Name of the Formulation * Please Enter Formulation
Manufacturer/Importer Name* Please Enter Manufacturer/Importer Name
Manufacturer/Importer Address* Please Enter Manufacturer/Importer Address
Name of Marketing Company,if any: Please Enter Name of Marketing Company
Address of Marketing Company,if any: Please Enter Address of Marketing Company
Composition as per label claimed and approved by Drug Control Authorities:* Please Enter Composition as per label approved by DCA
Choose Document Catagory * Please choose Document Catagory
Upload Choosed Document*
Current valid SDC License having both the names of Manufacturing and Marketing Company *
Agreement / contract between manufacturer and marketer If Manufacture and Marketing companies are different then enter both
Any other document(s)
Permission Number Please Enter Permission Number
Permission Date* Please Enter Permission Date
Date of commencement of production/import Please Enter Date of commencement of production/import
Type of formulation * Please Enter Formulation Type such as (Tablets/ Capsules/ Syrup/ Injection/ Ointment/ Powder etc.)
Size of Packs* Please Enter Pack Size such as (10’s/ 100’s/ 1 ml/ 2 ml/ 10 ml/ 5 gms/ 10 gms etc.)
Therapeutic category/ use of the formulation * Please Enter Therapeutic Catagory
The Retail Price claimed for approval * Please Enter Retail Price claimed for approval
Reason for submission of application for price fixation/ revision * Please Enter Reason for submission of application for price fixation/ revision
Any other information relevant to product and its process of manufacturing/ packaging/distribution. * Please Enter Any other information relevant to product
Name * Please Enter Signatory Name
Name Of Company * Please Enter Signatory Company Name
Designation* Please Enter Signatory Designation
Email Id * Please Enter Signatory Email Id
Mobile No.* Please Enter Signatory Mobile No.
Place * Please Enter Signatory Place
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