

Details of expenditure excluded
The total amount against the following items for the latest year included in the P&L A/Cs for the respective year :
a. Total amount of bonus actually paid with percentage rates and the amount of salary and wages on which bonus was worked out.
b. Investment allowance/development rebate reserve if charged before arriving at the profit before tax.
c. Bad debts written off.
d. Provisions for bad and doubtful debts.
e. Commission based on percentage of profit.
f. Guarantee commission.
g. Litigation expenses.
h. Loss/gain on sale of assets.
i. Retrenchment compensation.
j. Provision for contingencies.
k. Gratuity other than based on actuarial valuation.
l. Expenses pertaining to previous year.
m. Exchange loss on Capital goods.
n. Other expenses not recognised by Income Tax Authorities being above the prescribed ceiling or otherwise not admissible in respect of the following items.
(i) Guest House expenses.
(ii) Entertainment expenses.
(iii) Advertisement expenses.
(iv) Salaries/perquisites, etc.

Note :- In respect of the last item(s) the amount as per the Income Tax returns filed by you may be indicated if returns have been finalised. The total from (a) to (n) above may be reconciled with figures shown in Proforma II under item “Expenses Excluded.

Last Page Updated: 31-05-2019