


A.About the Company

1.Name of the Company:_________________________

2.Address of the Registered Office:______________________________________________



City: ____________ State: ___________ Tel:_________

Fax: ____________ E-mail: _______________________

3.Other Activities of the Company:______________________________________________



B.About the Formulation Plant(s)

1. Name of the Plant


2. Plant Address:______________________________________________



City: ____________ State: ___________ Tel:_________

Fax: ____________ E-mail: _______________________

3. Date of Schedule ‘M’ Compliant

4. Name, designation & address of the Chief Finance Officer. ______________________________________________

Tel. _____________________________

Fax: ____________ E-mail: _______________________

Mobile Tel. No. ________________________

5. Name & designation of Delhi Office, if any: ______________________________________________

Tel. _____________________________

Fax: ____________ E-mail: _______________________

Mobile Tel. No. ________________________

6.Achievement of the Plant/ Company, during the last 3 years, in the areas of productivity improvements, modernisation, cost reduction & control, etc. and costs incurred therefor (may please be given on separate sheet):________________________

Last Page Updated: 01-06-2019