


National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority


Notice to all the manufacturers to register themselves under the Integrated
Pharmaceutical Database Management System (IPDMS) for online
filing of returns in Form-II, III and V under DPCO, 2013


            Para 9 of DPCO, 2013 provides that initially, the source of market based data shall be the data available with pharmaceuticals market data specializing company – IMS-Health and if the Government deems necessary, it may validate such data by appropriate survey or evaluation.  It further provides that the Government may in due course of time come out with other appropriate mechanism of collecting / obtaining the market based data related to drugs and the decision of Government with respect to collection or obtaining of data shall be final.

             Availability of reliable database is a necessary pre-requisite for carrying out various functions such as price fixation / revision, monitoring the production / availability of scheduled formulations and monitoring of prices of medicines; and therefore, an Integrated Pharmaceutical Database Management System (IPDMS) has been launched by NPPA with the held of NIC and NICSI.  Accordingly, all the manufacturers were requested to register themselves under IPDMS for online filing of returns in Form-II, III and V under DPCO, 2013 by placing a notice on NPPA’s website on 18.09.2014.

             In view of the fact that the registeration process is open upto 30.10.2014 and only 90 companies have so far registered themselves till date (click here for details), all the manufacturers are once again requested to extend their cooperation by registering themselves with IPDMS and enable NPPA in effective and timely implementation of the various provisions of DPCO, 2013.  It may be noted that non-compliance in this regard would attract appropriate action under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955.


New Delhi, the 10th October, 2014



National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority

Last Page Updated: 11-01-2019