

Dated : 14th August, 2003

Consequent to the civil appeal nos. 3375-3384/2002 filed by the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt. of India, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in its judgment dated 1.08.2003 has set aside the judgment of the Mumbai High Court dated 31.8.2001 and the writ petitions out of which these appeals arise shall stand restored to the file of the High Court and the High Court will have to consider afresh the relevant aspects concerning the criteria laid down in para 22.7.2 of the Drug Policy, 1994 in relation to each drug, having due regard to the observations made in the judgment. The following seven drugs and their formulations are, therefore continued to remain under scheduled category of DPCO, 1995.


S.No. Name
1 Ciprofloxacin
2 Norfloxacin
3 Doxycycline
4 Salbutamol
5 Theophylline
6 Cloxacillin
7 Glipizide

In view of the above, every manufacturer of the above mentioned bulk drug(s) and/or its formulation(s) is required to comply with the Govt./NPPA fixed/notified prices. In this context, NPPA has issued a press release advising the manufacturers to suitably revise the bulk drug / formulation prices and submit copies of supplementary price lists to NPPA. Wherever necessary the manufacturers are also required to seek price fixation from the Govt./NPPA for the concerned bulk drugs/formulations by submitting applications in Form I / Form III of DPCO 1995.

For details please see the PRESS RELEASE

(Dr. P.V. Appaji)

Last Page Updated: 06-06-2019