


Dated : 9th March, 2004

The NPPA has revised/ fixed the prices of 97 formulation packs on 4th March, 2004. Out of 97 formulation packs, ceiling prices have been fixed in respect of 77 packs. The formulations for which ceiling prices have been fixed/ revised include products based on bulk drugs like Glipizide, Spironolactone, Carbamazepine, Doxycycline and Vitamins. The prices of 20 non-ceiling packs based on the bulk drug, viz. Insulin, Vitamins, Cefotaxime, Sulbactum, Aspirin and PCMX have also been fixed by the NPPA. While fixing these prices, NPPA has also considered the additional packing material cost wherever applied, towards hologram labeling/ ROPP caps for prevention of spurious drugs.

The prices have been fixed/ revised in accordance with the provisions of the DPCO, 1995. The prices fixed/revised would become effective within 15 days and the manufacturers are required to issue the supplementary price list in Form-V to NPPA, State Drugs Controllers and Dealers.

For details please click the following:

  1. Copy of Explanatory Note
  2. Copy of Statement (for details of existing and revised prices).
  3. Copies of Gazette Notifications for Ceiling Prices
S.No S.O.No Date Formulation
i. 291(E) 4-3-2004 Glipizide Beta Cyclodextrine Complex Tablets/ Metformin Hydrochloride +Glipizide in Beta Cyclodextrine Tablets
ii. 292(E) 4-3-2004 Spironolactone Tablets/ Spironolactone + Frusemide Tablets
iii. 293(E) 4-3-2004 Carbamazepine Chewable Tablets/Carbamazepine Tablets/ Plain/ Dispersible Tablets/ Syrup/ SR/ CR/DR/ Retard Tablets
iv. 294(E) 4-3-2004 Carbamazepine SR/ CR/ DR/Retard Tablets
v. 295(E) 4-3-2004 Doxycycline Hcl Capsules
vi. 296(E) 4-3-2004 Doxycycline Monohydrate Tablets
vii. 297(E) 4-3-2004 Doxycycline Monohydrate Tablets
viii. 298(E) 4-3-2004 Doxycycline HCl Capsules
ix. 299(E) 4-3-2004 Doxycycline Hcl CR/ DR/ Capsules/Doxycycline Monohydrate DT Tablets/ Dry Syrup/ Drops/
x. 300(E) 4-3-2004 Betacarotene+Vitamin Tablets
xi. 301(E) 4-3-2004 Vitamin Capsules/ Tablet/ Injection
xii. 302(E) 4-3-2004 Haematinic Iron Comb. Drops/Tonics/ Liquids
xiii. 303(E) 4-3-2004 Multivitamin Syrups


  1. Copies of Non Ceiling Price Orders
Sl. No. Company Name Product Name/No. of Pack(s)
(i) M/s. CADILA PHARMA (PVT.) LTD. Mixulin HPI 30/70-40iu/ml Injection(1 pack)
(ii) M/s. EAST INDIA PHARMA WORKS LTD. Calron Syrup (2 packs)
Encephabol 200 mg Tablet(1 pack)
Encephabol Suspension(1 pack)
(iii) M/s.IPCA LABS LTD. Sultax Injection (2 packs)
(iv) M/s.PIOUS PARMACEUTICALS LTD. Hangoverz Effervescent Tablet (1pack)
(v) M/s. Reckitt Benckiser (India) Ltd. Disprin Tablet (1 pack)/ Colosprin Tablet (1 pack)/ Dettol Antiseptic Liquids (12 packs)

(Dr. P.V. Appaji)

Last Page Updated: 05-06-2019