

F. No. 54011/5/2011-Estt.(NPPA)

Government of India

Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers

Department of Pharmaceuticals

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority

3rd & 5th Floor,

YMCA Cultural Centre Building,

1, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi – 110 001

Dated:  7th December, 2012

 Technical Bid:

(i) The company/firm/agency should have access to latest market price of all the generic and branded medicines including available and sold in various parts of the country including in the remote areas.

(ii) The company/firm/agency should have the ability to track and update the new generic and branded medicines including prices on monthly basis to give the most relevant SMS reply considering the latest updated MRP.

(iii) The company/firm/agency should have fully functional all India VAS platform.

(iv) The company/firm/agency should be able to demonstrate its capabilities with reference to above points before the technical committee to be constituted by Govt. /NPPA. The detailed Terms of Reference can be downloaded from the website of NPPA i.e.

Last Page Updated: 02-11-2018