

(Published in Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) of the Gazette of India, Extraordinary)

Government of India

Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers

Department of Pharmaceuticals

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority

New Delhi, the 26th February, 2015


S.O. 619(E)- In exercise of the powers, conferred by paragraph 4, 6, 10, 11, 14 and 16 of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013, read with S.O. No. 1394(E) dated the 30th May, 2013 issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, and in supersession of the Order of the Government of India in the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers (National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority) S.O. Number given in specified column no. 6 & 7 mentioned in the below, hereby fixes the prices as specified in column (5) of the table herein below as ceiling prices exclusive of local tax applicable, if any in respect of the Scheduled formulations specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) of the said Table with the strength and unit specified respectively in the corresponding entries in columns (3) and (4) thereof:

Table : Prive Revision as per Annual Wholesale Price Index (WPI)

Sr. No. Name of the Schedule Formulation Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) w.e.f 1.4.2015 S.O. No. Date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 25% Dextrose Injection 100 ml 1 ml 0.18 1156(E) 28.04.2014
2 5- Fluorouracil Injection 250mg/ 5 ml 1 ml 2.30 1156(E) 28.04.2014
3 5-Amino salicylic Acid (5-ASA) Tablets 400mg 1 Tablet 9.49 1156(E) 28.04.2014
4 Acetazolamide Tablets 250 mg 1 Tablet 4.07 1156(E) 28.04.2014
5 Acetyl Salicylic Acid Tablet 75mg soluble/ dispersible 1 Tablet 0.29 2095(E) 20.08.2014
6 Acetyl Salicylic Acid Tablet 100mg 1 Tablet 0.15 2360(E) 15.09.2014
7 Acetyl Salicylic Acid Tablet 325mg 1 Tablet 0.46 2360(E) 15.09.2014
8 Actinomycin D Injection 0.5mg 1 Injection 584.65 1781(E) 10.07.2014
9 Acyclovir Cream 5% 1 gm 9.80 1156(E) 28.04.2014
10 Acyclovir Injection 250 mg/pack Each Pack 507.96 1156(E) 28.04.2014
11 Acyclovir Injection 500 mg/pack Each Pack 478.98 1156(E) 28.04.2014
12 Acyclovir Suspension 400 mg / 5 ml 1 ml 1.45 1156(E) 28.04.2014
13 Acyclovir Tablets 200 mg 1 Tablet 8.06 1156(E) 28.04.2014
14 Acyclovir Tablets 400 mg 1 Tablet 12.86 1156(E) 28.04.2014
15 Adenosine Injection 3 mg/ml 1 ml 126.48 1156(E) 28.04.2014
16 Adrenaline Bitartrate Injection 1 mg / ml 1 ml 41.11 1156(E) 28.04.2014
17 Albendazole Suspension 200 mg/ 5 ml 1 ml 1.63 1156(E) 28.04.2014
18 Albendazole Tablets 400mg 1 Tablet 10.30 1790(E) 10.07.2014
19 Albumin Injection 20% 1 ml 40.48 1156(E) 28.04.2014
20 Allopurinol Tablets 100 mg 1 Tablet 2.31 1156(E) 28.04.2014
21 Alpha Interferon Injection 3 million IU Each pack 838.80 1156(E) 28.04.2014
22 Alprazolam Tablets 0.25 mg 1 Tablet 1.06 1156(E) 28.04.2014
23 Alprazolam Tablets 0.5 mg 1 Tablet 2.22 1156(E) 28.04.2014
24 Aluminum Hydroxide + Magnesium
Hydroxide Suspension
1 ml 0.25 2348(E) 15.09.2014
25 Aluminum Hydroxide + Magnesium
Hydroxide Tablet
1 Tablet 0.51 2355(E) 15.09.2014
26 Amikacin Injection 250 mg / 2 ml 1 ml 15.41 1156(E) 28.04.2014
27 Amiodarone Injection 50 mg/ml 1 ml 22.92 1156(E) 28.04.2014
28 Amiodarone Tablets 100 mg 1 Tablet 7.20 1156(E) 28.04.2014
29 Amiodarone Tablets 200 mg 1 Tablet 12.89 1156(E) 28.04.2014
30 Amitriptyline Tablets 25 mg 1 Tablet 2.34 1156(E) 28.04.2014
31 Amlodipine Tablets 2.5 mg 1 Tablet 1.97 1156(E) 28.04.2014
32 Amlodipine Tablets 5 mg 1 Tablet 3.13 1156(E) 28.04.2014
33 Amoxicillin Capsules 250 mg 1Capsule 3.04 1156(E) 28.04.2014
34 Amoxicillin Capsules 500 mg 1 Capsule 6.72 1156(E) 28.04.2014
35 Amoxicillin Powder for suspension 125 mg / 5 ml 1 ml 0.63 1156(E) 28.04.2014
36 Amoxicillin+Clavulinic acid Injection 1.2gm/vial pack Each pack 140.63 1156(E) 28.04.2014
37 Amoxicillin+Clavulinic acid Injection 600mg/vial pack Each pack 94.91 1156(E) 28.04.2014
38 Amoxicillin+Clavulinic acid Powder for suspension 228.5mg/5ml 1 gm 2.07 1156(E) 28.04.2014
39 Amoxicillin+Clavulinic acid Tablets 625 mg 1 Tablet 24.80 1156(E) 28.04.2014
40 Amphotericin B Injection 50 mg/vial pack Each pack 4687.35 1156(E) 28.04.2014
41 Ampicillin Capsules 250 mg 1Capsule 2.76 1156(E) 28.04.2014
42 Ampicillin Capsules 500 mg 1 Capsule 5.24 1156(E) 28.04.2014
43 Ampicillin Injection 500 mg each pack 14.80 1156(E) 28.04.2014
44 Ampicillin Powder for suspension 125 mg / 5 ml 1 ml 0.70 1156(E) 28.04.2014
45 Anti-D immunoglobin (human) Injection 300 µg Each pack 2439.89 1156(E) 28.04.2014
46 Antitetanus Human immunoglobin Injection 250 IU/pack Each Pack 918.80 1156(E) 28.04.2014
47 Antitetanus Human immunoglobin Injection 500 IU/pack Each Pack 1531.67 1156(E) 28.04.2014
48 Artesunate (To be used only in combination with Sulfadoxine +Pyrimethamine) Tablets 50 mg 1 Tablet 22.13 1156(E) 28.04.2014
49 Ascorbic Acid Tablet 100mg 1 Tablet 0.15 3129(E) 10.12.2014
50 Ascorbic Acid Tablet 500mg 1 Tablet 0.98 3127(E) 10.12.2014
51 Atenolol Tablets 100 mg 1 Tablet 4.11 1156(E) 28.04.2014
52 Atenolol Tablets 50 mg 1 Tablet 2.28 1156(E) 28.04.2014
53 Atorvastatin Tablets 10mg 1 Tablet 6.74 1786(E) 10.07.2014
54 Atorvastatin Tablets 5 mg 1 Tablet 4.22 1156(E) 28.04.2014
55 Atracurium besylate Injection 10 mg / ml Each pack 49.99 1156(E) 28.04.2014
56 Atropine Sulphate Drops 1% 1 ml 3.21 1156(E) 28.04.2014
57 Atropine Sulphate Injection 0.6 mg / ml 1 ml 4.42 1156(E) 28.04.2014
58 Atropine Sulphate Ointment 1% 1 gm 3.57 1156(E) 28.04.2014
59 Azathioprine Tablets 50 mg 1 Tablet 10.92 1156(E) 28.04.2014
60 Azithromycin Injection 500mg Each Pack 201.25 1156(E) 28.04.2014
61 Azithromycin Suspension 100mg/5ml 1 ml 1.71 1156(E) 28.04.2014
62 Azithromycin Tablets 100mg 1 Tablet 5.66 1156(E) 28.04.2014
63 Azithromycin Tablets 250mg 1 Tablet 11.33 1156(E) 28.04.2014
64 Azithromycin Tablets 500mg 1 Tablet 22.65 1156(E) 28.04.2014
65 BCG Vaccine Injection Each Dose 5.79 2356(E) 15.09.2014
66 Beclomethasone Dipropionate Inhalation 250µg/ MT dose Each Mt Dose 1.68 1156(E) 28.04.2014
67 Beclomethasone Dipropionate Inhalation 50 µg/dose 1 Inhaler 187.00 1156(E) 28.04.2014
68 Benzathine Benzylpenicillin Injection 12 lacs units 1 ml 12.22 2095(E) 20.08.2014
69 Benzathine Benzylpenicillin Injection 6 lacs units 1 ml 8.40 2095(E) 20.08.2014
70 Benzoin Compound Tincture


1 ml 0.35 1156(E) 28.04.2014
71 Benzyl Benzoate Lotion 25% 1 ml 0.16 1156(E) 28.04.2014
72 Betamethasone Dipropionate Cream / Ointment 0.05% 1 gm 0.57 2095(E) 20.08.2014
73 Betamethasone Injection 4 mg/ml 1 ml 4.20 2095(E) 20.08.2014
74 Betaxolol Hydrochloride Drops 0.25% 1 ml 4.40 1156(E) 28.04.2014
75 Betaxolol Hydrochloride Drops 0.50% 1 ml 7.28 1156(E) 28.04.2014
76 Bisacodyl Suppository 5 mg 1 Suppository 8.80 1156(E) 28.04.2014
77 Bisacodyl Tablets 5 mg 1 Tablet 1.07 1156(E) 28.04.2014
78 Bleaching Powder (Contains not Less than 30% w/w of available chlorine as per I.P.)



18.09 3126(E) 10.12.2014
79 Bleomycin Injection 15 mg 1 ml 680.20 1156(E) 28.04.2014
80 Bromocriptine Mesylate Tablets 1.25 mg 1 Tablet 8.37 1156(E) 28.04.2014
81 Bromocriptine Mesylate Tablets 2.5 mg 1 Tablet 15.02 1156(E) 28.04.2014
82 Bupivacaine Hydrochloride Injection 0.25% 1 ml 2.55 1156(E) 28.04.2014
83 Bupivacaine Hydrochloride Injection 0.50% 1 ml 3.85 1156(E) 28.04.2014
84 Bupivacaine Hydrochloride Injection 0.5% to be mixed with 7.5% glucose solution 1 ml 6.32 1156(E) 28.04.2014
85 Busulphan Tablets 2 mg 1 Tablet 3.77 1156(E) 28.04.2014
86 Calamine Lotion 1 ml / gm 1.05 1792(E) 10.07.2014
87 Calcium carbonate Tablets 250 mg 1 Tablet 1.86 1156(E) 28.04.2014
88 Calcium carbonate Tablets 500 mg 1 Tablet 1.85 1156(E) 28.04.2014
89 Calcium gluconate Injection 100mg/ml in 10 ml ampoule 10 ml Ampoule 10.99 1156(E) 28.04.2014
90 Carbamazepine Tablets 100mg 1 Tablet 0.77 2095(E) 20.08.2014
91 Carbamazepine Tablets 200mg 1 Tablet 1.52 2095(E) 20.08.2014
92 CarbamezapineSyrup 100mg/5ml 1 ml 0.15 2360(E) 15.09.2014
93 Carbimazole Tablets 10mg 1 Tablet 3.79 1156(E) 28.04.2014
94 Carbimazole Tablets 5mg 1 Tablet 1.95 1156(E) 28.04.2014
95 Carboplatin Injection  450mg/ vial each pack 2677.42 1156(E) 28.04.2014
96 Carboplatin Injection 150 mg /vial pack each pack 871.17 1156(E) 28.04.2014
97 Cefixime Tablet 100mg 1 Tablet 8.49 1156(E) 28.04.2014
98 Cefixime Tablet 200mg 1 Tablet 12.42 1156(E) 28.04.2014
99 Cefotaxime Injection 125mg Each Pack 13.33 2093(E) 20.08.2014
100 Cefotaxime Injection 250mg Each Pack 15.77 2350(E) 15.09.2014
101 Cefotaxime Injection 500mg Each Pack 20.82 2350(E) 15.09.2014
102 Ceftazidime Injection 250mg Each Pack 70.00 1156(E) 28.04.2014
103 Ceftazidine Injection 1g each pack 253.05 1156(E) 28.04.2014
104 Ceftriaxone Injection 1g Each Pack 61.21 1156(E) 28.04.2014
105 Ceftriaxone Injection 250mg each pack 27.16 1156(E) 28.04.2014
106 Cephalexin Capsules 250 mg 1Capsule 5.79 1156(E) 28.04.2014
107 Cephalexin Capsules 500 mg 1Capsule 12.87 1156(E) 28.04.2014
108 Cephalexin Syrup 125 mg /5ml 1 ml 1.01 1156(E) 28.04.2014
109 Cetrimide Solution 20% (conc. for dilution) 1 ml 0.48 1156(E) 28.04.2014
110 Cetrizine Syrup 5 mg/ml 1 ml 0.59 1156(E) 28.04.2014
111 Cetrizine Tablets 10mg 1 Tablet 1.99 1156(E) 28.04.2014
112 Chlorambucil Tablets 2 mg 1 Tablet 49.93 1156(E) 28.04.2014
113 Chloramphenicol Drops 1% 1 ml 4.70 1156(E) 28.04.2014
114 Chloramphenicol Ointment 1% 1 gm 4.70 1156(E) 28.04.2014
115 Chlorpheniramine Maleate Tablets 4 mg 1 Tablet 0.11423 1156(E) 28.04.2014
116 Chlorpromazine HCl Tablet 100 mg 1 Tablet 0.71 2351(E) 15.09.2014
117 Chlorpromazine HCl Tablet 25mg 1 Tablet 0.30 2094(E) 20.08.2014
118 Chlorpromazine HCl Tablet 50 mg 1 Tablet 0.43 2351(E) 15.09.2014
119 Chlorpromazine Injection 25mg/ml 1 ml 1.27 3129(E) 10.12.2014
120 Ciprofloxacin HCl Tablet 250mg 1 Tablet 2.10 2352(E) 15.09.2014
121 Ciprofloxacin HCl Tablet 500mg 1 Tablet 4.01 2352(E) 15.09.2014
122 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Drops 0.30%/ml 1 ml 1.55 3130(E) 10.12.2014
123 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Injection 200mg /100ml 1 ml 0.18 2095(E) 20.08.2014
124 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Ointment 0.30% 1 gm 1.17 2095(E) 20.08.2014
125 Cisplatin Injection 10 mg Each Pack 93.67 1156(E) 28.04.2014
126 Cisplatin Injection 50mg /vial pack each pack 332.63 1156(E) 28.04.2014
127 Clindamycin Tablet 300mg 1 Tablet 14.46 1156(E) 28.04.2014
128 Clofazimine Capsules 100 mg 1 Capsule 2.45 1156(E) 28.04.2014
129 Clofazimine Capsules 50 mg 1 Capsule 1.41 1156(E) 28.04.2014
130 Clomiphene citrate Tablets 100mg 1 Tablet 13.45 1156(E) 28.04.2014
131 Clomiphene citrate Tablets 50mg 1 Tablet 8.75 1156(E) 28.04.2014
132 Clopidogrel Tablets 75 mg 1 Tablet 11.07 1156(E) 28.04.2014
133 Clotrimazole Pessaries 100 mg 1 Pessaries 9.60 1156(E) 28.04.2014
134 Clotrimazole Pessaries 200 mg 1 Pessaries 14.69 1156(E) 28.04.2014
135 Clotrimazole Pessaries Gel 2% 1 gm 2.28 1156(E) 28.04.2014
136 Cloxacillin capsule 250mg 1 Capsule 1.34 3127(E) 10.12.2014
137 Cloxacillin capsule 500mg 1 Capsule 2.30 2353(E) 15.09.2014
138 Cloxacillin Injection 250mg Each Pack 3.86 2360(E) 15.09.2014
139 Codeine Phosphate Syrup 15mg/5ml 1 ml 0.65 3128(E) 10.12.2014
140 Codeine Phosphate Tablets 10mg 1 Tablet 1.02 1782(E) 10.07.2014
141 Colchicine Tablets 0.5 mg 1 Tablet 3.18 1156(E) 28.04.2014
142 Condoms 1 Condom 8.35 1791(E) 10.07.2014
143 Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim + Sulphamethoxazole) Suspension 40 + 200 mg/5ml 1 ml 0.27 2095(E) 20.08.2014
144 Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim+
Sulphamethoxazole) Tablets
80mg +
1 Tablet 0.60 2360(E) 15.09.2014
145 Co-Trimoxazole(Trimethoprim+Sulphamethoxazole) Tablet 160mg + 800mg 1 Tablet 1.37 3133(E) 10.12.2014
146 Cyclophosphamide Injection 500 mg 1 Injectable 80.29 1156(E) 28.04.2014
147 Cyclophosphamide Tablets 50 mg 1 Tablet 4.14 1156(E) 28.04.2014
148 Cyclosporine Capsules 100 mg 1 Capsule 117.36 1156(E) 28.04.2014
149 Cyclosporine Capsules 25 mg 1 Capsule 27.32 1156(E) 28.04.2014
150 Cyclosporine Capsules 50 mg 1 Capsule 53.28 1156(E) 28.04.2014
151 Cyclosporine Concentrate for Injection 100 mg/ml 1 ml 131.00 1156(E) 28.04.2014
152 Cytosine arabinoside Injection 100 mg/vial each pack 263.27 1156(E) 28.04.2014
153 Cytosine arabinoside Injection 1000 mg/vial each pack 1292.50 1156(E) 28.04.2014
154 Cytosine arabinoside Injection 500 mg/vial each pack 569.21 1156(E) 28.04.2014
155 D.P.T Vaccine Injection   1 Vial 257.11 1156(E) 28.04.2014
156 Dacarbazine Injection 500 mg Each pack 1136.24 1156(E) 28.04.2014
157 Danazol Capsules 100 mg 1 Capsule 22.44 1156(E) 28.04.2014
158 Danazol Capsules 50 mg 1 Capsule 10.34 1156(E) 28.04.2014
159 Dapsone Tablets 100mg 1 Tablet 0.24 1156(E) 28.04.2014
160 Dapsone Tablets 50 mg 1 Tablet 0.22 1156(E) 28.04.2014
161 Daunorubicin Injection 20 mg vial/pack Each Pack 390.51 1156(E) 28.04.2014
162 Desferrioxamine mesylate Injection 500mg Each Pack 164.11 1156(E) 28.04.2014
163 Dexamethasone Injection 4mg/ml 1 ml 2.77 2095(E) 20.08.2014
164 Dexamethasone Tablet 0.5mg 1 Tablet 0.21 2095(E) 20.08.2014
165 Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate Syrup 0.5 mg / 5 ml 1 ml 0.33 1156(E) 28.04.2014
166 Dextran-40 Injection 10% 1 ml 0.83 1156(E) 28.04.2014
167 Dextromethorphan Tablet 30mg 1 Tablet 5.99 2358(E) 15.09.2014
168 Diazepam Injection 5 mg / ml 1 ml 6.17 1156(E) 28.04.2014
169 Diazepam Suppository 5 mg 1 Suppository 5.69 3128(E) 10.12.2014
170 Diazepam Tablets 2 mg 1 Tablet 1.59 1156(E) 28.04.2014
171 Diazepam Tablets 5mg 1 Tablet 1.45 1156(E) 28.04.2014
172 Diclofenac Injection 25 mg / ml 1 ml 1.64 1156(E) 28.04.2014
173 Diclofenac Tablets 50 mg 1 Tablet 2.15 1156(E) 28.04.2014
174 Dicyclomine Hydrochloride Injection 10 mg / ml 1 ml 3.26 1156(E) 28.04.2014
175 Didanosine Tablet 400mg 1 Tablet 34.09 2359(E) 15.09.2014
176 Didanosine Tablets 250 mg 1 Tablet 26.42 1156(E) 28.04.2014
177 Diethylcarbamazine citrate Tablets 50 mg 1 Tablet 0.52 1156(E) 28.04.2014
178 Digoxin Injection 0.25 mg/ml 1 ml 4.13 1156(E) 28.04.2014
179 Digoxin Tablets 0.25 mg 1 Tablet 1.39 1156(E) 28.04.2014
180 Dihydroergotamine Tablets 1 mg 1 Tablet 18.45 1156(E) 28.04.2014
181 Diloxanide Furoate Tablets 500 mg 1 Tablet 1.78 1156(E) 28.04.2014
182 Diltiazem Injection 5 mg/ ml 1 ml 3.33 1156(E) 28.04.2014
183 Diltiazem Tablets 30 mg 1 Tablet 2.50 1156(E) 28.04.2014
184 Diltiazem Tablets 60 mg 1 Tablet 5.29 1156(E) 28.04.2014
185 Diphtheria Antitoxin Injection 10,000 IU/pack Each Pack 1276.37 1156(E) 28.04.2014
186 Dobutamine Injection 50 mg / ml Each pack 72.23 1156(E) 28.04.2014
187 Domperidone Syrup 1 mg / ml 1 ml 1.14 1156(E) 28.04.2014
188 Domperidone Tablets 10 mg 1 Tablet 2.49 1156(E) 28.04.2014
189 Dopamine Hydrochloride Injection 40 mg / ml 1 ml 6.11 1156(E) 28.04.2014
190 Doxorubicin Injection 10 mg/ vial pack each pack 216.94 1156(E) 28.04.2014
191 Doxorubicin Injection 50 mg Each Pack 1264.44 1156(E) 28.04.2014
192 Doxycycline Tablet 100mg 1 Tablet 1.04 2095(E) 20.08.2014
193 Efavirenz capsule 600 mg 1 Capsule 61.79 3128(E) 10.12.2014
194 Efavirenz Capsules 200 mg 1 Capsule 25.57 1156(E) 28.04.2014
195 EMLA Cream


1 gm 22.17 1156(E) 28.04.2014
196 Enalapril Maleate Tablets 2.5 mg 1 Tablet 1.96 1156(E) 28.04.2014
197 Enalapril Maleate Tablets 5mg 1 Tablet 3.27 1156(E) 28.04.2014
198 Enalpril Maleate / Enalaprilat Injection 1.25mg/ml Each Pack 192.34 2357(E) 15.09.2014
199 Enoxaparin Injection 40mg Each Pack 485.14 1156(E) 28.04.2014
200 Enoxaparin Injection 60mg/pack each pack 586.27 1156(E) 28.04.2014
201 Esmolol Injection 10 mg / ml 1 ml 22.65 1156(E) 28.04.2014
202 Ethambutol Tablets 200 mg 1 Tablet 1.07 1156(E) 28.04.2014
203 Ethambutol Tablets 400 mg 1 Tablet 2.40 1156(E) 28.04.2014
204 Ethambutol Tablets 600 mg 1 Tablet 3.48 1156(E) 28.04.2014
205 Ethambutol Tablets 800 mg 1 Tablet 4.13 1156(E) 28.04.2014
206 Ethinylestradiol + Levonorgesterol Tablets 0.03 mg +0.15 mg 1 Tablet 3.36 1156(E) 28.04.2014
207 Ethinylestradiol Tablets 0.01mg 1 Tablet 2.34 1156(E) 28.04.2014
208 Ethinylestradiol Tablets 0.05mg 1 Tablet 3.89 1156(E) 28.04.2014
209 Ethyl Alcohol 70% Solution 1ml 0.54 1156(E) 28.04.2014
210 Etoposide Capsules 100 mg 1 Capsule 57.75 1156(E) 28.04.2014
211 Etoposide Injection 100 mg/ 5 ml vial each pack 212.42 1156(E) 28.04.2014
212 Factor VIII Concentrate Injection Dried Each Pack 6713.54 1156(E) 28.04.2014
213 Famotidine Tablet 20 mg 1 Tablet 0.30 2366(E) 15.09.2014
214 Fentanyl Injection 50 mcg/ml  (2ml Ampoule) 1 ml 22.37 1156(E) 28.04.2014
215 Filgrastim Injection


1 ml 2365.90 1156(E) 28.04.2014
216 Fluconazole  Tablets 100 mg 1 Tablet 15.63 1156(E) 28.04.2014
217 Fluconazole Capsules 100 mg 1Capsule 26.28 1156(E) 28.04.2014
218 Fluconazole Capsules 150 mg 1Capsule 26.05 1156(E) 28.04.2014
219 Fluconazole Capsules 200 mg 1 Capsule 42.96 1156(E) 28.04.2014
220 Fluconazole Capsules 50 mg 1 Capsule 11.22 1156(E) 28.04.2014
221 Fluconazole Tablet 150 mg 1 Tablet 15.95 1156(E) 28.04.2014
222 Fluconazole Tablets 200 mg 1 Tablet 28.55 1156(E) 28.04.2014
223 Fluconazole Tablets 50 mg 1 Tablet 8.64 1156(E) 28.04.2014
224 Fluoxetine hydrochloride Capsules 20 mg 1 Capsule 3.83 1156(E) 28.04.2014
225 Flutamide Tablet 250 mg 1 Tablet 9.51 1156(E) 28.04.2014
226 Folic Acid Tablets 1 mg 1 Tablet 0.28 1156(E) 28.04.2014
227 Folic Acid Tablets 5mg 1 Tablet 1.52 1156(E) 28.04.2014
228 Framycetin Sulphate Cream 0.50% 1gm 0.38 2360(E) 15.09.2014
229 Frusemide Injection 10mg/ml 1 ml 1.17 2360(E) 15.09.2014
230 Frusemide Tablet 40mg 1 Tablet 0.34 2360(E) 15.09.2014
231 Gemcitabine hydrochloride Injection 1 gm Each Pack 6590.68 1156(E) 28.04.2014
232 Gemcitabine hydrochloride Injection 200 mg Each Pack 1440.73 1156(E) 28.04.2014
233 Gentamicin Drops 0.30% 1 ml 0.99 2095(E) 20.08.2014
234 Gentamicin Injection 40mg/ml 1 ml 2.41 2095(E) 20.08.2014
235 Gentamycin Injection 10mg/ml 1 ml 3.30 3127(E) 10.12.2014
236 Gentian Violet Paint 1% 1ml 0.06231 1156(E) 28.04.2014
237 Glibenclamide Tablets 2.5 mg 1 Tablet 0.53 1156(E) 28.04.2014
238 Glibenclamide Tablets 5mg 1 Tablet 1.06 1156(E) 28.04.2014
239 Glucagon Injection 1mg/ml Each pack 870.41 1156(E) 28.04.2014
240 Glucose Injection 5% 1 ml 0.06694 3127(E) 10.12.2014
241 Glucose Injection 10% 1 ml 0.05521 3131(E) 10.12.2014
242 Glucose+ NormalSaline Injection 5%+0.9% 1 ml 0.06404 3127(E) 10.12.2014
243 Glutaraldehyde Solution 2% 1 ml 0.09346 1156(E) 28.04.2014
244 Glycerin Solution


1 ml 0.32 1156(E) 28.04.2014
245 Glyceryl Trinitrate Injection 5mg/ml 1 ml 8.32 1156(E) 28.04.2014
246 Glyceryl Trinitrate Sublingual Tablets 0.5 mg 1 Tablet 2.05 1156(E) 28.04.2014
247 Griseofulvin Tablet 125mg 1 Tablet 0.78 3127(E) 10.12.2014
248 Griseofulvin Tablet 250mg 1 Tablet 1.60 2095(E) 20.08.2014
249 Haloperidol Injection 5mg/ml 1 ml 6.22 1156(E) 28.04.2014
250 Halothane with vaporizer Inhalation   1 ml 6.48 1156(E) 28.04.2014
251 Heparin Sodium Injection 1000   IU/ml 1 ml 19.33 1156(E) 28.04.2014
252 Heparin Sodium Injection 5000IU/ml 1 ml 45.21 1787(E) 10.07.2014
253 Hepatitis B Vaccine Injection   1 ml 111.62 1156(E) 28.04.2014
254 Homatropine Drops 2% 1 ml 6.00 1156(E) 28.04.2014
255 Hormone Releasing IUD 1 IUD 472.52 3128(E) 10.12.2014
256 Hydrochlorthiazide Tablets 12.5 mg 1 Tablet 1.07 1156(E) 28.04.2014
257 Hydrochlorthiazide Tablets 25 mg 1 Tablet 1.83 1156(E) 28.04.2014
258 Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate Injection 100 mg Each Pack 41.00 1156(E) 28.04.2014
259 Hydrocortisone sodium succinate Injection 200mg 1 ml 78.89 1156(E) 28.04.2014
260 Hydrocortisone sodium succinate Injection 400 mg Each pack 149.83 1156(E) 28.04.2014
261 Hydrogen Peroxide  Solution 6% 1ml 0.05192 1156(E) 28.04.2014
262 Hydroxychloroquine phosphate/ Sulphate Tablets 200 mg 1 Tablet 6.23 1156(E) 28.04.2014
263 Hydroxyethyl Starch (Hetastarch) Injection 6% 1 ml 0.82 1156(E) 28.04.2014
264 Hyoscine Butyl Bromide Injection 20 mg / ml 1 ml 10.86 1156(E) 28.04.2014
265 Hyoscine Butyl Bromide Tablets 10 mg 1 Tablet 3.13 1156(E) 28.04.2014
266 Ibuprofen Syrup 100mg/5ml 1 ml 0.23 2095(E) 20.08.2014
267 Ifosfamide Injection 1 gm/ 2ml vial Each Pack 380.79 1156(E) 28.04.2014
268 Imatinib Tablets 100 mg 1 Tablet 96.71 1156(E) 28.04.2014
269 Imatinib Tablets 400 mg 1 Tablet 296.27 1156(E) 28.04.2014
270 Imipramine Tablets 25 mg 1 Tablet 0.83 1156(E) 28.04.2014
271 Imipramine Tablets 75 mg 1 Tablet 2.21 1156(E) 28.04.2014
272 Indinavir Capsules 400 mg 1 capsule 21.43 1156(E) 28.04.2014
273 Iodine Solution 8mg/5ml 1 ml 0.33 3128(E) 10.12.2014
274 Ipratropium bromide Inhalation 20µg/metered dose 1 MT Dose 0.75 1156(E) 28.04.2014
275 Iron Dextran Injection 50 mg iron/ml 1 ml 31.69 1156(E) 28.04.2014
276 Isoflurane Inhalation   1 ml 11.85 1156(E) 28.04.2014
277 Isoniazid Syrup 100 mg/5ml 1 ml 0.24 1156(E) 28.04.2014
278 Isoniazid Tablets 100  mg 1 Tablet 0.80 1156(E) 28.04.2014
279 Isoniazid Tablets 300 mg 1 Tablet 1.40 1156(E) 28.04.2014
280 Isosorbide 5 Mononitrate Tablets 10 mg 1 Tablet 2.12 1156(E) 28.04.2014
281 Isosorbide 5 Mononitrate Tablets 20 mg 1 Tablet 3.63 1156(E) 28.04.2014
282 Isosorbide Dinitrate Tablet 20 mg 1 Tablet 2.08 3128(E) 10.12.2014
283 Isosorbide Dinitrate Tablets 10 mg 1 Tablet 0.76 1156(E) 28.04.2014
284 Ispaghula Granules   1 gm 0.84 1156(E) 28.04.2014
285 IUD containing Copper One 364.94 2349(E) 15.09.2014
286 Ketamine Hydrochloride Injection 10mg/ml 1 ml 10.95 3126(E) 10.12.2014
287 Ketamine Hydrochloride Injection 50 mg / ml 1 ml 11.55 1156(E) 28.04.2014
288 L- Asparaginase Injection 5000 KU./pack Each Pack 1307.19 1156(E) 28.04.2014
289 Lamivudine + Nevirapine + Stavudine Tablets 150 mg + 200 mg+ 30 mg 1 Tablet 19.09 1156(E) 28.04.2014
290 Lamivudine + Zidovudine Tablets 150 mg + 300 mg 1 Tablet 21.67 1156(E) 28.04.2014
291 LamivudinTablets 150 mg 1 Tablet 10.37 1156(E) 28.04.2014
292 Leflunomide Tablets 10mg 1 Tablet 16.67 1156(E) 28.04.2014
293 Leflunomide Tablets 20 mg 1 Tablet 31.61 1156(E) 28.04.2014
294 Levodopa+ Carbidopa Tablets 100 mg+10 mg 1 Tablet 1.67 2095(E) 20.08.2014
295 Levodopa+ Carbidopa Tablets 100 mg+25 mg 1 Tablet 2.35 2095(E) 20.08.2014
296 Levodopa+ Carbidopa Tablets 250 mg+25 mg 1 Tablet 4.00 2095(E) 20.08.2014
297 Levothyroxine Tablets 100 µg 1 Tablet 1.23 1156(E) 28.04.2014
298 Levothyroxine Tablets 50µg 1 Tablet 1.11 1156(E) 28.04.2014
299 Lignocaine Hydrochloride + Adrenaline Injection 1%+1:200,000/pack Each Pack 0.75 1156(E) 28.04.2014
300 Lignocaine Hydrochloride + Adrenaline Injection 2% + Adrenaline1:200,000 1 ml 1.02 1156(E) 28.04.2014
301 Lignocaine Hydrochloride Injection 1% Each Pack 7.58 1156(E) 28.04.2014
302 Lignocaine Hydrochloride Injection 2% 1 ml 1.10 1156(E) 28.04.2014
303 Lignocaine Hydrochloride Topical Forms 2-5% 1ml/gm 1.30 1156(E) 28.04.2014
304 Lithium Carbonate Tablets 300 mg 1 Tablet 1.56 1156(E) 28.04.2014
305 Lorazepam Injection 2mg/ml 1 ml 8.16 1156(E) 28.04.2014
306 Losartan Potassium Tablets 25 mg 1 Tablet 2.76 1156(E) 28.04.2014
307 Losartan Potassium Tablets 50 mg 1 Tablet 4.75 1156(E) 28.04.2014
308 Magnesium sulphate Injection 500 mg /ml 1 ml 5.47 1156(E) 28.04.2014
309 Mannitol Injection 10% 1 ml 0.25 1156(E) 28.04.2014
310 Mannitol Injection 20% 1 ml 0.57 3134(E) 10.12.2014
311 Measles Vaccine Injection   Each Pack 279.31 1156(E) 28.04.2014
312 Medroxy Progesterone Acetate Tablets 10mg 1 Tablet 5.78 1156(E) 28.04.2014
313 Medroxy Progesterone Acetate Tablets 5mg 1 Tablet 2.86 1156(E) 28.04.2014
314 Mefloquine Tablet 250 mg base 1 Tablet 55.27 1156(E) 28.04.2014
315 Melphalan Tablet 2 mg 1 Tablet 119.83 1156(E) 28.04.2014
316 Melphalan Tablet 5 mg 1 Tablet 201.02 1156(E) 28.04.2014
317 Mercaptopurine Tablet 50 mg 1 Tablet 9.86 1156(E) 28.04.2014
318 Mesna Injection 200 mg 1 ml 27.13 1156(E) 28.04.2014
319 Metformin Tablets 500mg 1 Tablet 1.72 1156(E) 28.04.2014
320 Methotrexate Injection 50 mg / ml 1 ml 36.64 1156(E) 28.04.2014
321 Methotrexate Tablet 2.5 mg 1 Tablet 5.21 1156(E) 28.04.2014
322 Methotrexate Tablets 10mg 1 Tablet 15.40 1156(E) 28.04.2014
323 Methotrexate Tablets 5mg 1 Tablet 8.39 1156(E) 28.04.2014
324 Methotrexate Tablets 7.5mg 1 Tablet 12.44 1156(E) 28.04.2014
325 Methyl Ergometrine Injection 0.2mg/ml 1ml 14.81 1156(E) 28.04.2014
326 Methyl Ergometrine Tablets 0.125mg 1 Tablet 7.88 1156(E) 28.04.2014
327 Methyl Prednisolone Injection 40 mg/ ml 1 ml 69.05 1156(E) 28.04.2014
328 Methyldopa Tablet 250mg 1 Tablet 1.76 3129(E) 10.12.2014
329 Metoclopramide Injection 5 mg / ml 1 ml 2.31 1156(E) 28.04.2014
330 Metoclopramide Syrup 5 mg   / 5 ml 1 ml 0.52 1156(E) 28.04.2014
331 Metoclopramide Tablets 10 mg 1 Tablet 1.15 1156(E) 28.04.2014
332 Metoprolol Injection 1mg/ml 1 ml 2.88 1156(E) 28.04.2014
333 Metoprolol Tablets 25 mg 1 Tablet 3.73 1156(E) 28.04.2014
334 Metoprolol Tablets 50 mg 1 Tablet 5.54 1156(E) 28.04.2014
335 Metronidazole Syrup 100mg/5ml 1 ml 0.18 2095(E) 20.08.2014
336 Miconazole Cream 2% 1 gm 1.54 1156(E) 28.04.2014
337 Miconazole Ointment 2% 1 gm 2.42 1156(E) 28.04.2014
338 Midazolam Injection 1 mg / ml 1 ml 6.40 1156(E) 28.04.2014
339 Midazolam Injection 5 mg / ml 1 ml 27.36 1156(E) 28.04.2014
340 Mifepristone Tablets 200mg 1 Tablet 394.31 1156(E) 28.04.2014
341 Misoprostol Tablets 100ug 1 Tablet 10.42 1156(E) 28.04.2014
342 Mitomycin- C Injection 10 mg Each Pack 438.97 1156(E) 28.04.2014
343 Morphine Sulphate Injection 10 mg / ml 1 ml 23.76 1156(E) 28.04.2014
344 Morphine Sulphate Tablets 10 mg 1 Tablet 5.57 1156(E) 28.04.2014
345 N-acetylcysteine Injection 200 mg/ml 1 ml 24.86 1156(E) 28.04.2014
346 Naloxone Injection 0.4mg/ml 1 ml 101.03 1156(E) 28.04.2014
347 Neomycin + Bacitracin Ointment 5mg + 500 IU/gm 1 gm 0.93 2087(E) 20.08.2014
348 Neostigmine Injection 0.5mg/ml 1 ml 4.47 1156(E) 28.04.2014
349 Neostigmine Tablets 15 mg 1 Tablet 5.11 1156(E) 28.04.2014
350 Nevirapine Suspension 50 mg / 5 ml 1 ml 1.08 1156(E) 28.04.2014
351 Nifedipine Capsules 10mg 1 Capsule 1.30 1156(E) 28.04.2014
352 Nifedipine Capsules 5 mg 1 Capsule 0.95 1156(E) 28.04.2014
353 Nifedipine Sustained release capsules 10mg 1 Capsule 1.85 1156(E) 28.04.2014
354 Nifedipine Sustained release capsules 20mg 1 Capsule 2.42 1156(E) 28.04.2014
355 Nifedipine Sustained release tablets 10mg 1 Tablet 1.57 1156(E) 28.04.2014
356 Nifedipine Sustained release tablets 20mg 1 Tablet 2.10 1156(E) 28.04.2014
357 Nifedipine Tablet 20 mg 1 Tablet 0.35 1156(E) 28.04.2014
358 Nifedipine Tablets 10mg 1 Tablet 1.25 1156(E) 28.04.2014
359 Nitrofurantoin Tablets 100 mg 1 Tablet 7.59 1156(E) 28.04.2014
360 Nitrous Oxide Inhalation Cubic Meter 227.65 1156(E) 28.04.2014
361 Norethisterone Tablets 5mg 1 Tablet 5.60 1156(E) 28.04.2014
362 Normal Saline Injection 0.90% 1 ml 0.08927 3127(E) 10.12.2014
363 Ofloxacin Syrup 50 mg / 5 ml 1 ml 0.74 1156(E) 28.04.2014
364 Ofloxacin Tablets 100 mg 1 Tablet 3.65 1156(E) 28.04.2014
365 Ofloxacin Tablets 200 mg 1 Tablet 5.41 1156(E) 28.04.2014
366 Olanzapine Tablets 10mg 1 Tablet 5.88 1156(E) 28.04.2014
367 Olanzapine Tablets 5mg 1 Tablet 3.20 1156(E) 28.04.2014
368 Omeprazole Capsules 10 mg 1 Capsule 3.04 1156(E) 28.04.2014
369 Omeprazole Capsules 20 mg 1 Capsule 3.33 1156(E) 28.04.2014
370 Omeprazole Capsules 40 mg 1 Capsule 6.76 1156(E) 28.04.2014
371 Ondansetron Injection 2 mg/ml 1 ml 8.14 1156(E) 28.04.2014
372 Ondansetron Syrup 2 mg/5 ml 1 ml 1.15 1156(E) 28.04.2014
373 Ondansetron Tablets 4 mg 1 Tablet 5.25 1156(E) 28.04.2014
374 Ondansetron Tablets 8 mg 1 Tablet 12.22 1156(E) 28.04.2014
375 Oral Poliomyelitis vaccine (LA) Solution   1 ml 110.30 1156(E) 28.04.2014
376 Oral Rehydration Salts Powder for solution As per I.P 1 Gram 0.92 1156(E) 28.04.2014
377 Oxaliplatin Injection 50 mg vial 1 Injectable 3304.92 1156(E) 28.04.2014
378 Oxygen Inhalation Cubic Meter 17.46 1156(E) 28.04.2014
379 Oxytocin Injection 10IU/ml 1 ml 41.62 1156(E) 28.04.2014
380 Oxytocin Injection 5 IU/ ml 1 ml 17.92 1156(E) 28.04.2014
381 Paclitaxel Injection 30 mg / 5 ml Each Pack 332.61 1156(E) 28.04.2014
382 Pantoprazole Injection 40mg Each Pack 53.98 1789(E) 10.07.2014
383 Paracetamol Injection 150 mg / ml 1 ml 3.79 1156(E) 28.04.2014
384 Paracetamol Suppository 170 mg 1 Suppository 8.91 1156(E) 28.04.2014
385 Paracetamol Suppository 80 mg 1 Suppository 7.68 1156(E) 28.04.2014
386 Paracetamol Syrup 125 mg / 5ml 1 ml 0.35 1156(E) 28.04.2014
387 Paracetamol Tablets 500 mg 1 Tablet 1.04 1156(E) 28.04.2014
388 Penicillamine Capsules 250 mg 1 Capsule 14.49 1156(E) 28.04.2014
389 Permethrin Cream 5% 1 gm 1.95 1156(E) 28.04.2014
390 Permethrin Lotion 1% 1 gm 1.00 1156(E) 28.04.2014
391 Permethrin Lotion 5% 1 ml 1.18 1156(E) 28.04.2014
392 Pheniramine Maleate Injection 22.75mg/ml 1 ml 1.07 2360(E) 15.09.2014
393 Phenobarbitone Injection 200 mg/ml 1 ml 20.71 1156(E) 28.04.2014
394 Phenobarbitone Syrup 20 mg/5ml 1 ml 0.46 1156(E) 28.04.2014
395 Phenobarbitone Tablets 30mg 1 Tablet 1.54 1785(E) 10.07.2014
396 Phenobarbitone Tablets 60 mg 1 Tablet 2.63 1313(E) 19.05.2014
397 Phenylephrine Drops 5% 1 ml 5.14 2088(E) 20.08.2014
398 Phenytoin Sodium Capsules 100 mg 1 Capsule 1.67 1156(E) 28.04.2014
399 Phenytoin Sodium Injection 25mg/ml 1 ml 2.40 2089(E) 20.08.2014
400 Phenytoin Sodium Injection 50 mg/ml 1 ml 5.69 1156(E) 28.04.2014
401 Phenytoin Sodium Syrup 100 mg 1 ml 0.85 1156(E) 28.04.2014
402 Phenytoin Sodium Tablets 100 mg 1 Tablet 1.57 1156(E) 28.04.2014
403 Phenytoin Sodium Tablets 50 mg 1 Tablet 0.85 1156(E) 28.04.2014
404 Phytomenadione Injection 10 mg/ml 1 ml 48.38 1156(E) 28.04.2014
405 Pilocarpine Drops 2% 1 ml 10.94 1156(E) 28.04.2014
406 Piperazine Solution 750mg/5ml 1 ml 0.31 1156(E) 28.04.2014
407 Polygeline Injection 3.50% 1 ml 0.55 2090(E) 20.08.2014
408 Polyvalent Antisnake Venom Injection 10 ml Each Pack 453.31 1156(E) 28.04.2014
409 Potassium Permanganate Crystalsfor Solution 1 gm 0.42 1156(E) 28.04.2014
410 Povidone Iodine Ointment 5% 1 gm 1.81 1156(E) 28.04.2014
411 Povidone Iodine Solution 5% 1 ml 0.43 1156(E) 28.04.2014
412 Povidone Iodine Solution 10% 1 ml 1.01 1156(E) 28.04.2014
413 Praziquantel Tablets 600 mg 1 Tablet 26.36 1156(E) 28.04.2014
414 Prednisolone Acetate Drop 1% 1 ml 3.49 2360(E) 15.09.2014
415 Prednisolone Injection 20mg (as Sodium Phosphate or Succinate) 1 ml 4.58 2360(E) 15.09.2014
416 Prednisolone Tablet 10 mg 1 Tablet 1.02 2095(E) 20.08.2014
417 Prednisolone Tablet 20 mg 1 Tablet 1.90 2095(E) 20.08.2014
418 Prednisolone Tablet 5 mg 1 Tablet 0.60 2095(E) 20.08.2014
419 Primaquine Tablets 2.5 mg 1 Tablet 1.71 1156(E) 28.04.2014
420 Primaquine Tablets 7.5 mg 1 Tablet 2.19 1156(E) 28.04.2014
421 Procarbazine Capsules 50 mg 1 Capsule 34.93 1156(E) 28.04.2014
422 Promethazine Injection 25 mg / ml 1 ml 3.30 1156(E) 28.04.2014
423 Promethazine Syrup/Elixir 5 mg / 5 ml 1 ml 0.23 1156(E) 28.04.2014
424 Promethazine Tablets 10 mg 1 Tablet 1.03 1156(E) 28.04.2014
425 Promethazine Tablets 25 mg 1 Tablet 2.75 1156(E) 28.04.2014
426 Propofol Injection 1% oil suspension 1 ml 9.54 1156(E) 28.04.2014
427 Propranolol hydrochloride Tablets 10 mg 1 Tablet 1.20 1156(E) 28.04.2014
428 Propranolol hydrochloride Tablets 40 mg 1 Tablet 2.82 1156(E) 28.04.2014
429 Protamine Sulphate Injection 10 mg/ml 1 ml 9.84 1156(E) 28.04.2014
430 Pyrazinamide Tablets 1000 mg 1 Tablet 9.16 1156(E) 28.04.2014
431 Pyrazinamide Tablets 1500 mg 1 Tablet 10.80 1156(E) 28.04.2014
432 Pyrazinamide Tablets 500 mg 1 Tablet 4.16 1156(E) 28.04.2014

433Pyrazinamide Tablets750 mg1 Tablet7.631156(E)28.04.2014434Pyridostigmine Tablets60 mg1 Tablet14.011156(E)28.04.2014435Pyridoxine Tablet10mg1 Tablet0.232091(E)20.08.2014436Pyrimethamine Tablet25mg 1 Tablet0.921780(E)10.07.2014437Quinine sulphate Injection300 mg / ml1 ml10.011156(E)28.04.2014438Quinine sulphate Tablets300 mg1 Tablet5.631156(E)28.04.2014439Rabies immunoglobin Injection150 IU / ml1 ml1386.601156(E)28.04.2014440Rabies Vaccine Injection Each pack333.871156(E)28.04.2014441Raloxifene Tablets60 mg1 Tablet10.921156(E)28.04.2014442Ranitidine Injection25mg/ml1 ml1.582095(E)20.08.2014443Rifampicin Tablet300mg1 Tablet2.872354(E)15.09.2014444Rifampicin Tablet450mg1 Tablet4.222354(E)15.09.2014445Rifampicin Tablet150mg1 Tablet1.272360(E)15.09.2014446Ringer Lactate InjectionAs per IP1 ml0.114231156(E)28.04.2014447Ritonavir Capsules100 mg1 Capsule37.781156(E)28.04.2014448Salbutamol Sulphate Inhalation100mcg/ MT1 MT Dose0.532095(E)20.08.2014449Salbutamol Sulphate Syrup2mg/5ml1 ml0.162095(E)20.08.2014450Salbutamol Sulphate Tablet2mg1 Tablet0.162095(E)20.08.2014451Salbutamol Sulphate Tablet4 mg1 Tablet0.192095(E)20.08.2014452Sevoflurane Inhalation
1 ml30.911156(E)28.04.2014453Silver Sulphadiazine cream1%1 Gm0.232360(E)15.09.2014454Sodium Bicarbonate InjectionAs per IP1 ml1.401156(E)28.04.2014455Sodium Meglumine Diatrizoate Injection60% (Iodine Conc.=292 mg/ml)1 ml8.363132(E)10.12.2014456Sodium Meglumine Diatrizoate Injection76% (Iodine Conc.=370 mg/ml)1 ml10.193132(E)10.12.2014457Sodium Nitrate Injection30mg1 ml20.591783(E)10.07.2014458Sodium Nitroprusside Injection50 mg/ 5 mlEach pack143.511156(E)28.04.2014459Sodium Stibogluconate Injection100 mg / ml1 ml3.601156(E)28.04.2014460Sodium Valproate Injection100 mg/ml1 ml5.951156(E)28.04.2014461Sodium Valproate syrup200 mg/5ml1 ml0.641156(E)28.04.2014

462 Sodium Valproate Tablets 200 mg 1 Tablet 3.39 1156(E) 28.04.2014
463 Sodium Valproate Tablets 500mg 1 Tablet 7.92 1156(E) 28.04.2014
464 Spiranolactone Tablet 25mg 1 Tablet 1.27 2360(E) 15.09.2014
465 Stavudine Capsules 30  mg 1 Capsule 3.03 1156(E) 28.04.2014
466 Stavudine Capsules 40  mg 1 Capsule 3.45 1156(E) 28.04.2014
467 Stavudine+Lamivudine Tablets 30mg+ 150mg 1 Tablet 10.16 1156(E) 28.04.2014
468 Streptokinase Injection 15,00,000 IU Each pack 2245.83 1156(E) 28.04.2014
469 Streptokinase Injection 750,000 IU Each pack 1200.66 1156(E) 28.04.2014
470 Streptomycin Sulphate Injection 0.75 gm 1 ml 8.73 2095(E) 20.08.2014
471 Streptomycin Sulphate Injection 1 gm 1 ml 10.68 2095(E) 20.08.2014
472 Succinyl Choline Chloride Injection 50 mg/ml 1ml 6.67 1156(E) 28.04.2014
473 Sulfadoxine + Pyrimethamine Tablets 500 mg + 25 mg 1 Tablet 2.16 2095(E) 20.08.2014
474 Sulfasalazine Tablets 500 mg 1 Tablet 4.03 2095(E) 20.08.2014
475 Sulphacetamide Sodium Drops 10% 1 ml 2.55 1156(E) 28.04.2014
476 Sulphacetamide Sodium Drops 20% 1 ml 2.58 1156(E) 28.04.2014
477 Sulphadiazine Tablet 500mg 1 Tablet 0.86 2360(E) 15.09.2014
478 Tamoxifen Citrate Tablets 10 mg 1 Tablet 4.80 1156(E) 28.04.2014
479 Tamoxifen Citrate Tablets 20 mg 1 Tablet 3.06 1156(E) 28.04.2014
480 Terbutaline Sulphate Injection 0.5 mg/ml Each Pack 9.66 1156(E) 28.04.2014
481 Terbutaline Sulphate Tablets 2.5 mg 1 Tablet 1.08 1156(E) 28.04.2014
482 Testosterone Capsules 40mg (as undecanoate) 1 Capsule 12.10 1156(E) 28.04.2014
483 Tetanus Toxoid Injection   1 ml 11.36 1156(E) 28.04.2014
484 Thiamine Tablet 100mg 1 Tablet 4.32 2360(E) 15.09.2014
485 Thiopentone Sodium Injection 0.5 gm/pack Each Pack 46.01 1156(E) 28.04.2014
486 Thiopentone Sodium Injection 1 gm powder 1 gm 51.76 1156(E) 28.04.2014
487 Timolol Maleate Drops 0.25% 1 ml 4.92 1156(E) 28.04.2014
488 Timolol Maleate Drops 0.50% 1 ml 13.32 1156(E) 28.04.2014
489 Tramadol  Capsule 50mg 1 Capsule 6.66 1788(E) 10.07.2014
490 Tramadol Injection 50 mg/ml 1 ml 12.95 1156(E) 28.04.2014
491 Trihexyphenidyl Hydrochloride Tablets 2 mg 1 Tablet 1.51 1156(E) 28.04.2014
492 Tropicamide Eye drops 1% 1 ml 10.60 1156(E) 28.04.2014
493 Urokinase Injection 500,000 IU/ml Each Pack 2750.34 1156(E) 28.04.2014
494 Vancomycin Hydrochloride Injection 1 g Each Pack 568.00 1156(E) 28.04.2014
495 Vancomycin Hydrochloride Injection 500 mg Each Pack 365.02 1156(E) 28.04.2014
496 Vecuronium Injection 2 mg/ml Each Pack 82.34 1156(E) 28.04.2014
497 Verapamil Injection 2.5mg/ml 1 ml 0.75 2360(E) 15.09.2014
498 Verapamil Tablet 40mg 1 Tablet 0.49 2360(E) 15.09.2014
499 Verapamil Tablet 80mg 1 Tablet 0.93 2360(E) 15.09.2014
500 Vinblastine sulphate Injection 10 mg/pack Each Pack 314.57 1156(E) 28.04.2014
501 Vincristine Injection 1 mg / ml Each pack 55.87 1156(E) 28.04.2014
502 Vitamin A capsule 50000 IU 1 Capsule 0.53 3129(E) 10.12.2014
503 Vitamin A Injection 50000IU/ml 1 ml 1.35 2360(E) 15.09.2014
504 Warfarin sodium Tablets 5 mg 1 Tablet 2.47 1156(E) 28.04.2014
505 Water for Injection 10 ml 1 Ampoule 5.25 1156(E) 28.04.2014
506 Water for Injection 5 ml 1 Ampoule 3.81 1156(E) 28.04.2014
507 Zidovudine Tablets 300 mg 1 Tablet 16.53 1156(E) 28.04.2014
508 Zidovudine+Lamivudine+Nevirapine Tablets 300mg+150mg+200mg 1 Tablet 21.03 1156(E) 28.04.2014
509 Zinc Sulfate Syrup 20mg/5ml 1 ml 0.63 3126(E) 10.12.2014

Note :

(a)        The above mentioned revised ceiling prices as per Wholeale Price Index (WPI) are applicable with effect from 1st April, 2015.

(b)        The manufacturer may add local taxes only if they have paid actually or it is payable to the Government on the ceiling price mentioned in the column (5) of the above table.

(c)        The manufacturer availing of the revised ceiling price as per WPI shall report to the Govermnent in Form II of Schedule II to Drugs (Price Cotnrol) Order, 2013 within a period of 15 days of such revision.  Non submission of Form II in this regard shal be construed as non-revision in MRP as per WPI and the concerned manufacturers shall be liable to deposit the amount charged over and above the pre-revised MRP along with interest thereon from the date of overcharging.

(d)        The ceiling price for a pack of the schedule formulation shall be arrived at by the manufacturer in accordance with the ceiling price specified in column (5) of the above table as per provisions contained in paragraph 11 of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013. The manufacturer shall issue a price list in Form–V as per the paragraph 24 (2) of the DPCO, 2013.


(e)        All the existing manufacturers of above mentioned scheduled formulations having MRP lower than the ceiling price specified in column (5) in the above table plus local taxes as applicable, if any, shall continue to maintain the existing MRP in accordance with paragraph 13 (2) of the DPCO, 2013.

(f)         Where an existing manufacturer of scheduled formulation with dosage or strength or both as specified in the above table, launches a new drug as per paragraph 2 (u) of DPCO,2013 then such existing manufacturer shall apply for prior price approval of such new drug to the NPPA in Form I as specified under schedule-II of the DPCO, 2013.

(g)        The manufacturers of above said scheduled formulation shall furnish quarterly return to the NPPA, in respect of production / import and sale of scheduled formulation in Form-III of Schedule-II of the DPCO, 2013. Any manufacturer intending to discontinue above said scheduled formulation shall furnish information to the NPPA, in respect of discontinuation of the production and / or import of schedules formulation in Form-IV of scheduled-II of the DPCO, 2013 at least six months prior to the indented date of discontinuation.

(h)        The manufacturer not complying with the ceiling price and notes specified hereinabove in this notification, shall be liable to deposit overcharged amount along with the interest thereon under the provisions of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 read with the Essential Commodities Act, 1955.

(i)         Consequent to the issue of ceiling price of the scheduled formulation as specified in column (2) of the above table in this notification, the price order(s) if any, issued prior to the above said date of notification, stand withdrawn.


                                                                    F. No. 8(21)/2015/D.P./NPPA-Div.-II

                                                                                                                  (NARESH ARYA)

                                                                                                                     Deputy Director