

F. No. 8(6)/2006/Div. II/NPPA

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority

Chemical & Petrochemicals

Government of India

New Delhi

Subject: Press release regarding the study relating to revision of norms for CC, PC, PL & PM for the year 2008 for Indian Pharmaceutical Industry.

            As per the provision of DPCO, 1995 NPPA has to revise & fix the norms for Conversion Cost (CC), Packing Charges (PC), Process Loss (PL) and Packing Material (PM) for the year’ 2008.

  1. These norms for CC, PC, PL, & PM are to be worked out based on actual cost data / information received from various manufacturers & formulators. Two detailed questionnaire in printed form has already been sent to Pharma units and Industry Associations. Soft copies of both the questionnaire are available on the official website of NPPA i.e.
  2. The Pharma manufacturing units & companies have been requested to furnish the information / data to NPPA in a soft copy on Compact Diskette (CD) along with duly signed hard copy as also the copy of the Annual Report of the company for the last two years i.e. 2005-06 & 2006-07.
  3. The last date of submission of the aforesaid data and information was 31st January, 2008. However, NPPA has received representations from some Pharmacompanies to extend the deadline for submission of data.
  4. In view of request of the Pharma companies, it has been decided to extend the deadline for submission of data till 28.02.2008. Pharma manufacturing units and companies are requested to please furnish the required information and data by that date, i.e. before the 28th February 2008 to enable NPPA to complete the exercise and revise and fix the norms at the earliest.

(B.K. Pandey)

Director (Formulation)


Copy to:- The PIO, D/o C&PC with the request to issue the press release and to arrange wide coverage in print and electronic media.

 (B.K. Pandey)

Director (Formulation)

   Copy to: The Secretary General IDMA, OPPI, CIPI (small manufactures) for information and necessary action with the request to impress open their members to meet the aforesaid deadline of 28/02/2008 for submission of data and information. It is also requested to publish in the Association’s Journal/ Bulletin.

Director (Formulation)

Last Page Updated: 29-10-2018