

Dated : 20th August, 2001

The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority has revised/fixed the prices of 52 formulation packs on August 16, 2001. In several cases the revision in prices was warranted due to downward revision in the prices of Scheduled bulk drugs. Ceiling prices have been fixed for some commonly used Scheduled formulations. In the case of 44 packs prices have been revised downward, ranging from 5.27% to 39.47%. In the case of 5 packs, prices have been increased ranging from 10.89% to 20.80%. Ceiling Prices in respect of 44 packs have been fixed. The formulations are used in various treatments/ diseases like Blood Pressure, Asthma, Anti-biotic, Anti-Fungal etc. The prices fixed/revised would become effective within 15 days from the date of notification in the official gazette or the receipt of the order of the NPPA. Necessary revised price list is to be issued by the manufacturers/importers.

For details please click the following:

  1. Copy of Press Release/Explanatory Note
  2. Copy of Statement showing Existing and Revised prices.
  3. Ceiling Price


S.No S.O.No Date Formulations based on
a. 784(E) 16-8-2001 Cefadroxyl
b. 785(E) 16-8-2001 Multi Vitamin
c. 786(E) 16-8-2001 Griseofulvin
d. 787(E) 16-8-2001 Methyldopa
e. 788(E) 16-8-2001 Theophylline
  1. Non Ceiling Prices
Sl. No. Company Name Product Name
(i) M/s. Litaka Pharmaceutical Ltd. 4-D Plus Tablet
(ii) M/s. German Remedies Ltd. Prelone Syrup
(iii) M/s. M. J. Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Iletin-Regular/ NPH/ Lente Injection
(iv) Abbott Labs India Ltd. Surbex-T Capsule

(Dr. P.V. Appaji)
Director (M&S)

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