

Dated : 11th September, 2002

The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority has revised/fixed the prices of 24 formulation packs on September 9, 2002. In the case of 8 packs prices have been revised downward ranging from 20.16% to 65.93% whereas in 13 packs prices have been increased ranging from 6.67% to 12.94%. In case of rest 3 packs prices have been fixed for the first time. Ceiling prices have been fixed for 13 packs. These include formulations based on Insulin, Rifampicin, Spironolactone and Spironolactone with Frusemide, Multivitamin, Vitamin C etc. These formulations are used in various treatments/ diseases like anti-diabetics, tuberculosis, diuretic, and vitamin deficiencies etc. The prices fixed/revised would become effective within 15 days and the manufacturers/importers are required to issue the revised price list to NPPA, State Drugs Controllers, Distributors, Wholesalers and Retailers etc. under the provisions of DPCO, 1995.

For details please click the following:

  1. Copy of Press Release/Explanatory Note
  2. Copy of Statement (for details of existing and revised prices).
  3. Ceiling Price
S.No S.O.No Date Formulations based on
a. 947(E) 9-9-2002 Rifampicin Combinations Tab.
b. 948(E) 9-9-2002 Spironolactone and Spironolactone with Frusemide Tablets
c. 949(E) 9-9-2002 Multivitamin Syrup/ Drops
b. 950(E) 9-9-2002 Vitamin C Tablet (DR/ CR/ SR/ LA)
  1. Non Ceiling Prices
Sl. No. Company Name Product Name
(i) Merck Ltd. Sclerobion (1 pack)
(ii) M.J. Bio Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Insulin Injections (10 packs)

(Dr. P.V. Appaji)

Last Page Updated: 31-05-2019