

(Published in Part II, Section 3, Sub Section (ii) of the
Gazette of India Extraordinary, dated the 27th November, 2008)

Government of India
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
(National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority)

                                                                New Delhi, the 27th November, 2008


S.O.2769(E)  – In exercise of the powers, conferred by sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) of paragraph 9 and paragraph 11 of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995, read with No. S.O. 637 (E) dated the 4th September, 1997 issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, hereby fixes the prices as specified in column (5) of the table below as ceiling prices exclusive of excise duty and local tax, if any, and in column (6) of the table below as Equivalent MRP inclusive of excise duty and education cess, sales tax/VAT of each of the Scheduled formulations specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) of the said Table with the strength and pack size specified respectively in the corresponding entries in columns (3) and (4) thereof:


Sl. No. Name of the Formulation Strength Pack Size Ceiling Price (Rs.) Equivalent MRP*(inclusive of all taxes)(Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Each capsule contains


1 Multivitamin Capsule Vitamin A- 5000 IU
Vitamin B1 – 5 mg
Vitamin B2 – 5 mg
Vitamin B6 – 2 mg
Vitamin B12 – 5 mcg
Vitamin C – 75 mg
Vitamin D3 – 400 IU
Vitamin E – 15 mg
Nicotinamide – 50 mg
Calcium D Panthonate – 5 mg
Folic Acid – 1 mg
Copper Sulphate eq. to Copper – 0.5 mg
Potassium Sulphate eq. to potassium – 2 mg
Maganese Sulphate Monohydrate
eq. to Maganese – 0.5 mg
Magnesium Sulphate eq. to Magnesium – 3 mg
Zinc Sulphate eq. to Zinc – 10 mg
Calcium Dibasic Phosphate eq. to Calcium – 75 mg
Phosphorus – 58 mg
Potassium Iodate eq. to Iodine – 0.1 mg
10’s Strip/Blister 6.18 6.80
2 Multivitamin Capsule Carbonyl Iron eq. to
Elemental Iron- 100 mg
Folic Acid – 1.5 mg
Vitamin B12 – 15 mcg
Vitamin C – 75 mg
Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate- 61.8 mg
10’s Strip/Blister 14.30 15.74
3 Multivitamin Capsule Vitamin A(Acetate) – 8000 IU
Alpha Lipoic Acid – 50 mg
Alfa Calcidol – 0.010 mcg
Vitamin E (Acetate) – 15 IU
Vitamin B1 – 5 mg, Vitamin B2 – 5 mg
Vitamin B3 – 45 mg, Vitamin B5 – 5 mg
Vitamin B6 – 2 mg, Vitamin C – 25 mg
Folic acid – 1 mg, Zinc Sulphate eq to zinc – 50 mg
Sodium selenate eq to selenium – 40 mcg
Copper Sulphate-0.1mg, Manganese Sulpahte-0.01mg
Pottasium Iodide-0.025mg, Magnesium Oxide-0.15mg
10’s Strip/Blister 7.64 8.41
4 Multivitamin Capsule Natural Mixed Carotenoids – 2500 IU
Vitamin C – 100 mg
Vitamin B6 – 10 mg, Folic Acid – 1.5 mg
Vitamin E – 25 IU, Lycopene 6% – 8000 mcg
Methylcobalamin – 1500 mcg
Chromium Picolinate – 65 mcg
Selenium – 60 mcg
10’s Strip/Blister 11.64 12.81
5 Multivitamin Capsule L- Arginine HCl -13.28mg
L- Histidine HCl H2O-3.71mg
L- Isoleucine – 5.9mg
L- Lysine HCl – 25mg
DL- Methionine – 18.4mg
L- Phenyl Alanine – 5mg
L- Threonine – 4.2mg, L- Tryptophan – 5mg
L – Valine – 6.7mg
5-Hydroxy Anthranilic acid hcl – 0.2mg
Vitamin A concentrate (powder form) – 2500 IU
Cholcalciferol-200IU, Tocopheryl Acetate – 7.5mg
Thiamine Mononitrate – 5mg, Riboflavine – 3mg
Thiamine Mononitrate – 5mg, Riboflavine – 3mg
Nicotinamide – 25mg, Calcium Pantothenate – 5mg
Pyridoxine hcl – 1.5mg, Cyanocobalamin – 2.5mcg
Ascorbic acid – 40mg, Folic acid – 0.75mg
Zinc Sulphate – 50mg
10’s Strip/Blister 7.60 8.37
6 Multivitamin Capsule Mecobalamin – 1500 mcg
Biotin – 5 mg
Pyriodoxine Hcl – 5 mg
Thiamine HCl – 15 mg
Folic Acid – 5 mg
Alpha Lipoic Acid – 200 mg
10’s Strip/Blister 16.92 18.63
7 Multivitamin Capsule Green Tea Extrat eq. to
Lactobacillus sporogenes 500 Lacs
Citrus Bioflavonoids (8mg of Bioflavonoids)-20mg
Chloine Bitratrate -25mg, Betacarotene-0.4mg
Vitamin A (as acetate)-1600 IU, Vitamin D3 – 200 IU,
Vitamin E Acetate – 7.5mg
Menadione Sodium Bisulphite (Vitamin K) – 10mcg
Thiamine Mononitrate 2mg, Riboflavin-2mg,
Pyridoxine HCl-1mg, Niacinamide -20mg,
Vitamin C-50mg, Vitamin B12 – 1mcg
Folic acid – 150 mcg, Calcium Pantothenate – 5mg, Biotin -100mcg
Dibasic Calcium Phosphate eq. to
elemental Calcium – 50mg and Elemental Phosphorous 38.66mg
Ferrous Fumerate – 30mg, Zinc Oxide eq. to elemental zinc -15mg
Potassium Iodide eq. to elemental Iodine-150mcg
Magnesium Oxide eq. to elemental magnesium-30mg
Maganese Sulphate eq. to elemental Maganese-1.5mg
Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate eq. to elemental Copper-0.5mg
Chromium Picolinate eq. to elemental choromium -65mcg
Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate eq. to elemental Molybdenum -25mcg
Sodium Selenite eq. to elemental Selenium-20mcg
Potassium Chloride eq. to elemental
Potassium-4mg and Elemental Chloride-3.6mg
Sodium Borate eq. to elemental Boron-150mcg
Colloidal Silicon Dioxide eq. to elemental Silicon-2mg
Nickel Sulphate eq. to elemental Nickel-5mcg
Stannous Chloride Dihydrate eq. to elemental Tin-10mcg
Sodium Metavanadate eq. to elemental Vanadium-10mcg
10’s Strip/Blister 7.82 8.61
8 Multivitamin Capsule L- Arginine Hcl – 13.28 mg
L-Histidine Hcl H2O-3.71mg
L-Isoleucine-5.9mg, L-leucine-18.3mg
L- lysine Hcl – 25 mg, DL- Methionine – 18.4mg
L- Phenyl alanine – 5mg, L- Threonine – 4.2mg
L- Tryptophan – 5mg, L – Valine – 6.7mg
5-Hydroxy Anthranilic acid hcl – 0.2mg
Vitamin A (as Vit A concentrate powder form) – 2500 IU
Cholecalciferol – 200 IU, Tocopheryl Acetate – 7.5 mg
Thiamine Mononitrate – 5 mg, Riboflavine – 3 mg,
Nicotinamide – 25 mg, Calcium Pantothenate – 5 mg
Pyridoxine hcl – 1.5 mg, Methylcobalamine – 500 mcg,
Ascorbic acid – 40 mg, Biotin – 30 mcg
Folic acid – 0.75 mg, Copper Sulphate – 4 mg
Ferrous Sulphate – 20.5 mg, Magnesium Sulphate – 7.43 mg
Manganese Sulphate – 1.4 mg, Potassium Iodide – 0.1 mg
Sodium Selenite – 10 mcg, Zinc sulphate – 15 mg
Chromium Polynicotinate – 200 mcg
10’s Strip/Blister 9.94 10.94


Each soft geletin capsule contains


9 Multivitamin Capsule Lycopene 10% – 2000 mcg
Vitamin A IP – 2500 IU
Vitamin C IP – 50 mg
Sodium Selenate eq. to
elemental Selenium – 70 mcg
Vitamin E IP – 10 IU
Zinc Sulphate – 27.45 mg
Methylcobalamin – 500 mcg
Vitamin B1 IP – 10 mg
Vitamin B2 IP – 10 mg
Vitamin B6 IP – 3 mg
10’s Strip/Blister 6.80 7.49
10 Multivitamin Capsule Pyridoxine HCl (Vit B6)-1.5 mg
Niacinamide-15 mg
Cynacobalamin – 0.5 mcg
Folic Acid – 300 mcg
Calcium D Pantothenate – 3 mg
Biotin – 30mcg
Beta Carotene 30% dispersion – 5 mg
Zinc (as Zinc Sulphate) – 7.5 mg
Selenium (as Sodium Selenate) – 30 mcg
Copper (as copper Sulphate) – 2.5 mg
Chromium (as Chromium Chloride) – 65 mcg
Manganese (as Manganese Chloride) -1.4 mg
Choline Bitartrate – 10 mg
Molybdenum (as Sodium Molybdate ) – 25 mcg
10’s Strip/Blister 6.24 6.87


Each film coated tablet contains


11 Multivitamin Tablets Sodium feredetate -231 mg
Zinc Sulphate Mono Hydrate-50 mg
L – lysine HCL – 25 mg
Vitamin B1 – 5 mg
Vitamin B2 – 3 mg
Folic Acid – 0.5 mg
Vitamin C – 40 mg
10’s Strip/Blister 4.50 4.95
12 Multivitamin Tablets Carotenoids & micronutrients
from Carrots – 100 mg
(eq. to 100 mcg of Carotenoids)calculated
as Betacarotene 7.5% dispersions) – 40 mg Natural Carotenoids
Vitamin C – 150 mg
Vitamin E Acetate – 25 mg
Zinc Sulphate – 70 mg (eq. to 15.9 mcg of Zinc)
Selenium dioxide eq. to 45.9 mcg of selenium – 75 mcg
10’s Strip/Blister 11.48 12.64
13 Multivitamin Tablets Vitamin A concentrate (Powder Form)-2500IU
Thiamine Mononitrate – 1mg
Vitamin B2 – 1.5mg, Vitamin B6-1mg
Stablized Vitamin B12 eq. to Vitamin B12-1mcg
Coated Vitamin C eq. to Vitamin C -50mg
Stablized Vitamin D3 eq. to Vitamin D3-200IU
Alpha Tocopheryl concentrate (powder Form) eq. to
Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate -7.5mg
Calcium Pantothenate -5mcg
Folic Acid-0.15mg, Nicotinamide – 20mg
Biotin-30mcg, Lycopene -300mcg
Vitamin K (added as 5% solid dispersion) eq. to
Phytonadione-10mcg , Zinc Oxide eq. to zinc -15mg
Potassium Iodine eq. to Iodine – 0.15mg
Ferrous Fumerate eq. to Iron – 10mg
Light Magnesium Oxide eq. to Magnesium -100mg
Manganese Sulphate eq. to Manganese-2.5mg
Cupric Oxide eq. to Copper-2mg
Dibasic Calcium Phosphate (anhydrous) eq. to Calcium -162mg
Phosphorus-125mg , Stannous Chloride eq. to Tin – 10mcg
Potassium Chloride eq. to Potassium-40mg , Chloride -36.3mg
Chronic Chloride eq. to Chromium -25mcg
Sodium Molybdate eq. to Molybdenum- 25mcg
Sodium Selenate eq. to Selenium – 30mcg Etc… Nickel Sulphate
10’s Strip/Blister 7.32 8.06


Each ml contains


14 Multivitamin Injections Thiamine HCl -50 mg
Pyridoxine HCl-50mg
Cyanocobalamin- 500 mcg
Benzyl Alcohol – 1.5 % v/v
30ml Glass Vial with Flip-Off-Seal & Carton 28.88 31.79

*Subject to actual payment of Government levies/taxes, as applicable.


(a)        The prices fixed are the maximum retail prices in column (6) (inclusive of excise duty and local taxes if any) for the specified pack and packs of similar strength, and companies cannot claim exemption on any ground therefrom, unless specifically permitted by the Government/NPPA through an order.

(b)        The companies / manufacturers may added taxes only if they have paid actually to the Government on the price mentioned in the column (5). If there is any variation in the MRP (inclusive of the taxes), the same may be intimated to the NPPA in the Form-V of DPCO, 1995.

(c)        Pro-rata pricing for packs of same composition but of different sizes will be applicable vide S.O. No. 83(E) dated 27.1.1998 for tablet and capsule packed in strip/blister.

(d)        For different packing material used or any special feature claimed, companies are required to approach NPPA for approval/fixation of specific prices.

(e)        The prices fixed/notified hereinabove under the provisions of DPCO, 1995 have to be mandatorily implemented by the manufacturing /marketing company notwithstanding its status of compliance of conditions for such formulation pack under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.

(f)        The manufacturer and marketing company for the above said formulation shall be required to take the requisite prior approval from the competent Authority for any change in the composition of the above said formulation with written prior intimation to the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority.

(g)        The ceiling price arrived on the basis of above shall not exceed the MRP by multiplying the ceiling price by a factor of 1.1009 as per the existing rates of excise duty and VAT.

(h)        The MRP arrived as above shall be subject to payment of Government levies / taxes as applicable and necessary adjustment in the factor of 1.1009 shall necessarily be required to be made by the manufacturer/marketing company, whenever the existing rate of excise duty and/or VAT undergoes a change, subject to the condition that the excise duty and/or VAT so calculated shall in no case exceed the actual excise duty and/or VAT paid by the manufacturer/marketing company or as applicable as per the factor of 1.1009. The manufacturer/marketing company shall be specifically liable to ensure the compliance of this condition.

(i)        Any other formulation / composition not covered in the above table that has any one of the scheduled drugs in Column No. (3) as one of its ingredients, it shall be subject to the price ceiling at respective serial number of the table, as the case may be, unless the manufacturer has got hereafter specific price fixed by the NPPA for that formulation.

(j)        Consequent to the issue of ceiling price of the formulation pack(s) in this notification, the following price order(s) issued prior to this date of notification stand automatically withdrawn :

Sl.No. Price Order No. Date
. -- --

.and any other price order(s) issued earlier for the composition of the formulation pack for which ceiling price is notified in this notification.


F.No. 8(14)/2008/D.P./NPPA-Div.II

Deputy Director
National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority


Last Page Updated: 01-06-2019