide, Ranitidine Hcl, Trimethoprim, Ephedrine Hcl, Pseudo-Ephedrine Hcl, Cephazoline Sodium (Sterile), and Famotidine on 7th July, 2003.
14/07/2003 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 94 formulations packs on 9th July, 2003. These include formulations based on bulk drugs Vitamin with Lactic Acid Bacillus, Vitamine E Acetate, Prednisolone, Multivitamin, Erythromycin Stearate, Erythromycin Estolate, Erythromycin Ethyl Succinate, Erythromycin Base, Cefotaxime and Aspirin etc
15/07/2003 Validity of notification S.O. No.578(E) dated 13th July, 1999 relating to fixation of norms for CC, PC and PL has been further extended vide notification No. S.O.793(E) dated 11th July, 2003.
28/07/2003 NPPA has revised the prices of 2 scheduled bulk drugs Betamethasone & its derivatives and Ibuprofen on 25th July,2003.
29/07/2003 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 32 formulations packs on 25th July, 2003. These include formulations based on bulk drugs Vitamin C, Chloroquine Phosphate, Nalidixic Acid + Metronidazole and Insulin etc.
14/08/2003 Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in its judgement dated 1st August, 2003 has set aside the judgement of Mumbai High Court dated 31st August, 2001.
14/08/2003 NPPA advises all manufacturers to comply with the Government/NPPA fixed/notified prices.
09/09/2003 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 75 formulations packs on 3rd September, 2003. These include formulations based on bulk drugs Ranitidine, Pseudoephedrine, Trimethoprim, Famotidine, Glipizide and Betacarotene with Vitamin etc.
18/09/2003 NPPA has shifted its office to a new premises on 15th September, 2003 (please click here for new address).
19/11/2003 NPPA has revised the price of scheduled bulk drug Vitamin A & its derivatives on 17th November, 2003.
21/11/2003 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 29 formulations packs on 19th November, 2003. These include formulations based on bulk drugs Aspirin, Pentoxyfylline, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Rifampicin and Ephedrine Hcl etc.
25/11/2003 NPPA has issued a general notice on 25th November, 2003 for regular submission of returns.
27/11/2003 NPPA has fixed/ revised prices of 19 formulation packs based on Ciprofloxacin on 25th November, 2003.


Last Page Updated: 22-08-2018