

Dated: 17th January, 2001

NPPA has revised the price of bulk drug Ibuprofen from Rs. 365/Kg to Rs. 346/ Kg, vide notification in the Gazette of India Extraordinary No.S.O. 43(E) dated 15th January, 2001. The above price has been revised on the basis of comprehensive cost price study under the provision of DPCO, 1995. For details please click the following:

1. Press Release/ Explanatory Note

2. Notification Order – S.O.No.43(E) dated 15th January, 2001

Dated: 18th January, 2001

The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority has revised/fixed the prices of 45 formulation packs on January 17, 2000. While, 16 packs relate to ceiling prices the other 29 are Non-ceiling prices. The price changes vary between (-) 85.44% to (+) 19.72%. The formulations for which prices have been revised/fixed are based on the bulk drugs viz. Insulins, Trimethoprim+Sulphamethoxozole, Levodopa, Vitamins, Salzosulphapyridine, Prednisolone, Famotidine and Pseudophedrine. The revision in prices has occurred due to changes in the bulk drug prices, exchange rate, etc. For details please click the following :

1. Press Release/ Explanatory Note

2. Statement of Prices containing consolidated information on names of the companies, brand names of products, pack sizes, composition, revised/pre-revised prices, percentage change in price etc.

3. Ceiling Price Notifications
S.No S.O.No Date Formulations based on
a. 45(E) 17-1-2001 Doxycyline
b. 46(E) 17-1-2001 Tetracycline
c. 47(E) 17-1-2001 Trimethoprim+Sulphamethoxazole
d. 48(E) 17-1-2001 Famotidine
e. 49(E) 17-1-2001 Salazo Sulpha Pyridine

4. Non Ceiling Prices

Sl. No. Company Name
(i) M/s. Astra IDL Limited
(ii) M/s. Brown & Burk Private Limited
(iii) M/s. East India Pharma Works Limited
(iv) M/s. Eli-Lilly Ranbaxy Limited
(v) M/s. German Remedies Limited
(vi) M/s. Maan Pharma Limited
(vii) M/s. Nicholas Piramal (I) Limited
(viii) M/s. Plethico Pharmaceutical Limited
(ix) M/s. Sarabhai Chemicals
(x) M/s. Wyeth Lederle Limited
(Dr. P. V. Appaji)
Director (M&S)

Last Page Updated: 18-01-2019