

(Published in Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) of

the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, dated the 27th September, 2007)

Government of India

Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority

New Delhi, the 27th September, 2007


S.O. 1636(E)- In exercise of the powers, conferred by sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) of paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995, read with No. S.O. 637 (E) dated the 4th September, 1997 issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, hereby fixes the prices as specified in column (5) of the table below as ceiling prices exclusive of excise duty and local tax, if any, and in column (6) of the table below as Equivalent MRP inclusive of excise duty and education cess, sales tax/VAT of each of the Scheduled formulations specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) of the said Table with the strength and pack size specified respectively in the corresponding entries in columns (3) and (4) thereof:



Sl. No. Name of the Formulation Strength Pack Size Ceiling Price (Rs.) Equivalent MRP*(inclusive of all taxes)(Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)



Each gm contains




1 Betamethasone       Dipropionate+  Neomycin Sulphate     Ointment Betamethasone   Dipropionate Eq. to       Betamethasone 0.05% w/w   Neomycin Sulphate IP 0.5% w/w  20gm   Tube 9.72 11.21
2 Betamethasone       Dipropionate+     Miconazole Nitrate      Ointment Betamethasone   Dipropionate Eq. to       Betamethasone 0.05% w/w    Miconazole Nitrate 2.0 % w/w  20gm   Tube 10.50 12.11
3  Betamethasone         Dipropionate+Gentamycin   Sulphate+   Miconazole Nitrat         Ointment Betamethasone      Dipropionate Eq. to       Betamethasone 0.05% w/wGentamycin Sulphate eq. to  Gentamycin 0.1% w/wMiconazole Nitrate 2.0 % w/w  20gm   Tube 10.72 12.36



   Each gm contains




4  Betamethasone+     Chlorocresol  Ointment    Betamethasone0.0125%    Chlorocresol 0.10%    17gm       Tube 7.44 8.58
5 Betamethasone+    Salisylic Acid+     Urea+ Lactic Acid+    Sodium Lactate   Ointment Betamethasone0.05%  Salisylic Acid 3.00%        Urea 10.00% w/w   Lactic Acid 3.00% w/wSodium Lactate 2.0% w/w        16gm Tube 9.42 10.86
6  Betamethasone+  Gentamycin +      Chlorocresol      Ointment   Betamethasone0.05%    Gentamycin 0.10% Chlorocresol 0.10%    17gm       Tube 9.56 11.03
7  Betamethasone+  +      Chlorocresol    Clotrimaxole +    Ointment   Betamethasone0.05%w/v    Clotrimaxole 1.00%w/v   Chlorocresol 0.10% 8gmTube 6.26 7.22
8  Betamethasone+        Neomycin Sulphate +     Tolnaftate+         Clotrimaxole+     Chlorocresol      Ointment Betamethasone0.05% Neomycin Sulphate – 0.5%    Tolnaftate – 1.0%    Clotrimaxole 1.00%     Chlorocresol – 0.1%   7gm Tube 6.68 7.71
9  Betamethasone+        Neomycin Sulphate +     Miconazole Nitrate         Clotrimaxole+     Chlorocresol      Ointment  Betamethasone     Dipropionate-0.025% to 0.05%   Neomycin Sulphate – 0.50%  Miconazole Nitrate – 2.00% Chlorocresol – 0.1%   10gm  Tube 6.80 7.84
10 Betamethasone+       Gentamycin    Sulphate+         Clotrimazole Cream     Betamethasone -w/w  0.05%Gentamycin Sulphate-0.1%w/w     Clotrimazole – 1.0 % w/w   17gm  Tube 9.70 11.19
11 Betamethasone+       Gentamycin    Sulphate+         Clotrimazole Cream     Betamethasone -w/w  0.05%Gentamycin Sulphate-0.1%w/w     Clotrimazole – 1.0 % w/w   8gm  Tube 6.32 7.29



Each ml contains




12 Betamethasone +         Clotrimaxole Lotion     Betamethasone0.05%w/vClotrimaxole 1.00%w/v   16ml         Container 10.24 11.81


*Subject to actual payment of Government levies/taxes, as applicable.


Note :

(a)        The prices fixed are the maximum retail prices in column (6) (inclusive of excise duty and local taxes if any) for the specified pack and packs of similar strength, and companies cannot claim exemption on any ground therefrom, unless specifically permitted by the Government/NPPA through an order.

(b)        The companies / manufacturers may added taxes only if they have paid actually to the Government on the price mentioned in the column (5).  If there is any variation in the MRP (inclusive of the taxes), the same may be intimated to the NPPA in the Form-V of DPCO, 1995.

(c)        Pro-rata pricing for packs of same composition but of different sizes will be applicable vide S.O. No. 83(E) dated 27.1.1998 for tablet and capsule packed in strip/blister.

(d)        For different packing material used or any special feature claimed, companies are required to approach NPPA for approval/fixation of specific prices.

(e)        The manufacturer and marketing company for the above said formulation shall be required to take the requisite prior approval from the competent Authority for any change in the composition of the above said formulation with written prior intimation to the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority.

(f)         Consequent to the issue of ceiling price of the formulation pack(s) in this notification, the following price order(s) issued prior to this date of notification stand automatically withdrawn :


      Sl.No.  Price Order No.   Date




.and any other price order(s) issued earlier for the composition of the formulation pack for which ceiling price is notified in this notification.


F. No. 8(6)/2007/D.P./NPPA-Div.-II

                                                                                                                       (A. K. PAL)

                                                                                                                     Deputy Director

Last Page Updated: 01-06-2019