

(Published in Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) of

the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, dated the 1st October, 2008)

Government of India

Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority

New Delhi, the 1st October, 2008


S.O. 2351(E)- In exercise of the powers, conferred by sub-paragraph (1)/(2)/(4) of paragraph 8 of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995, read with No. S.O. 637 (E) dated the 4th September, 1997 issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, hereby fixes/revises the prices as specified in column (5) of the table hereto annexed as the retail price/revised retail price, exclusive of excise duty, Sales Taxes/VAT and local taxes, if any, and in column (6) as equivalent MRP inclusive of excise duty, education cess, Sales Tax/VAT in relation to each of the formulation specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) of the said table with the pack size specified in the corresponding entries in column (3) thereof; manufactured/imported by M/s. Pfizer Products India Pvt. Ltd.



Sl.  No. Name of the    formulation  Pack  Size Existing     Retail  Price    Excise (Rs.)   Retail Price   without     Excise  Duty  Sales Tax /VAT     and Local Tax, if any (Rs.) Equivalent MRP*  inclusive  of all taxes (Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1 Depo – Medrol Injection Each Vial contains  Methyl Prednisolone Acetate  40 mg      Batch No. / Lot No. R02820 / Qty. 166260 Vials imported

Batch No. R04612 /Qty. 203666 Vials imported  Batch No. R03726/Qty. 62288 Vials imported

1mlVial 49.37 52.20 54.29
2 Depo – Medrol Injection

  Each Vial contains  Methyl Prednisolone Acetate  80 mg  Batch No. / Lot No. R03732 / Qty. 160038 Vial Batch No. R05137/ Qty. 65864 Vials importedBatch No. R05138 / Qty. 60239 Vials importedBatch No. R04621/ Qty. 63173Vials imported

2mlVial 74.12 77.41 80.51
3 Medrol Tablets    Each tablet contains

Methyl Prednisolone –  4 mg  Batch No. / Lot No. H379C / Qty. 16384 Strip Batch No. / Lot No. H605A/ Qty. 33208 Strip  Batch No. H606A / Qty. 33400 Strip

       10×10’s  Strip/Blister  299.78 312.39 324.89
4 Medrol Tablet  Each tablet contains

 Methyl Prednisolone –  16 mg Batch No. H611A / Qty. 32400 Strip importedBatch No. H611A / Qty. 32400 Strip imported Batch No. H611A / Qty. 35040 Strip imported Batch No. H426A / Qty. 50580 Strip imported Batch No. H426A / Qty. 51840 Strip imported

 14’s    Strip/Blister 131.96 137.52 143.02
5 Solo Medrol AOV 40 mg Injection    Each Vials contains    Methyl Prednisolone Sodium Succinate –  40 mg Batch No. / Lot No. R03325/ Qty. 97200 Vials 1mlVial 122.98 128.86 134.01
6 Solu-Medrol AOVInjection    Each Vials contains

 Methyl Prednisolone Sodium Succinate – 125mg

Batch No. R03058/ Qty. 73428 Vials  Batch No. R04320/ Qty. 59387 Vials

2mlVial 233.94 246.02 255.86


*Subject to actual payment of Government levies/taxes, as applicable.

Note :

(a)        The prices fixed are the maximum retail prices in column no. (6) (inclusive of excise duty, sales tax/VAT and local taxes if any) for the specified pack and packs of similar strength, and companies cannot claim exemption on any ground therefrom, unless specifically permitted by the Government/NPPA through an order.

(b)        The companies / manufacturers may added taxes only if they have paid actually to the Government on the price mentioned in the column (5).  If there is any variation in the MRP (inclusive of the taxes), the same may be intimated to the NPPA in the Form-V of DPCO, 1995.

(c)        For different packing material used or any special feature claimed, companies are required to approach NPPA for approval/fixation of specific prices.

(d)        The manufacturer and marketing company for the above said formulation shall be required to take the requisite prior approval from the competent Authority for any change in the composition of the above said formulation with written prior intimation to the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority.

(e)        These prices/revised prices shall be made effective within 15 days of receipt of this order as required under sub para 14(1) of DPCO, 1995. The necessary price-list should also be issued as required under sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 14 of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995.

 (f)        These prices fixed/notified hereinabove under the provisions of DPCO, 1995 have to be mandatorily implemented by the manufacturing/marketing company notwithstanding its status of compliance of conditions for such formulation pack under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.


                         F. No. 8(13)/2008/D.P./NPPA-Div.-II

                                                                                                              (RAJIV WADHAWAN)

                                                                                                                     Deputy Director

Last Page Updated: 01-06-2019