

By Fax/ Speed Post

File No. 20(4)/2012/DP/NPPA/Div-II

Government of India

Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizer

Department of Pharmaceuticals

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority

YMCA Cultural Central Building

1, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001

Dated: 15.05.2012

The Chairman/ Managing Director





Address as per mailing list.

Subject : Study/ revision of norms for CC, PC, PL and PM for the year 2012.

Sir/ Madam,

  1. The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority has decided to revise/ fix the norms for Conversion Cost (CC), Packing Charges (PC), Process Loss (PL) and Packing Material (PM) for the year 2012 as per the provisions of DPCO’ 1995.
  2. Norms for CC, PC, PL and PM are to be based on the actual cost data and information received from various manufacturers and formulators. The questionnaire for the study finalized in consultation with the representatives of Industry Associations is available on NPPA’s website and may be downloaded from’s New) for submission of data.
  1. The information and data pertaining to your unit for the year 2010-11 is required to be furnished by 31.07.21012 and the same for the year 2011-12 by 15.10.2012 in the specified format of the questionnaire.  The soft copy  (in a CD in Excel Format) and hard copy of the reply along- with Annual Report of the company / unit for the relevant year be sent to NPPA, addressing to Shri S. V. Pratap, Dy. Director (Cost),  National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, YMCA Cultural Building, 5th Floor, 1 Jai Singh Road, New Delhi – 110001,  by speed post / registered post.
  1. In this connection, it may also be noted that considering the volume of work involved in the study it has been decided in the meeting held with industry associations in NPPA on 14.05.2012 that the time line indicated above for submission of data shall be strictly adhered to by the units and there will not be any further extension of time for furnishing the reply.

Yours faithfully,

(A. K. Saha)


Last Page Updated: 02-11-2018