

(Published in Part II, Section 3, Sub Section (ii) of the
Gazette of India Extraordinary)

Government of India
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority

New Delhi, Dated : 26th July, 2006


S.O. 1178(E) :- In exercise of powers, conferred by the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 read with S.O. 637(E) dated the 4th September, 1997 issued by the Government of India in the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, hereby withdraws the entries mentioned in all the four columns in the table in respect of ‘serial no. 2’ relating to bulk drug Oxcarbazepine in the Gazette notification no. 412(E) dated 27th March, 2006, with immediate effect.


File No. F-9(5)/06/DP/NPPA

(N. Sridhar)
Deputy Director
National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority

Last Page Updated: 07-06-2019