

F.NO. 35011/1/2008-Admn.(NPPA)

Government of India

Ministry of Chemcials and Fertilizers

Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority

Date : 12th June,2008

Internal Guidelines No. 4
Subject :       Internal Guidelines for Grant of Incentive to Informer in respect of Online Complaints
  1. Applicability of Guidelines

These guidelines will be applicable for grant of incentive to informers in respect of case(s) where complaints  / information filed online in prescribed computerized format of NPPA in the system which result in actionable claim / recovery of overcharging or action on complaints of sale without price approval under the provisions of DPCO,1995.

  1. The Online Complaint Submission and Redressal System (CSRS)

            The online Complaint Submission and Redressal System (CSRS) is a web- enabled system develop by NIC in consultation with NPPA with the objective of speedy redressal and an effective & efficient monitoring of complaints relating to overcharging in prices of scheduled formulations and sale of scheduled formulations without price approval of NPPA.

In pursuance of the Government’s objective of an accountable, transparent and citizen-friendly government, it has been decided by NPPA to establish a speedy and an effective complaint redress machinery.  The objective is to disseminate information on availability and the notified prices of Scheduled Drugs & Formulations and to create consumer awareness and facilitate speedy Complaint Redressal on :

  • Overcharging in prices of Scheduled Formulations
  • Sale of Scheduled Formulations without prior price approval of NPPA.

Action on any complaint received through this system with the complete information, as required, will be initiated within 30 days by NPPA.

  1. Operation of Incentive Scheme

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority will operate the following scheme of grant of incentive for online complaint in aforesaid cases.

  1. Eligibility and Quantum of Incentive


  1. a)Eligibility – The guidelines shall be applicable to all Indian Nationals except the officers and staff working in National Pharmaceutical Authority and their relatives.
  1. b)Check list to be prepared by the Division dealing with the complaint will be pre audited and certified for payment for incentive by Legal Division.


  1. c)Quantum of Incentive – The complainant will be given an incentive of Rs. 1000/- ( Rupees One Thousand Only ) per case, in respect of case(s) where online complaint  / information in prescribed format of NPPA in the system for this purpose given by him has resulted in actionable claim / recovery of overcharging or action for sale of scheduled formulation without price approval under the provisions of DPCO,1995.
  1. d)If more than one person has furnished the information, which has led to recovery of the overcharged amount, the incentive will be shared equally among the informers.  In case of any dispute in this matter, the decision of Member Secretary, NPPA shall be binding and final.
  1. e)The monetory incentive will be remitted by cheque to the informer at the address mentioned in the complaint.
  1. f)In case of such formulation in respect of which the complaint / information on overcharging has been furnished but action has already been initiated by NPPA as per the official records of NPPA , no incentive will be payable by NPPA to such complainant.

(L.M. Kaushal)


Last Page Updated: 27-10-2018