

Details of Actual & Estimated production and Sale Figure

Part A :-
Production pattern during last three years

S.No. Month/Year No. Of Days Actually Worked Production (Kg/MT) Average Production Per Day (Kg)











If other drugs are manufactured with same equipment/facilities, year-wise production figures may be
provided for the last three years for each of such drugs as per the above proforma.

Part B :- Production/Sale figure during the last three years


S.No Year Production (Kg/MT) Captive Consumption (Kg/MT) Domestic Sale (Kg/MT) Export (Kg/MT) Stock Adj. (Kg/MT) Total Production In Country





































NOTE :- If the correct figures regarding total production of the drug in the country is not available at least approximate figures may be
computed based on the available information from various sources.

Part C :- Estimated production of
durg during the next three year

S.No Year Total Production (Kg./MT) Captive Consumption (Kg/MT) Sales





Inland (Kg/MT) Export (Kg/MT)



















NOTE :- If other drugs are manufactured in the same plant/equipments, estimated production during the next three may be furnished of these drugs also individually.

Last Page Updated: 01-06-2019