

NPPA has revised the prices of following bulk drugs and derivatives due to reduction in the Custom Duty and abolition of Special Additional Duty on 3rd March, 2004. The details of revised prices along with the pre-revised prices and the percentage decrease is given below:

Sl.No. Name of the bulk drug Unit Current notified price (Rs) Revised price as worked out (Rs) Percent decrease
1 Oxytetracycline Hcl Kg. 1100 1098 0.18
2 Oxytetracycline Amphoteric Kg. 1560 1556 0.26
3 Parachlorometaxylenol (PCMX) Kg. 322 294 8.70
4 Sulphamethoxazole Kg. 330 324 1.82
5 Dextropropoxyphene Hcl Kg. 3891 3748 3.68
6 Sulphamoxole Kg. 637 611 4.08
7 Iodochlorohydroxyquinoline (ICHQ) Kg. 764 728 4.71
8 Prednisolone Kg. 58520 57158 2.33
9 Prednisolone Acetate Kg. 38560 34077 11.63
10 Chloroquine Phosphate Kg. 776 729 6.06
11 Pentazocine Kg. 35199 34162 2.95
12 Procaine Pencillin G BU 1390 1368 1.58
13 Benzathine Pencillin G Kg. 2564 2500 2.50
14 Pyrantel Pamoate Kg. 1388 1370 1.30
15 Metronidazole Benzoate Kg. 401 382 4.74
16 Cefadroxyl Monohydrate Kg. 4692 4548 3.07
17 Vitamin C (Plain) Kg. 557 500 10.23
18 Vitamin C (Coated) Kg. 556 498 10.43
19 Sodium Ascorbate Kg. 607 547 9.88
20 Cefatoxime Sodium (Sterile) Kg. 9867 9033 8.45
21 Erythromycin Estolate (Ex-Fermentation) Kg. 3529 3511 0.51
22 Erythromycin Estolate (Ex-TIOC) Kg. 2604 2329 10.56
23 Erythromycin Base (Ex-Fermentation) Kg. 4837 4814 0.48
24 Erythromycin Base (Ex- TIOC) Kg. 3150 2759 12.41
25 Erythromycin Stearate Kg. 2234 1982 11.28
26 Erythromycin Ethyl Succinate Kg. 3522 3255 7.58
27 Erythromycin Propionate Kg. 3601 3211 10.83
28 Betamethasone Alcohol Gm. 230 224 2.61
29 Betamethasone Valerate Gm. 219 213 2.74
30 Betamethasone Di Sodium Phosphate Gm. 183 178 2.73
31 Ibuprofen Kg. 391 376 3.84
32 Vitamin A Pal. 1.0/1.7 MIU/Gm (1000 Gms) 1000 MIU 2452 2436 0.65
33 Vitamin A Acet. 1.0 MIU/Gm (1000 Gms) 1000 MIU 2561 2544 0.66
34 Dry Vitamin A 0.5 MIU/Gm (1000 Gms) 1000 MIU 3421 3403 0.53

The revised notified prices shall become effective within 15 days from the date of notification in the Official Gazette. All formulators utilizing these drugs in their scheduled formulations are advised to follow the provisions of DPCO, 1995.

Copy of Explanatory Note

For Copies of Notifications please click the following :

Sl. No. Name of the Bulk Drug S.O. No./ Date
(i) 34 Bulk Drugs 281(E) / 3rd March, 2004
(ii) Vitamin E Acetate 282(E) / 3rd March, 2004


(Dr. P.V. Appaji)
Director (M&S)

Last Page Updated: 05-06-2019