

Dated : 9th August, 2007

Press release regarding separate price fixation of Salbutamol CFC Free Inhaler (200 meter doses pack) as distinct from Salbutamol Inhaler with CFC propellant. 


National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers
Government of India
New Delhi

5th Floor, YMCA Cultural Center Building,
1, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110 001

Dated : 8th August, 2007

Sub. : Press release regarding separate price fixation of Salbutamol CFC Free Inhaler (200 meter doses pack) as distinct from Salbutamol Inhaler with CFC propellant.

It has come to the notice of the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), Government of India that the fixation of a separate price for Salbutamol CFC Free Inhalers has resulted in a misgiving that the price of all Salbutamol Inhalers has been revised.

2. To dispel this misgiving, it is clarified that since the State Drug Controller of Goa (vide license No.563 dated 25.01.2007) has issued a license to a drug manufacturer to manufacture CFC Free Inhalers, based on an application, National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority has fixed a separate price for Salbutamol CFC Free Inhaler (200 meter doses pack). The price notified vide S.O. No.884(E) dated 05.06.2007 for such CFC (Chloro fluro Carbon free propellent) free inhaler (200 meter doses pack) is Rs. 120.74. This has been done in line with the phasing out of CFC gases as per the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone layer, of which India is also a signatory.

3. It is to be noted that the ceiling price of Salbutamol Inhaler of Rs.68.50 notified vide S.O. No.1113 (E) dated 16.11.99 is still valid and applicable to Salbutamol Inhalers with CFC propellant and there has not been any revision of its price by NPPA.

4. The price of all inhalers including those of (i) Salbutamol Inhalers with CFC propellant, and (ii) Salbutamol CFC Free Inhaler is available on our website

For any further clarification please contact NPPA or your State Drug Controller.


Director (Formulation)

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