

Packing Material (PM) cost study for formulation

Packing Material

Name of the company

Address of the Registered Office and Factory


S. No Name of the packing material Specification details Invoice No. / Date Unit of measurement Quantity Purchased Basic Price (Rs.) Excise Duty (Rs.) ST (Rs.) Freight (Rs.) Octroi (Rs.) Other incidental (specify) (Rs.) Less Cenvat (Rs.) Net Price (Rs.) Net price per unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

















































































































































































































































Note :
(I) The above information is to be furnished for all the varieties / types of packing material  including new packing materials hologram etc
(II) The above information may be furnished for the period of last 3 months and copies of relevant invoice be furnished in respect of last three months only
(III )     If there is not purchase during last three months then copies of last invoice in each case may be furnished


Signature of Company Authorised Signatory

Signature of Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant