

Dated : 19th February, 2003

The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority has revised/fixed the prices of 13 formulation packs on 17th February, 2003. In case of 4 packs prices have been revised downwards whereas in 1 pack price has been increased. Out of 13 formulation packs, ceiling prices have been fixed in respect of 5 packs. The formulations for which ceiling prices have been fixed/ revised include products based on bulk drugs like Insulins, Pentazocine, Betamethasone and Methyldopa etc. The formulations are used in various treatments/ diseases like diabetes, analgesic, skin disorder, anti-hypertensive etc. The prices have been fixed / revised in accordance with the provisions of the DPCO, 1995. The prices fixed/revised would become effective within 15 days and the manufacturers/ importers are required to issue the revised price list to NPPA, State Drugs Controllers, Distributors etc.

For details please click the following:

  1. Copy of Press Release/Explanatory Note
  2. Copy of Statement showing Existing and Revised prices.
  3. Ceiling Price
S.No S.O.No Date Formulations based on
a. 184(E) 17-2-2003 Methyldopa Tablet
b. 185(E) 17-2-2003 Betamethasone+Neomycin+Miconazole Cream
c. 186(E) 17-2-2003 Pentazocine Injection
d. 187(E) 17-2-2003 Pentazocine+Paracetamol Tablet
  1. Non Ceiling Prices
Sl. No. Company Name Product Name/No. of Pack(s)
(i) M/s. Aventis Pharma Insuman 25/75 Injectable (1 pack)/
Insuman 50/50 Injectable (1 pack)
Insuman Rapid Injectable (1 pack)/
Insuman Basal Injectable (1 pack)/
Insuman 25/75 Optiset Injectable (1 pack)/
Insuman 50/50 Optiset Injectable (1 pack)
Insuman Rapid Optiset Injectable (1 packs)
(ii) M/s. Ranbaxy Labs. Ltd. Fortwin Tablet(1 pack)

(Dr. P.V. Appaji)
Director (M&S)

Last Page Updated: 05-06-2019