


Name of the Company :
Unit :

Details regarding Installed Capacity / Achievable Capacity and Production during the Period 2006-07 and 2

Particulars Weight/tablet, Weight/ml Unit (Nos./ Packs/ Kgs./ Ltrs./ etc) Installed Achievable Production
Capacity Capacity 2006-07 2007-08
1. Manufacturing







a) Tablets (Plain)







b) Tablets (coated)







c) Tablets (I) Sustained Release







                (ii)  Delayed Release







                (iIi)  Controlled Release







d) Tablets Gelatine Coated







e) Tablets Effervacent







f) Tablets Dispersible







g) Capsules Hard







h) Capsules Soft







i) Liquids







j) Ointments & Creams







k) Ampoules







l) Sterile Liquid Vials







m) Non-sterile powder/granules







n) Sterile dry powder







o) Sterile dry powder liophylised







p) I.V. Fluids







q) Inhaler (Aerosols)







r) Any other (pl. specify)







2. Packing







a) Tablets packed in random







(for each size seperately)







b) Strips







c) Capsules packed in random







d) Liquids, Syrups, Elixirs







Suspensions, Emulsions & Malts







e) Ointments & Creams (Ordinary







& Sterile)







(for each size seperately)







f) Ampoules







(for each size seperately)







g) Liquid injections in vials







(including eye, ear and nasal














h) Sterile dry powders (including







sterile lyophilised) in vials







(for each size seperately)







I) non sterile powders and granules







(for each size seperately)







j) I.V. fluids







k) Inhaler (Aerosols)







l) Others (to be specified)







1) In case the company is having more than one Unit, the data should be given for each production unit and the company as a whole.
2) The production data of Tablets, Capsules, Ampoules etc should be indicated weight wise as per existing classification, wherever relevant.
3) The data on installed capacities and production be reconciled with data as given in the annual report for the year in a separate Annexure.
4) Production data should include production for domestic sale, export and others like job work/loan license etc.
5) Indicate the status of the unit and manufacturing practices followed as US FDS/ISO 9000/GMP/CGMP

Last Page Updated: 03-06-2019