

Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Pack Description Dosage Form Pack Size Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012
4.2.9 Sodium Nitrite Injection Troikaa Pharmaceuticals Ltd. -- Sodium Nitrite injection 300 mg per 10 ml Ampoule 1 213.75 78166 --
-- -- -- -- 30 mg/ml -- 10 21.38 -- --
-- Monopoly situation as only M/s. Troikaa is the only known manufacturer -- -- --
-- PTR per unit 21.38 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows: -- -- --
Section: 4 – Antidotes and Other Substances used in Poisonings -- -- --
4.2: Specific -- -- -- --
-- Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Price Meeting SO Date % Reduction as Compared to Highest Price
1 Atropine Sulphate P,S,T Injection 1 mg/ml Data NA -- -- -- --
2 Specific Antisnake venom P,S,T Injection Polyvalent Solution/ Lyophilyzed Polyvalent Serum -- 410.56 5th 2251(E) 22.07.2013 14.01%
3 Calcium gluconate P,S,T Injection 100mg/ml 9.95 7th 2868(E) 20.09.2013 35.67%
4 Desferrioxamine mesylate S, T Injection 500mg 148.64 8th 3355(E) 05.11.2013 24.80%
5 Methylthioninium chloride (Methylene blue) S, T Injection 10 mg / ml Data NA -- -- -- --
6(a) Penicillamine S, T Capsules 250 mg 13.12 1st 1567(E) 14.6.2013 6.54%
6(b) Penicillamine S, T Tablets 250 mg Data NA -- -- -- --
7 Dimercaprol S, T Injection in oil 50 mg / ml Data NA -- -- -- --
8 Flumazenil T Injection 0.1 mg / ml Data NA -- -- -- --
9 Sodium Nitrite S, T Injection 30 mg / ml Data NA -- -- -- --
10 Sodium Thiosulphate S, T Injection 250 mg/ ml Data NA -- -- -- --
11 Naloxone P,S,T Injection 0.4mg/ml 91.51 5th 2234(E) 22.07.2013 27.06%
12 Pralidoxime Chloride(2-PAM) P,S,T Injection 25 mg/ml Data NA -- -- -- --
Added medicines -- -- -- -- --
13 N-acetylcysteine P,S,T Injection 200 mg/ml(5 ml) 22.52 1st 1568(E) 14.6.2013 40.73%
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Average Reduction 24.80%
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 21.38 X (1-24.80%) 16.08 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin 2.57 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price per unit 18.65 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- 1.18 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (including WPI but without local taxes) 19.83 S.O. 1783(E) dt. 10.0 -- -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Pack Description Dosage Form Pack Size Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT% Price per unit Ceiling Price with 16% margin Pyrimethamine
Tablet 25 mg
Vikas Pharmaceutical Laboratories -- -- Tablet 1000 215.00 107500 8811475.41% 0.22 --
-- Pyrimethamine
Tablet 25 mg
Indica Laboratories Daramin Tablet -- Tablet 20 24.38 694830 ############ 1.22 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 802330 ############ 0.72 0.84
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- MAX 1.22 Min 0.22 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- As per the above there are -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of MAT value consider -- -- -- -- 8.02 (Rs. In Lakhs) -- -- -- --
-- Sum of PTR per unit consid -- -- -- -- 1.44 -- -- -- -- --
-- Number of Packs consider -- -- -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- --
-- Av. PTR -- -- -- -- 0.72 -- -- -- -- --
-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin -- -- -- -- 0.12 -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (without local -- -- -- -- 0.84 -- -- -- -- --
-- % Reduction with compare -- -- -- -- 40.98% -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- -- -- 0.05 -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (including WPI -- -- -- -- 0.89 S.O. 1780(E) dt. 10.07.20 -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Pack Description Dosage Form Pack Size Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 Price per unit Codeine Phosphate I.P 10 mg Acron Pharmaceuticals A-Codine Tablets Codeine Phosphate I.P 10 mg Tablet 1000 914.28 431085 0.91
-- Codeine Phosphate I.P 10 mg Acron Pharmaceuticals Keycod Tablets Codeine Phosphate I.P 10 mg Tablet 1000 914.28 475200 0.91
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Average 0.91
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Monopoly situation as only M/s. Acron is the only known manufacturer -- -- --
-- PTR per unit 0.91 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows: -- -- --
Section: 25 – Medicines acting on the respiratory tract -- -- -- --
25.1: Antiasthmatic medicines -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Pack Description Dosage Form Pack Size Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 Price per unit
1 Beclomethasone Dipropionate P,S,T Inhalation 50 µg 169.37 7th 2846 (E) 20.09.2013 20.36
2 Beclomethasone Dipropionate P,S,T Inhalation 250µg/dose 1.52 1st 1690 (E) 14.6.2013 7.73
3 Hydrocortisone sodium succinate P,S,T Injection 100 mg 37.13 5th 2233(E) 22.07.2013 44.72
4 Hydrocortisone sodium succinate P,S,T Injection 200mg 71.45 7th 2847(E) 20.09.2013 20.36
5 Hydrocortisone sodium succinate P,S,T Injection 400 mg 135.70 1st 1691(E) 14.06.2013 8.62
6 Salbutamol sulphate P,S,T Tablets 2mg 0.14 14th 1157(E) 28.04.2014 0.00
7 Salbutamol sulphate P,S,T Tablets 4mg 0.17 13th 1019(E) 02.04.2014 0.00
8 Salbutamol sulphate P,S,T Syrup 2mg/5ml 0.14 13th 1020(E) 02.04.2014 7.69
9 Salbutamol sulphate P,S,T Inhalation 100µg/dose 0.48 15th 1314(E) 19.05.2014 7.22
Added Medicines -- -- -- --
10 Ipratropium bromide P,S,T Inhalation 20µg/metered dose 0.68 7th 2848(E) 20.09.2013 20.36
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Average Reduction 13.71
Therefore, PTR per unit 0.91X (1-13.71%) 0.79 -- -- -- -- -- --
Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.13 -- -- -- -- -- --
Ceiling Price per unit -- 0.92 -- -- -- -- -- --
WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- 0.06 -- -- -- -- -- --
Ceiling Price (including WPI but without local taxes) 0.98 S.O. 1782(E) dt. 10.0 -- -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Pack Description Dosage Form Pack Size Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT% Price per unit Ceiling Price with 16% margin Actinomycin D VHB Life Sciences Limited -- Lyophilized Inj. 2 ml Injection 1 573.89 354340 1.93% 573.89 --
-- -- Neon Laboratories Limited Actinocin Each vial contains :
Dactinomycin USP 0.5 mg
Reconstitute with 1.1 ml of Sterile
water for injections I.p and use immediately after preparation
Vial 1 194.44 80000 0.44% 194.44 --
-- -- Celon Laboratories -- Dactinomycin for injection USP 0.5 mg Vial 1 339.05 17954479 97.64% 339.05 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 18388819 100.00% 456.47 529.51
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- MAX 573.89 Min 339.05 --
-- As per the above there are 2 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above




-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation -- -- 183.09 (Rs. In Lakhs) --


-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation -- -- 912.94 --


-- Number of Packs considered -- -- -- 2 -- --


-- Av. PTR -- -- -- -- 456.47 -- --


-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin -- -- -- -- 73.04 -- --


-- Ceiling Price (without local taxes) -- -- -- 529.51 -- --


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price -- -- 20.46% -- --


-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- -- -- 33.47 -- --


-- Ceiling Price (including WPI but without local taxes) -- -- 562.98 S.O. 1781(E) dt. 10.07.20 --



Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Pack Description Dosage Form Pack Size ML Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin Phenobarbitone Tablets 30 mg ABBOTT* GARDENAL GARDENAL TAB UNC Tablets 20 Per Tabs 28.48 101632843 #DIV/0! 1.42 -- Phenobarbitone Tablets 30 mg MEDO PHARMA EMGARD EMGARD TAB UNCOA Tablets 10 Per Tabs 15.37 740433 #DIV/0! 1.54 -- Phenobarbitone Tablets 30 mg INTAS PHARMA* PHENOBARB PHENOBARB TABS 30 Tablets 10 Per Tabs 4.10 387354 #DIV/0! 0.41 -- Phenobarbitone Tablets 30 mg SAMARTH PHARMA FENOBARB FENOBARB TABS 30 M Tablets 10 Per Tabs 5.33 65251 #DIV/0! 0.53 -- Phenobarbitone Tablets 30 mg IND-SWIFT BARBEE BARBEE TAB UNCOA Tablets 10 Per Tabs 8.99 4639 #DIV/0! 0.90 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 102830520 #DIV/0! -- 1.39
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Monopoly situation asmarket share -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- PTR per unit as per IMS Health data -- -- Rs. 1.42 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Prices fixed in the relevant sub -sec -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Section: 5 – Anticonvulsants/ Antiepileptics -- --
-- Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Ceiling price Meeting No. S.O. No. & Date % reduction to Highest price pack -- -- -- --
-- Phenobarbitone P,S,T Tablets 30 mg -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Phenobarbitone Tablets 60 mg 2.38 15th meeting 1313(E) dt. 19.5.2014 4.65 -- -- -- -- --
-- Phenobarbitone ST Injection 200 mg/ml 18.75 6th Meeting 2526(E) dt. 21.08.13 14.88 -- -- -- --
-- Phenobarbitone P,S,T Syrup 20 mg/5ml 0.41 7th meeting 2833(E) dt. 20.09.13 27.84 -- -- -- --
-- Average Reduction -- -- -- -- -- -- 15.79 -- -- -- --


-- -- -- -- -- --
-- Therfore,per unit price as per Para 6(i) of DPCO,2013 1.42*(1-15.79%) -- 1.20 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Add margin 16% -- 0.19 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price -- 1.39 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI @ 6.32% -- 0.09 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Revised Ceiling Price (including -- -- -- 1.48 S.O. 1785(E) dt. 1 -- -- -- -- -- --


S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Pack Description Dosage Form Pack Size ML Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin
1 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ABBOTT* STATOR STATOR FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 32.46 141,703,875 3.97% 3.25 --
2 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ABBOTT* CAAT CAAT FILM C.TA Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 66.89 60,316,397 1.69% 6.69 --
3 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ABBOTT* LIPIGOAL LIPIGOAL FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 32.35 10,565,483 0.30% 3.24 --
4 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ABBOTT* STATOR STATOR FILM C. Tablets 30 Per Tabs/caps 89.93 1,435,104 0.04% 3.00 --
5 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ABBOTT* STATOR STATOR FILM C. Tablets 7 Per Tabs/caps 29.54 1,252,613 0.04% 4.22 --
6 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg AJANTA PHARMA ATORFIT ATORFIT FILM C Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 29.71 52,687,099 1.48% 2.97 --
7 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg BIOCON STATIX STATIX FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 63.85 64,585,952 1.81% 6.39 --
8 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg BLUE CROSS LIPONORM LIPONORM FIL Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 23.82 43,379,028 1.22% 2.38 --
9 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg CIPLA ATORLIP ATORLIP FILM C Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 71.62 149,517,814 4.19% 7.16 --
10 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg CIPLA LIPVAS LIPVAS FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 31.10 6,304,992 0.18% 3.11 --
11 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg CIPLA OMNITOR OMNITOR FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 64.54 6,039,723 0.17% 6.45 --
12 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg DR REDDYS LABS ATOCOR ATOCOR FILM C Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 70.76 193,975,602 5.44% 7.08 --
13 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg EMCURE* ATOREC ATOREC FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 65.44 69,900,000 1.96% 6.54 --
14 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg EMCURE* LIPIRA LIPIRA FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 50.96 5,285,880 0.15% 5.10 --
15 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg EMCURE* ATOREC ATOREC TABS 1 Tablets 30 Per Tabs/caps 204.61 1,100,000 0.03% 6.82 --
16 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ERIS LIFE SCIENC ATORSAVE ATORSAVE FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 60.19 70,066,990 1.96% 6.02 --
17 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg FDC ZIVAST ZIVAST FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 22.10 65,645,531 1.84% 2.21 --
18 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg INTAS PHARMA* LIPICURE LIPICURE FILM Tablets 15 Per Tabs/caps 101.85 190,776,660 5.35% 6.79 --
19 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg INTAS PHARMA* LIPICURE LIPICURE FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 62.20 30,315,960 0.85% 6.22 --
20 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg INTAS PHARMA* AZERVA AZERVA FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 63.92 20,264,849 0.57% 6.39 --
21 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg INTAS PHARMA* LIPICURE LIPICURE FILM Tablets 30 Per Tabs/caps 159.22 10,742,040 0.30% 5.31 --
22 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg IPCA LABS XTOR XTOR FILM C.TA Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 57.65 98,276,518 2.76% 5.77 --
23 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg IPCA LABS PLEOTOR PLEOTOR FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 57.14 5,819,823 0.16% 5.71 --
24 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg LUPIN LIMITED TONACT TONACT FILM C. Tablets 15 Per Tabs/caps 91.13 257,094,888 7.21% 6.08 --
25 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg LUPIN LIMITED TONACT TONACT FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 55.15 20,400,770 0.57% 5.52 --
26 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg LUPIN LIMITED TONACT TONACT FILM C. Tablets 30 Per Tabs/caps 155.50 76,163 0.00% 5.18 --
27 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MACLEODS PHA ATORMAC ATORMAC FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 48.61 42,645,868 1.20% 4.86 --
28 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MACLEODS PHAR MACTOR MACTOR FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 14.24 30,759,041 0.86% 1.42 --
29 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MANKIND LIPIKIND LIPIKIND FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 25.00 74,700,087 2.09% 2.50 --
30 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MANKIND ATORNAM ATORNAM FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 10.85 35,567 0.00% 1.09 --
31 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MICRO LABS* AVAS AVAS FILM C.TA Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 70.77 120,696,720 3.38% 7.08 --
32 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MICRO LABS* ASTIN ASTIN FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 70.10 40,849,795 1.15% 7.01 --
33 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MICRO LABS* LIPOFIX LIPOFIX FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 48.54 11,274,443 0.32% 4.85 --
34 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg RANBAXY* STORVAS STORVAS FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 75.32 461,694,102 12.95% 7.53 --
35 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg RANBAXY* STORVAS STORVAS FILM Tablets 30 Per Tabs/caps 192.31 49,718,859 1.39% 6.41 --
36 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg RANBAXY* STORVAS STORVAS COMP Tablets 30 Per Tabs/caps 190.48 7,374,017 0.21% 6.35 --
37 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg SUN* AZTOR AZTOR FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 68.53 329,481,456 9.24% 6.85 --
38 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg TORRENT PHAR MODLIP MODLIP FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 62.30 75,587,329 2.12% 6.23 --
39 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg TORRENT PHARM LIPOZAC LIPOZAC FILM C Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 30.00 36,750 0.00% 3.00 --
40 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg UNICHEM* TG-TOR TG-TOR FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 64.77 125,277,567 3.51% 6.48 --
41 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ZYDUS CADILA* ATORVA ATORVA FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 79.74 362,765,666 10.17% 7.97 --
42 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ZYDUS CADILA* ATTOR ATTOR FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 45.74 14,990,727 0.42% 4.57 --
43 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ZYDUS CADILA* BIOVAS BIOVAS TABS 10 Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 65.40 2,515,938 0.07% 6.54 --
44 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg AKESISS PHARMA ATORNET ATORNET FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 37.68 716,898 0.02% 3.77 --
45 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ALEMBIC ETERNEX ETERNEX FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 63.62 11,239,972 0.32% 6.36 --
46 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ALEMBIC ALTRIP ALTRIP TABS 10 Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 25.85 1,032,627 0.03% 2.59 --
47 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ALKEM* ATOSTAT ATOSTAT FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 21.44 1,373,297 0.04% 2.14 --
48 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ALKEM* VASC VASC FILM C.TAB Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 56.15 1,095,993 0.03% 5.62 --
49 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ALKEM* ATVAS ATVAS TABS 10 M Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 48.77 1,463 0.00% 4.88 --
50 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ARISTO PHARMA ATCHOL ATCHOL FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 26.12 15,037,174 0.42% 2.61 --
51 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg BARODA PHARM BAROSTATIN BAROSTATIN FIL Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 20.19 3,339,282 0.09% 2.02 --
52 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg CADILA PHARMA ATORBEST ATORBEST FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 10.45 2,543,977 0.07% 1.05 --
53 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg CADILA PHARMA CADITOR CADITOR FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 31.53 888,314 0.02% 3.15 --
54 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg CENTAUR LIPOREST LIPOREST FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 38.00 313,219 0.01% 3.80 --
55 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg COMED CHEMICA TORSA TORSA FILM C.TA Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 36.02 4,106 0.00% 3.60 --
56 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ELDER PHARMA LIPIVAS LIPIVAS FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 51.47 76,742 0.00% 5.15 --
57 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg FRANCO INDIAN ATHEART ATHEART FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 58.32 18,538,047 0.52% 5.83 --
58 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg GLAXOSMITHKLI LILO LILO FILM C.TAB Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 25.70 13,337,498 0.37% 2.57 --
59 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg HELIOS ATROCARD ATROCARD TABS Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 66.22 1,922,896 0.05% 6.62 --
60 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg HETERO HEALTH GENXVAST GENXVAST FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 9.14 14,187,632 0.40% 0.91 --
61 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg INDI PHARMA LIPICHEK LIPICHEK FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 45.16 5,600 0.00% 4.52 --
62 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg INDOCO* CHOLECHEK CHOLECHEK TAB Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 44.15 5,764,309 0.16% 4.42 --
63 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg INDOCO* ONTORVAS ONTORVAS TABS Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 11.45 355 0.00% 1.15 --
64 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg IND-SWIFT ATSTAT ATSTAT FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 47.60 2,239,912 0.06% 4.76 --
65 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg IND-SWIFT QEST QEST FILM C.TAB Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 49.04 1,373 0.00% 4.90 --
66 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg LINCOLN PHARM VAST VAST FILM C.TAB Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 41.40 235,318 0.01% 4.14 --
67 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MEDLEY PHARM ATORIN ATORIN FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 34.86 15,230,728 0.43% 3.49 --
68 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MERCK LIMITED TRAVA TRAVA FILM C.T Tablets 7 Per Tabs/caps 41.29 839,220 0.02% 5.90 --
69 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MEYER ORGANIC LIPITAB LIPITAB FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 38.93 17,168 0.00% 3.89 --
70 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MOLEKULE INDIA MOLVAST MOLVAST FILM C Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 72.76 307,920 0.01% 7.28 --
71 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MOREPEN LABS TOR HDL TOR HDL FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 27.35 492,437 0.01% 2.74 --
72 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg MOREPEN LABS ORVASTIN ORVASTIN TABS Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 40.60 210,471 0.01% 4.06 --
73 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg NOVARTIS INTL.* ROTACOR ROTACOR FILM C Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 31.35 36,460 0.00% 3.14 --
74 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg ORCHID CHEM&P PLEOSTIN PLEOSTIN FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 44.23 20,000,271 0.56% 4.42 --
75 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg OZONE OZOVAS OZOVAS FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 60.09 6,477,227 0.18% 6.01 --
76 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg PALSON DRUG STATCHOL STATCHOL FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 30.77 426,903 0.01% 3.08 --
77 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg PANACEA BIOTE LOWER-A LOWER-A FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 25.14 9,043,461 0.25% 2.51 --
78 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg PANJON PHARMA ATORTIN ATORTIN TABS 10 Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 49.56 19,229 0.00% 4.96 --
79 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg PARENTERAL DR ATORAZAP ATORAZAP FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 24.59 625,176 0.02% 2.46 --
80 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg PSYCHOTROPICS PILECA PILECA TABS 10 Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 87.20 1,107,353 0.03% 8.72 --
81 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg PULSE PHARMA VIOLIP VIOLIP FILM C.TA Tablets 14 Per Tabs/caps 57.60 425,206 0.01% 4.11 --
82 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg RPG LIFE SCIENC ARPITOR ARPITOR COMPLI Tablets 90 Per Tabs/caps 115.34 4,341,018 0.12% 1.28 --
83 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg RPG LIFE SCIENC ARPITOR ARPITOR FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 44.10 4,018,259 0.11% 4.41 --
84 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg RPG LIFE SCIENC LIPISAFE LIPISAFE FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 61.31 214,708 0.01% 6.13 --
85 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg SANOFI* SITESTAT SITESTAT FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 53.46 9,399,378 0.26% 5.35 --
86 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg SHINE PHARMA TVS TVS TABS 10 MG x Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 49.39 15,215,030 0.43% 4.94 --
87 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg SHREYA LIFE SCI DURASTAT DURASTAT FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 39.90 6,366,794 0.18% 3.99 --
88 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg SUNIJ PHARMA VASTA VASTA FILM C.TA Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 19.84 3,820,513 0.11% 1.98 --
89 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg TROIKAA PHARM LESSKAA LESSKAA FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 77.11 8,703,263 0.24% 7.71 --
90 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg TROIKAA PHARM LESSTROL LESSTROL FILM C Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 45.00 24,300 0.00% 4.50 --
91 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg U S V MONOTORVA MONOTORVA FIL Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 73.83 9,878,610 0.28% 7.38 --
92 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg UNIQUE PHARM VASOLIP VASOLIP FILM C. Tablets 15 Per Tabs/caps 55.45 7,482,622 0.21% 3.70 --
93 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg UNIQUE PHARM VASOLIP VASOLIP FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 49.96 4,952,936 0.14% 5.00 --
94 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg UNISON PHARMA TORVASON TORVASON FILM Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 13.27 13,201,365 0.37% 1.33 --
95 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg VERITAZ HEALTH ATORIL ATORIL FILM C.T Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 48.42 136,932 0.00% 4.84 --
96 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg VHB LIFESCIENC ATOROLL ATOROLL FILM C. Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 58.08 10,338 0.00% 5.81 --
97 Atorvastatin Tablets 10 mg WOCKHARDT LT ATORITIC ATORITIC TABS 1 Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 18.13 1,586,177 0.04% 1.81 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3,566,441,163 100.00% 5.26 6.10
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- maximum 7.97 minimum 1.09
-- -- As per the above there are 20 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Sum of MAT value considered f -- -- 33,279.34 (Rs. In Lakhs) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Sum of PTR per unit considered -- -- 226.34 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Number of Packs considered -- -- 43 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Average PTR -- -- 5.26 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Add : 16% Retailer Margin -- -- 0.84 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Ceiling Price (without local taxe -- -- 6.10 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- % Reduction with compared to -- -- 34.00% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- 0.39 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Revised Ceiling Price (includin -- -- 6.49 S.O. 1786(E) dt. 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Earlier notified Ceiling Price (in -- -- 6.28 S.O. 1156(E) dt. 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --


Unique no. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brand Pack size (ml) Price to Retailer MAT Value May 2012 MAT % Price per unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 I GLAND PHARMA HEP 5 INJ VIAL 5 5 85.52 3238594 1.77% 17.10 -- Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 I GLAND PHARMA HEPARIN SODIU 5 53.33 1912968 1.04% 10.67 -- Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 I BIOLOGICAL E BEPARINE INJ VI 5 194.67 97232377 53.08% 38.93 -- Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 I SAMARTH PHARMA CAPRIN INJ VIA 5 160.00 9594883 5.24% 32.00 -- Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 I TROIKAA PHARMA NUPARIN INJ VI 5 241.38 16716000 9.13% 48.28 -- Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 I TROIKAA PHARMA TROYHEPINJ VI 5 241.38 35155000 19.19% 48.28 -- Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 IU/ml VHB LIFESCIENCES V-PARIN INJ VIAL 5 35.50 1128829 0.62% 7.10 -- Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 I M/s NIRMA HEPARIN SODIU 5 200.18 7051728 3.85% 40.04 -- Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 IU/ml M/s Arco Life Sciences HEPARIN SODIU 5 120.20 75600 0.04% 24.04 -- Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 I M/s Bharat Biotech HEPASOL V 5 194.25 3109807 1.70% 38.85 -- Heparin Sodium Injection 5000 I M/s Claris Life Sciences HEPARIN SODIU 5 217.37 7955742 4.34% 43.47 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- 183171528 100.00% 35.29 40.94
-- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 48.28 Minimum 10.67
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- As per the above there are 7 co -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation 1819.67 (Rs. in lakhs) -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation 317.62 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Number of Packs considered 9 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Average PTR 35.29 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin 5.65 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (without local taxes) 40.94 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price 26.91% -- -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- 2.59 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Revised Ceiling Price (including -- 43.53 S.O. 1787(E) dt. 10.07.2 -- -- -- -- --
-- Earlier notified Ceiling Price (inc -- 43.19 S.O. 1156(E) dt. 28.4.20 -- -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM NLEM 2011 with Isomer final Company Brands Pack Description Dosage Form Pack Size Unit Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit Tramadol Capsules 50mg ABBOTT* CONTRAMAL CONTRAMAL CA Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 58.04 10,559,472 8.81% 5.80 -- Tramadol Capsules 50mg CIPLA TRAMACIP TRAMACIP CAPS Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 52.78 5,831,943 4.86% 5.28 -- Tramadol Capsules 50mg ELDER PHARMA ZOFTADOL ZOFTADOL CAPS Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 56.32 1,245,403 1.04% 5.63 -- Tramadol Capsules 50mg INTAS PHARMA* TRAMATAS TRAMATAS CAP Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 57.22 5,912,144 4.93% 5.72 -- Tramadol Capsules 50mg UNICHEM* DOMADOL DOMADOL CAPS Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 61.22 14,375,760 11.99% 6.12 -- Tramadol Capsules 50mg ZYDUS CADILA* BIOTRAM BIOTRAM CAPS Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 13.08 496,033 0.41% 1.31 -- Tramadol Capsules 50mg ZYDUS CADILA* TRAMAZAC TRAMAZAC CAP Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 70.46 79,121,479 66.00% 7.05 -- Tramadol Capsules 50mg JUGGAT PHARMA RELIDOL RELIDOL CAPS 50 Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 51.66 119,128 0.10% 5.17 -- Tramadol Capsules 50mg LARK LABS JIMDOL JIMDOL CAPS 50 Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 6.00 333,167 0.28% 0.60 -- Tramadol Capsules 50mg RANBAXY* TRANZEX TRANZEX CAPS 5 Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 7.16 224,938 0.19% 0.72 -- Tramadol Capsules 50mg WIN MEDICARE URGENDOL URGENDOL CAPS Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 63.35 103,120 0.09% 6.33 -- Tramadol Capsules 50mg ZENITH LABS VICADOL VICADOL CAPS 50 Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 37.80 199,697 0.17% 3.78 -- Tramadol Capsules 50mg Nirma Ltd. Tramonir -- Capsules 10 Per Tabs/caps 46.89 1,362,389 1.14% 4.69 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 119,884,674 13495.75% 5.20 6.03
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 7.05 Minimum 1.31
-- As per the above there are 7 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation 1,175.42 (Rs. In lakhs) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation 41.60 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Number of Packs considered 8 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Average PTR 5.20 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin 0.83 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (without local taxes) 6.03 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price 26.20% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- 0.38 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Revised Ceiling Price (including -- 6.41 S.O. 1788(E) dt. 10 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Earlier notified Ceiling Price (inc -- 6.51 S.O. 1156(E) dt. 28 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM NLEM 2011 with Isomer final Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Pack Description Dosage Form Pack Size ML Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg ZYDUS CADILA* PANTODAC PANTODAC INJ Infusion 1 vial 48.15 349385863 27.57% 48.15 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg ALKEM* PAN PAN INJ LYO VIA Vials 1 Vials 40.16 187963590 14.83% 40.16 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg ARISTO PHARM PANTOP PANTOP INJ DRY Vials 1 Vials 44.91 176891044 13.96% 44.91 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg SUN* PANTOCID PANTOCID INFU Infusion 1 vial 49.58 115405395 9.11% 49.58 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg HETERO HEALT PANTIN PANTIN INJ DRY Vials 1 Vials 49.52 66780773 5.27% 49.52 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg CIPLA PANSEC PANSEC INJ DRY Vials 1 vial 46.47 52436502 4.14% 46.47 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg EMCURE* PANSA PANSA INJ DRY Vials 1 Vials 43.50 31778717 2.51% 43.50 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg ABBOTT* PANDIFF PANDIFF INJ IV Vials 1 vial 44.19 26315316 2.08% 44.19 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg BLUE CROSS P-PPI P-PPI INJ DRY VI Infusion 1 vial 18.00 20535839 1.62% 18.00 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg WOCKHARDT LT PENTOWOK PENTOWOK INJ Infusion 1 vial 21.85 16866491 1.33% 21.85 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg MICRO LABS* PANTOFIX PANTOFIX INJ D Vials 1 Vials 41.90 16225598 1.28% 41.90 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg MACLEODS PHA NUPENTA NUPENTA INJ LY Vials 1 vial 45.70 14894722 1.18% 45.70 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg ALKEM* PNZ PNZ INJ DRY VIA Vials 1 Vials 42.29 13758723 1.09% 42.29 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg VHB LIFESCIENC PRAZOTEL PRAZOTEL INJ DR Vials 1 Vials 25.95 11254711 0.89% 25.95 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg NEON LABS ZEPOXIN ZEPOXIN INJ DR Vials 1 vial 53.96 10605033 0.84% 53.96 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg DR REDDYS LABS ZOVANTA ZOVANTA INJ DR Vials 1 vial 40.35 10329655 0.82% 40.35 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg INTAS PHARMA* PANTIUM PANTIUM INJ DR Ampoules 1 vial 45.55 9799277 0.77% 45.55 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg LUPIN LIMITED PROTERA-IV PROTERA-IV INJ Vials 1 Vials 43.65 9608044 0.76% 43.65 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg NEON LABS ZAPOXIN ZAPOXIN INJ DR Vials 1 Vials 35.80 9430506 0.74% 35.80 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg MANKIND PANTAKIND PANTAKIND INJ Vials 1 vial 45.71 8905852 0.70% 45.71 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg WANBURY PANTASTIC PANTASTIC INJ L Vials 1 Vials 45.27 8501188 0.67% 45.27 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg MICRO LABS* PANTOTAB PANTOTAB VIAL Vials 1 vial 46.80 8498877 0.67% 46.80 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg MICRO LABS* PANTOCAR PANTOCAR INFU Infusion 1 vial 45.31 7385711 0.58% 45.31 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg DABUR PANFAST PANFAST INJ LYO Vials 1 Vials 41.83 6906346 0.54% 41.83 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg CIPLA PANTOSEC PANTOSEC INJ D Vials 1 Vials 29.75 6774931 0.53% 29.75 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg HETERO HEALTH LYPAN LYPAN VIAL DRY Vials 1 vial 42.71 6260786 0.49% 42.71 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg SHINE PHARMA PANIDO PANIDO INJ LYO Vials 1 vial 40.00 5346233 0.42% 40.00 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg LUPIN LIMITED P2I P2I INJ DRY VIA Vials 1 vial 40.06 5252024 0.41% 40.06 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg CADILA PHARMA ACIBAN ACIBAN VIAL DR Vials 1 vial 44.06 4643283 0.37% 44.06 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg UNIQUE PHARM PANUM PANUM INJ DRY Vials 1 vial 49.39 4301753 0.34% 49.39 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg IPCA LABS PROTOCHEK PROTOCHEK INJ Vials 1 vial 47.27 3913956 0.31% 47.27 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg MOREPEN LABS PENTOPEN PENTOPEN INJ IV. Vials 1 vial 40.36 3101586 0.24% 40.36 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg LINCOLN PHARM PENTALINK PENTALINK INJ D Vials 1 Vials 40.10 3097923 0.24% 40.10 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg RANBAXY* PANTOCALM PANTOCALM INJ Vials 1 vial 46.15 3009258 0.24% 46.15 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg TROIKAA PHARM PANOTROY PANOTROY INJ I Infusion 1 vial 46.48 2469018 0.19% 46.48 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg ELDER PHARMA PAZOM PAZOM INJ VIAL Vials 1 ML 53.14 1871218 0.15% 53.14 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg ERIS LIFE SCIENC PANASTA PANASTA INJ IV Vials 1 vial 45.71 1662197 0.13% 45.71 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg ABBOTT* NICOPENTA NICOPENTA INJ Vials 1 Vials 56.68 1323535 0.10% 56.68 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg STRIDES ARCOLA PANTOM PANTOM INJ DRY Vials 1 Vials 44.96 1221384 0.10% 44.97 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg CORONA REMEDI ULPAN ULPAN INJ DRY V Vials 1 vial 42.67 961225 0.08% 42.67 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg PSYCHOTROPICS PANTAPIL PANTAPIL INJ LY Vials 1 Vials 53.14 885046 0.07% 53.14 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg ZYDUS CADILA* PEPTILCER PEPTILCER INJ Vials 1 Vials 12.04 831091 0.07% 12.04 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg AGLOWMED PANOPAZ PANOPAZ INJ DR Vials 1 vial 41.14 597805 0.05% 41.14 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg IND-SWIFT PENTAGON PENTAGON INJ D Vials 1 Vials 54.50 570123 0.04% 54.50 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg AKESISS PHARMA PANPOT PANPOT INJ LYO Vials 1 Vials 45.37 402251 0.03% 45.37 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg MEDLEY PHARM PANTOMED PANTOMED INJ D Vials 1 Vials 20.00 294199 0.02% 20.00 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg GLENMARK LABS PENTOZEN PENTOZEN INJ D Vials 1 Vials 19.62 259495 0.02% 19.62 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg RPG LIFE SCIENC ZOLPANZ ZOLPANZ INJ DR Vials 1 vial 42.60 157492 0.01% 42.60 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg PANJON PHARMA PENTAGREEN PENTAGREEN INJ Vials 1 Vials 39.24 114777 0.01% 39.24 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg MANEESH PHAR ERACID ERACID INJ IV. VI Vials 1 vial 40.66 87008 0.01% 40.64 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg INDOCO* PANOFECT PANOFECT INJ LY Vials 1 Vials 17.11 73077 0.01% 17.11 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg RPG LIFE SCIENC PATROVA PATROVA INJ LY Vials 1 vial 16.69 70866 0.01% 16.69 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg SEAGULL LABS PANTONEC PANTONEC INJ L Vials 1 Vials 53.14 67275 0.01% 53.14 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg ALEMBIC PANPLUS PANPLUS INJ DR Vials 1 Vials 36.92 66936 0.01% 36.92 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg VERITAZ HEALTH IVTOPRAZ IVTOPRAZ INJ DR Vials 1 Vials 32.62 16082 0.00% 32.62 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg NATCO PHARMA PANZOL PANZOL INJ DRY Vials 1 vial 24.00 11496 0.00% 24.00 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg LUPIN LIMITED PANTOLUP PANTOLUP VIAL Vials 1 vial 29.13 874 0.00% 29.13 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg-S GLAND PHARMA GLANPAN GLANPAN INJ D Capsules 1 Per Tabs/caps 60.80 17084484 1.35% 60.80 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg-S Zuventus -- GLANPAN INJ D vials 1 vials 43.50 23200000 1.83% 43.50 -- Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg Pantoprazole Injection 40 mg-S Nirma Ltd. Pantonir IV GLANPAN INJ D vials 1 vials 61.60 45476077 3.59% 61.60 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1267264460 100.0% 42.15 48.89
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 61.60 Minimum 12.04
-- -- As per the above there are 17 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation 12409.71 (Rs. In Lakhs) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation 1138.01 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Number of Packs considered 27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Average PTR 42.15 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Add : 16% Retailer Margin 6.74 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Ceiling Price 48.89 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price 31.57% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- 3.09 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Revised Ceiling Price (includin -- -- 51.98 S.O. 1789(E) dt. 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Earlier notified Ceiling Price (in -- -- 50.96 S.O. 1156(E) dt. 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Pack Description Dosage Form Pack Size ML Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ALKEM* NOWORM NOWORM TAB UNCOATE Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 12.77 43,831,785 6.65% 12.77 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg BLUE CROSS WOMIBAN WOMIBAN TABS 400 MG Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 13.83 25,664,909 3.89% 13.83 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg CIPLA BENDEX BENDEX TABS CHEW 40 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 12.07 35,547,976 5.39% 12.07 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg GLAXOSMITHKLINE* ZENTEL ZENTEL TAB UNCOATED Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 14.02 319,208,884 48.43% 14.02 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg INTAS PHARMA* ABD ABD TABS 400 MG x 1 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.84 8,909,485 1.35% 9.84 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg LUPIN LIMITED LUPIWORM LUPIWORM TABS CHEW Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 122.63 7,134,612 1.08% 12.26 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MANKIND BANDY BANDY TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 6.54 31,024,473 4.71% 6.54 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MANKIND BANDY BANDY TABS 400 MG x 1 Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 57.14 7,688,700 1.17% 5.71 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MICRO LABS* XENDA XENDA TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 12.95 7,636,455 1.16% 12.95 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg RANBAXY* ZEEBEE ZEEBEE TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.60 69,170,157 10.49% 9.60 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ALKEM* DISPEL DISPEL TABS 400 MG x Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 12.45 1,195,687 0.18% 12.45 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg BLUE CROSS WOMIBAN WOMIBAN TABS 400 MG Tablets 4 Per Tabs/caps 27.56 88,964 0.01% 6.89 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg CIPLA XWORM XWORM TABS CHEW 40 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 3.61 3,251,536 0.49% 3.61 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg CIPLA TIOBEND TIOBEND TABS 400 MG x Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 1.60 304,862 0.05% 1.60 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg CIPLA WORMEX WORMEX TABS CHEW 4 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 3.25 6,984 0.00% 3.25 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg GLAXOSMITHKLINE* ZENTEL ZENTEL TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 2 Per Tabs/caps 21.10 1,725,090 0.26% 10.55 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg GLAXOSMITHKLINE* ZENTEL ZENTEL TABS 400 MG x Tablets 5 Per Tabs/caps 58.03 712,550 0.11% 11.61 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg INDOCO* ABZ ABZ TABS 400 MG x 1 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 11.00 6,070,724 0.92% 11.00 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg INDOCO* OLBAN OLBAN TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 11.74 530,345 0.08% 11.74 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg INDOCO* WORMIKNOCK WORMIKNOCK TABS 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 1.42 4,880 0.00% 1.42 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg LUPIN LIMITED LUPIBEND LUPIBEND TABS CHEW 4 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 2.66 717,187 0.11% 2.66 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MANKIND MAHABEND MAHABEND TABS 400 M Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 1.58 210,987 0.03% 1.58 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MICRO LABS* XENDA XENDA TABS 400 MG x 3 Tablets 30 Per Tabs/caps 268.92 4,963,188 0.75% 8.96 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MICRO LABS* ALBENDOL ALBENDOL TABS 400 M Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.67 441,812 0.07% 9.67 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MICRO LABS* WORMAL WORMAL TABS CHEW 4 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 1.75 143,685 0.02% 1.75 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg RANBAXY* ALBENDAZOLE ALBENDAZOLE TABS 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 8.40 1,752,600 0.27% 8.40 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ZYDUS CADILA* ZELBEND ZELBEND TABS 400 MG Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.63 4,725,737 0.72% 9.63 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ZYDUS CADILA* OLWORM OLWORM TABS 400 MG Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 10.63 2,414,483 0.37% 10.63 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ZYDUS CADILA* ALBENDAZOLE ALBENDAZOLE TABS 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 3.00 1,243,641 0.19% 3.00 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ZYDUS CADILA* ZYBEND ZYBEND TABS 400 MG x Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 1.71 390,024 0.06% 1.71 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ZYDUS CADILA* CANTEL CANTEL TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 1.15 44,205 0.01% 1.15 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ZYDUS CADILA* ZELBEND ZELBEND TAB UNCOATE Tablets 4 Per Tabs/caps 34.47 2,034 0.00% 8.62 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ACRON ALONE ALONE TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 8.02 229,477 0.03% 8.02 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg AGLOWMED WORMPEL WORMPEL TABS 400 MG Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.52 619,344 0.09% 9.52 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ALBERT DAVID SIOBAN SIOBAN TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 12.24 4,543,932 0.69% 12.24 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ALEMBIC WORID WORID TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.63 3,322,948 0.50% 9.63 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ANGLO FRENCH DRUGS ALBENDAZOLE ALBENDAZOLE TABS 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 3.00 22,086 0.00% 3.00 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg AR EX SAF-A SAF-A TABS 400 MG x 1 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 8.00 48 0.00% 8.00 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ASHOK PHARMA ENVORM ENVORM TABS CHEW 40 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.00 23,859 0.00% 9.00 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg BURNET PHARMA BEN BEN TABS 400 MG x 1 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 13.17 915,166 0.14% 13.17 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg CADILA PHARMA VORMOUT VORMOUT TABS 400 MG Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 1.36 139,855 0.02% 1.36 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg CADILA PHARMA WORMIN-A WORMIN-A TABS 400 MG Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.05 769 0.00% 9.05 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg DALES PHARMA KRUMEX KRUMEX TAB UNCOATED Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 6.40 364,844 0.06% 6.40 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg DARKT INTERNATION. ALBEND ALBEND TABS CHEW 40 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.00 2,001,086 0.30% 9.00 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg DR REDDYS LABS REDIOUT REDIOUT TABS CHEW 40 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 5.77 3,355,741 0.51% 5.77 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg ELDER PHARMA ELDOBEN ELDOBEN TAB UNCOATE Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 13.90 615,004 0.09% 13.90 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg EMCEE SIDOSE SIDOSE TABS 400 MG x Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 10.20 2,214,808 0.34% 10.20 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg EMCEE SIDOSE SIDOSE TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 97.30 1,025,639 0.16% 9.73 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg EMCEE SIDOSE SIDOSE TABS 400 MG x Tablets 3 Per Tabs/caps 21.18 328,820 0.05% 7.06 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg GLENMARK LABS ALBACT ALBACT TABS 400 MG x Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.61 69,101 0.01% 9.61 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg GLENMARK PHARMA MILIBEND MILIBEND TABS 400 MG Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 5.70 14,780 0.00% 5.70 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg GRAF LABS D WORM D WORM TABS 400 MG x Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 10.73 287,930 0.04% 10.73 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg IATROS PHARMA ALBENMINT ALBENMINT TABS 400 M Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 10.49 1,246,181 0.19% 10.49 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg IND-SWIFT ELBENOL ELBENOL TABS 400 MG Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 2.73 112,999 0.02% 2.73 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg INVIDA INDIA ALBRODO ALBRODO TABS 400 MG Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 6.57 59 0.00% 6.57 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg JUGGAT PHARMA CIDAZOLE CIDAZOLE TAB UNCOATE Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 10.14 4,990,185 0.76% 10.14 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg KHANDELWAL ALLTEL ALLTEL TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 14.44 2,324,107 0.35% 14.44 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg KLAR SEHEN ODAL ODAL TABS CHEW 400 M Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 8.58 2,373,826 0.36% 8.58 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg KLAR SEHEN ODAL ODAL TABS 400 MG x 10 Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 8.20 167,286 0.03% 0.82 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg LABORATE PHARMA ABIDE ABIDE TAB UNCOATED 4 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 12.26 339,984 0.05% 12.26 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg LARK LABS TOKO TOKO TABS FORT 400 M Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 4.33 14,055 0.00% 4.33 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg LIBRA DRUGS X- WORM X- WORM TABS CHEW 40 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.00 56,520 0.01% 9.00 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg LIBRA DRUGS ZEBEN ZEBEN TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 10.53 34,991 0.01% 10.53 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg LINCOLN PHARMA ANTHEL ANTHEL TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 8.11 342,730 0.05% 8.11 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg M M LABS EMANTHAL EMANTHAL TABS 400 MG Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 6.14 42,942 0.01% 6.14 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MAKERS LABS WINTIL WINTIL TABS 400 MG x 1 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 4.00 284,320 0.04% 4.00 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MANEESH PHARMA* GOWORM GOWORM TABS CHEW 4 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 7.76 18,787 0.00% 7.76 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MAPRA LABS XENITH XENITH TABS 400 MG x 1 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 11.26 1,796,816 0.27% 11.26 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MAPRA LABS XENITH XENITH TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 12.51 763 0.00% 12.51 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MARC LABORATORIES ERAWORM ERAWORM TABS 400 MG Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 11.11 17,665 0.00% 11.11 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MARS HELMEX HELMEX TABS 400 MG x Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 13.04 352,921 0.05% 13.04 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MEDICO LABS MEDIMINTH MEDIMINTH TABS 400 M Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 4.11 10,649 0.00% 4.11 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MEDO PHARMA ALWORM ALWORM TABS CHEW 4 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 8.99 1,745,783 0.26% 8.99 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MEDO PHARMA ALWORM ALWORM TABS CHEW 4 Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 69.74 196,806 0.03% 6.97 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MORACEAE PHARMA MORBAND MORBAND TABS CHEW Tablets 2 Per Tabs/caps 11.61 56,900 0.01% 5.81 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MOREPEN LABS MOREZOLE MOREZOLE TABS CHEW Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 8.84 88,903 0.01% 8.84 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg MOREPEN LABS MYBEND MYBEND TABS CHEW 40 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 1.50 18,168 0.00% 1.50 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg NESTOR PHARMA ALBEST ALBEST TABS 400 MG x Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.65 484,634 0.07% 9.65 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg NOEL PHARMA BENZ BENZ TABS 400 MG x 1 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 1.80 18,077 0.00% 1.80 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg NOVARTIS INTL.* KEALWERM KEALWERM TABS 400 M Tablets 2 Per Tabs/caps 17.30 242,078 0.04% 8.65 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg OBSURGE BIOTECH AH-1 AH-1 TABS CH.ORAN 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 6.90 2,177,641 0.33% 6.90 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg OMEGA REMEDIES ALBEE ALBEE TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 10.96 61,650 0.01% 10.96 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg OVERSEAS ELBEND ELBEND TAB UNCOATED Tablets 2 Per Tabs/caps 19.63 314 0.00% 9.81 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg OVERSEAS ELBEND ELBEND TAB UNCOATED Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.10 182 0.00% 9.10 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg PALSON DRUG ALL-IN-1 ALL-IN-1 TABS 400 MG x Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.83 1,104,213 0.17% 9.83 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg PFIZER* COMBANTRIN-A COMBANTRIN-A TABS CH Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 12.23 7,619 0.00% 12.23 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg PHARMASYNTH FORMUL NEMOFEX NEMOFEX TABS CHEW 4 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 24.34 1,144 0.00% 24.34 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg PSYCHOTROPICS WONIL WONIL TABS 400 MG x 5 Tablets 5 Per Tabs/caps 13.08 52,490 0.01% 2.62 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg RADICURA PHARMA AL AL TABS 400 MG x 1 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 7.17 289,380 0.04% 7.17 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg RPG LIFE SCIENCES ALBENDAZOLE ALBENDAZOLE TABS 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 2.40 1,476 0.00% 2.40 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg SATVEN&MER PHARMA LOW LOW TAB UNCOATED 40 Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 7.99 303,459 0.05% 0.80 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg SEAGULL LABS PANAMINT PANAMINT TABS 400 MG Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 11.72 65,058 0.01% 11.72 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg SEAGULL LABS SPANTEL SPANTEL TABS 400 MG x Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 11.85 32,753 0.00% 1.19 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg SHINE PHARMA ALBID ALBID TABS 400 MG x 1 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 10.69 1,844,490 0.28% 10.69 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg SHREYA LIFE SCIENC ALBENUM ALBENUM TABS 400 MG Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 163.50 4,480,718 0.68% 16.35 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg SHRINIVAS LABS ALVELA ALVELA TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 12.18 3,881,264 0.59% 12.18 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg STERKEM BEWORM BEWORM TAB UNCOATE Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 10.82 1,127,798 0.17% 10.82 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg SYNCHEM LABS MINTEL MINTEL TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 9.58 49,519 0.01% 9.58 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg SYNCOM ALB ALB TABS 400 MG x 1 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 4.00 61,896 0.01% 4.00 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg SYNCOM ALB ALB TABS 400 MG x 10 Tablets 10 Per Tabs/caps 2.65 1,063 0.00% 0.27 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg TORRENT PHARMA ALMINTH ALMINTH TABS 400 MG x Tablets 3 Per Tabs/caps 29.94 516,406 0.08% 9.98 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg UNICHEM* WORMFIX WORMFIX TABS CHEW 4 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 13.33 5,204,667 0.79% 13.33 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg UNI-SAN PHARMA HELMIX HELMIX TABS CHEW 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 8.43 304,341 0.05% 8.43 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg UNK. GENERIC MANF. ALBENDAZOLE ALBENDAZOLE TABS 400 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 1.09 5,405 0.00% 1.09 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg WALLACE ABWAL ABWAL TAB UNCOATED Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 11.93 1,034,127 0.16% 11.93 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg WOCKHARDT LTD* ALZAD ALZAD TABS 400 MG x 1 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 1.40 282,795 0.04% 1.40 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg WOCKHARDT LTD* WOZOLE WOZOLE TABS CHEW 40 Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 1.75 269,132 0.04% 1.75 -- Albendazole Tablets 400 mg Nirma Ltd. Albenir -- Tablets 1 Per Tabs/caps 13.86 11,747,320 1.78% 13.86 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 659,141,334 100.00% 8.04 9.33
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- maximum 14.02 minimum 1.15
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- As per above, there are 12 compa -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation 5,985.06 (Rs. In Lakhs) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation 265.33 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Number of Packs considered 33 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Average PTR 8.04 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin 1.29 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (without taxes) 9.33 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price 42.65% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- 0.59 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Revised Ceiling Price (including WPI but without local taxes) 9.92 S.O. 1790(E) dt. 10.7. -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Earlier notified Ceiling Price (incl -- -- 9.70 S.O. 1156(E) dt. 28.4. -- -- -- -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM NLEM 2011 with Isomer final Company Brand Type Pack Desc. Size Pack Size Unit PTR
MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Extra Dotted Chocolate NA 3 No. 15.99 43000000 1.46% 5.33 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Extra Dotted Chocolate NA 10 No. 48.00 25000000 0.85% 4.80 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Extra Dotted Chocolate NA 20 No. 96.00 1400000 0.05% 4.80 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Extra Dotted Strawberry NA 3 No. 15.99 46500000 1.58% 5.33 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Extra Dotted Strawberry NA 10 No. 48.00 25000000 0.85% 4.80 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Extra Dotted Strawberry NA 20 No. 96.00 1700000 0.06% 4.80 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Extra Dotted Black Grapes NA 3 No. 15.99 1500000 0.05% 5.33 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Extra Dotted Black Grapes NA 10 No. 48.00 1900000 0.06% 4.80 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Extra Dotted Jasmine NA 3 No. 15.99 14100000 0.48% 5.33 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Extra Dotted Jasmine NA 10 No. 48.00 8600000 0.29% 4.80 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Extra Dotted Banana NA 3 No. 15.99 31700000 1.07% 5.33 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Extra Dotted Banana NA 10 No. 48.00 14000000 0.47% 4.80 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce 3 in 1 Bubblegum NA 3 No. 15.99 29100000 0.99% 5.33 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce 3 in 1 Bubblegum NA 10 No. 48.00 15000000 0.51% 4.80 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce More More NA 2 No. 8.00 7400000 0.25% 4.00 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce More More NA 3 No. 19.98 25300000 0.86% 6.66 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce More More NA 10 No. 56.00 24000000 0.81% 5.60 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce More More NA 20 No. 96.00 8300000 0.28% 4.80 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Smooth & Ultrathin Vanilla NA 3 No. 15.99 9700000 0.33% 5.33 Condoms Mankind Pharma Ltd Manforce Smooth & Ultrathin Vanilla NA 10 No. 48.00 4900000 0.17% 4.80 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods 1500 dots Square Super Dotted 53mm 3 No. 33.33 4144000 0.14% 11.11 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Aloe Vera 53mm 3 No. 25.00 2400000 0.08% 8.33 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Blaze Square Warming Gel 53mm 3 No. 25.00 3350000 0.11% 8.33 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Cool Square Cooling Gel 53mm 3 No. 25.00 3726000 0.13% 8.33 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Crezendo Square Vibrating Ring 53mm 3 No. 104.20 4847000 0.16% 34.73 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Melange Square Assorted 53mm 3 No. 25.03 2763000 0.09% 8.34 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods X’tasy Square 3in1&Extra delay 53mm 3 No. 25.00 10224000 0.35% 8.33 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Allnight Square Popular 53mm 3 No. 16.70 13209000 0.45% 5.57 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Premium Square Allnight (Delay) 53mm 3 No. 20.80 2120000 0.07% 6.93 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Flavoured 53mm 3 No. 25.00 9230000 0.31% 8.33 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Dotted Square Strawberry 53mm 3 No. 25.00 2741000 0.09% 8.33 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Scented 53mm 3 No. 16.67 3538000 0.12% 5.56 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Supreme Dotted 53mm 3 No. 16.67 24917000 0.84% 5.56 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Premium Dotted 53mm 3 No. 20.80 6649000 0.23% 6.93 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Supreme Ribbed 53mm 3 No. 16.70 6670000 0.23% 5.57 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Premium Ribbed 53mm 3 No. 20.85 1330000 0.05% 6.95 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Ultrathin 53mm 2 No. 8.40 5654000 0.19% 4.20 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Ultrathin Reg. 53mm 3 No. 16.67 34886000 1.18% 5.56 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Premium Square Utrathin 53mm 3 No. 16.67 9559000 0.32% 5.56 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Premium Square Allnight 53mm 6 No. 33.33 2142000 0.07% 5.56 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Premium Square Supreme Dotted 53mm 6 No. 33.33 2681000 0.09% 5.56 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Premium Square Utrathin 53mm 6 No. 29.17 1323000 0.04% 4.86 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Allnight Delay 53mm 10 No. 50.00 12959000 0.44% 5.00 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Supreme Dotted 53mm 10 No. 50.00 33873000 1.15% 5.00 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Ultrathin Reg. 53mm 10 No. 41.67 13914000 0.47% 4.17 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods 1500 dots Square Super Dotted 53mm 12 No. 83.33 5938000 0.20% 6.94 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Aloe Vera 53mm 12 No. 75.00 2895000 0.10% 6.25 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Blaze Square Warming Gel 53mm 12 No. 75.00 2947000 0.10% 6.25 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Cool Square Cooling Gel 53mm 12 No. 75.00 3369000 0.11% 6.25 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Dotted Square Strawberry 53mm 12 No. 66.67 474000 0.02% 5.56 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Melange Square Assorted 53mm 12 No. 66.70 2928000 0.10% 5.56 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods X’tasy Square 3 in 1 53mm 12 No. 75.00 6108000 0.21% 6.25 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Premium Square Allnight 53mm 12 No. 54.20 5408000 0.18% 4.52 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Flavoured 53mm 12 No. 75.00 2917000 0.10% 6.25 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Premium Dotted 53mm 12 No. 66.67 14613000 0.50% 5.56 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Premium Dotted 53mm 12 No. 66.67 3535000 0.12% 5.56 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Ultrathin Reg. 53mm 12 No. 50.00 15852000 0.54% 4.17 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Variety Pack 53mm 16 No. 83.30 5123000 0.17% 5.21 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Allnight Delay 53mm 20 No. 100.00 4979000 0.17% 5.00 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Super Dotted 53mm 20 No. 91.67 16491000 0.56% 4.58 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods Square Ultrathin Reg. 53mm 20 No. 75.00 3870000 0.13% 3.75 Condoms Hindustan Latex Ltd Moods X’tasy Square NA 53mm 20 No. 91.67 2593000 0.09% 4.58 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Dotted 53mm 3 No. 16.67 99362589 3.37% 5.56 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Dotted 53mm 10 No. 50.00 77110056 2.61% 5.00 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Dotted 53mm 20 No. 93.33 67209911 2.28% 4.67 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Ribbed 53mm 3 No. 16.67 20244040 0.69% 5.56 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Ribbed 53mm 10 No. 50.00 15691190 0.53% 5.00 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Ribbed 53mm 20 No. 93.33 8340499 0.28% 4.67 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Smooth 53mm 3 No. 10.00 14500800 0.49% 3.33 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Smooth 53mm 10 No. 33.33 5745025 0.19% 3.33 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Smooth 53mm 20 No. 66.67 2376119 0.08% 3.33 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Long Last 53mm 3 No. 20.00 15564240 0.53% 6.67 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Long Last 53mm 10 No. 60.00 27731523 0.94% 6.00 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Long Last 53mm 20 No. 133.33 19550708 0.66% 6.67 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Superthin 53mm 3 No. 20.00 5710032 0.19% 6.67 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Superthin 53mm 10 No. 60.00 11247841 0.38% 6.00 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Superthin 53mm 20 No. 133.33 6743035 0.23% 6.67 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Intensity 53mm 10 No. 60.00 8801279 0.30% 6.00 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Intensity 53mm 20 No. 133.33 5251074 0.18% 6.67 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Wet n Wild 53mm 3 No. 20.00 3029616 0.10% 6.67 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Wet n Wild 53mm 10 No. 60.00 7390803 0.25% 6.00 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Chill Thrill 53mm 3 No. 20.00 7911994 0.27% 6.67 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Chill Thrill 53mm 10 No. 60.00 4914004 0.17% 6.00 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Warm Intimacy 53mm 3 No. 20.00 3168000 0.11% 6.67 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Warm Intimacy 53mm 10 No. 60.00 4204794 0.14% 6.00 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Excite Chocolate 53mm 2 No. 7.41 1024358 0.03% 3.71 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Excite Chocolate 53mm 3 No. 11.11 2543746 0.09% 3.70 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Excite Chocolate 53mm 8 No. 29.63 1088014 0.04% 3.70 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Excite Strawberry 53mm 2 No. 7.41 1168409 0.04% 3.71 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Excite Strawberry 53mm 3 No. 11.11 2303770 0.08% 3.70 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Excite Strawberry 53mm 8 No. 29.63 1408018 0.05% 3.70 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Excite Vanilla 53mm 2 No. 7.41 1120392 0.04% 3.71 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Excite Vanilla 53mm 3 No. 11.11 2255774 0.08% 3.70 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Excite Vanilla 53mm 8 No. 29.63 1168015 0.04% 3.70 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Excite Butterscotch 53mm 2 No. 7.41 976342 0.03% 3.71 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Excite Butterscotch 53mm 3 No. 11.11 2207779 0.07% 3.70 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Excite Butterscotch 53mm 8 No. 29.63 1104014 0.04% 3.70 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Sajan Luxury 49mm 2 No. 2.76 3541190 0.12% 1.38 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Sajan Luxury 49mm 2 No. 3.57 886788 0.03% 1.79 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Contoured 53mm 3 No. 16.67 1259292 0.04% 5.56 Condoms JK Ansell Ltd KamaSutra NA Classic 53mm 6 No. 22.56 195820 0.01% 3.76 Condoms Emcure Uth Healthcare ltd Actinex NA Chocolate -- 3 No. 15.24 500000 0.02% 5.08 Condoms Emcure Uth Healthcare ltd Actinex NA Strawberry -- 3 No. 15.24 500000 0.02% 5.08 Condoms Coral Healthcare Carex 3 NA 3 in 1 -- 10 -- 105.00 312500 0.01% 10.50 Condoms Coral Healthcare Carex NA Assorted -- 10 -- 105.00 262500 0.01% 10.50 Condoms Coral Healthcare Carex NA Power shot delay -- 10 -- 105.00 212500 0.01% 10.50 Condoms Coral Healthcare Carex NA Rough tough -- 10 -- 105.00 762500 0.03% 10.50 Condoms Coral Healthcare Skinless skin NA Blueberry -- 10 -- 90.00 2574000 0.09% 9.00 Condoms Coral Healthcare Skinless skin NA de cool -- 10 -- 105.00 2487500 0.08% 10.50 Condoms Coral Healthcare Skinless skin NA de hot -- 10 -- 105.00 2300000 0.08% 10.50 Condoms Coral Healthcare Skinless skin NA mint -- 10 -- 90.00 2387000 0.08% 9.00 Condoms Coral Healthcare Skinless skin NA Strawberry -- 3 -- 32.00 2424000 0.08% 10.67 Condoms Coral Healthcare Skinless skin NA Strawberry -- 10 -- 90.00 6871700 0.23% 9.00 Condoms Coral Healthcare Skinless skin NA Thinest -- 3 -- 32.00 3048000 0.10% 10.67 Condoms Coral Healthcare Skinless skin NA Thinest -- 10 -- 90.00 10545700 0.36% 9.00 Condoms Coral Healthcare Skinless skin NA Vanilla -- 10 -- 90.00 2387000 0.08% 9.00 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Jasmine -- 3 -- 16.40 9390000 0.32% 5.47 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Jasmine -- 10 -- 49.20 7710000 0.26% 4.92 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Pink -- 10 -- 36.90 117920000 4.00% 3.69 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Pink -- 3 -- 12.30 124630000 4.22% 4.10 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Pink -- 5 -- 20.50 2520000 0.09% 4.10 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Pink offer -- 5 -- 13.12 1030000 0.03% 2.62 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Rose -- 10 -- 49.20 7890000 0.27% 4.92 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Rose -- 3 -- 16.40 7150000 0.24% 5.47 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Pink -- 20 -- 73.87 29830000 1.01% 3.69 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Extra dot -- 20 -- 90.20 6430000 0.22% 4.51 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Extra dot -- 10 -- 49.20 18400000 0.62% 4.92 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Extra dot -- 2 -- 8.20 1880000 0.06% 4.10 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Extra dot -- 3 -- 16.40 21620000 0.73% 5.47 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Fiesta NA Dotted -- 3 -- 9.02 5970000 0.20% 3.01 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Extra ribs -- 10 -- 49.20 6640000 0.23% 4.92 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Extra ribs -- 3 -- 16.40 9350000 0.32% 5.47 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Triple extra -- 10 -- 49.20 16730000 0.57% 4.92 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Triple extra -- 20 -- 90.20 5380000 0.18% 4.51 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Triple extra -- 3 -- 16.40 14850000 0.50% 5.47 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Extra Thin -- 10 -- 49.20 6390000 0.22% 4.92 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Extra Thin -- 3 -- 16.40 7980000 0.27% 5.47 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Ex Time -- 1 -- 4.10 3250000 0.11% 4.10 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Ex Time -- 20 -- 90.20 23910000 0.81% 4.51 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Ex Time -- 10 -- 49.20 75220000 2.55% 4.92 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Ex Time -- 3 -- 16.40 69160000 2.34% 5.47 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Ex Time dots -- 10 -- 49.20 15500000 0.53% 4.92 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA Ex Time dots -- 3 -- 16.40 15640000 0.53% 5.47 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA -- -- 10 -- 82.00 9170000 0.31% 8.20 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA -- -- 4 -- 32.80 990000 0.03% 8.20 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Sensation +Apple -- 4 -- 28.70 1240000 0.04% 7.18 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Sensation -- 10 -- 82.00 26610000 0.90% 8.20 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Sensation -- 3 -- 28.70 12080000 0.41% 9.57 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Sensation +Apple -- 17 -- 123.00 2710000 0.09% 7.24 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Apple -- 4 -- 41.00 2770000 0.09% 10.25 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA flav + apple -- 4 -- 28.70 880000 0.03% 7.18 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Apple -- 10 -- 82.00 2970000 0.10% 8.20 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Flavours -- 10 -- 82.00 5550000 0.19% 8.20 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Flavours -- 3 -- 28.70 540000 0.02% 9.57 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Flavours -- 10 -- 82.00 14790000 0.50% 8.20 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Flavours -- 3 -- 28.70 8810000 0.30% 9.57 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Pleasure max -- 4 -- 28.70 1150000 0.04% 7.18 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Pleasure max -- 3 -- 28.70 11150000 0.38% 9.57 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Pleasure max -- 10 -- 82.00 30300000 1.03% 8.20 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Superthin -- 4 -- 28.70 1250000 0.04% 7.18 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Superthin -- 3 -- 28.70 12360000 0.42% 9.57 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Superthin -- 10 -- 82.00 31870000 1.08% 8.20 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Superthin Ultima -- 3 -- 41.00 3600000 0.12% 13.67 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Superthin Ultima -- 6 -- 82.00 7900000 0.27% 13.67 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Performa + apple -- 4 -- 28.70 1420000 0.05% 7.18 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Performa -- 10 -- 82.00 34320000 1.16% 8.20 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Performa -- 3 -- 28.70 14400000 0.49% 9.57 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Performa + apple -- 17 -- 123.00 2830000 0.10% 7.24 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA silk -- 10 -- 82.00 6650000 0.23% 8.20 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Kohinoor NA silk -- 3 -- 28.70 10250000 0.35% 9.57 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Real feel -- 3 -- 49.20 4550000 0.15% 16.40 Condoms TTK Protective Devices Ltd. Durex India Jeans NA Real feel -- 6 -- 98.40 8300000 0.28% 16.40 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure max NA Real feel -- 10 -- 82.00 30300000 1.03% 8.20 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Superthin -- 10 -- 82.00 31900000 1.08% 8.20 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Sensation -- 10 -- 82.00 26600000 0.90% 8.20 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Performa -- 10 -- 82.00 34300000 1.16% 8.20 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Flavours -- 3 -- 28.70 8800000 0.30% 9.57 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Flavours -- 10 -- 82.00 14800000 0.50% 8.20 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Superthin ultima -- 3 -- 41.00 3600000 0.12% 13.67 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Apple -- 4 -- 41.00 2800000 0.09% 10.25 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Durex India Jeans -- 4 -- 32.80 1000000 0.03% 8.20 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Durex India Jeans -- 10 -- 82.00 9200000 0.31% 8.20 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Superthin -- 3 -- 28.70 12400000 0.42% 9.57 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Sensation -- 3 -- 28.70 12100000 0.41% 9.57 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Performa -- 3 -- 28.70 14400000 0.49% 9.57 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Pleasure max -- 3 -- 28.70 11200000 0.38% 9.57 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Superthin ultima -- 6 -- 82.00 7900000 0.27% 13.67 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Apple -- 10 -- 82.00 3000000 0.10% 8.20 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Sensation + Apple -- 15 -- 123.00 3100000 0.11% 8.20 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Performa + Apple -- 15 -- 123.00 3200000 0.11% 8.20 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Flavours -- 3 -- 28.70 500000 0.02% 9.57 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Flavours -- 10 -- 82.00 5600000 0.19% 8.20 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Flavour + Apple -- 4 -- 28.70 900000 0.03% 7.18 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Performa + Apple -- 4 -- 28.70 1400000 0.05% 7.18 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Pleasure max + Apple -- 4 -- 28.70 1100000 0.04% 7.18 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Sensation + Apple -- 3 -- 28.70 1700000 0.06% 9.57 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Superthin + Apple -- 3 -- 28.70 1700000 0.06% 9.57 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Real feel -- 3 -- 49.20 4500000 0.15% 16.40 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Real feel -- 6 -- 98.40 8300000 0.28% 16.40 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Utility NA New Pink -- 20 -- 73.80 29830000 1.01% 3.69 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Utility NA Pink -- 5 -- 20.50 2520000 0.09% 4.10 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Utility NA Pink -- 3 -- 12.30 108510000 3.68% 4.10 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Utility NA Pink -- 10 -- 36.90 110010000 3.73% 3.69 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Utility NA Pink -- 3 -- 12.30 16120000 0.55% 4.10 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Utility NA Pink -- 10 -- 36.90 7910000 0.27% 3.69 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Utility NA Pink offer -- 5 -- 13.12 1030000 0.03% 2.62 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Fiesta dotted -- 3 -- 9.02 5970000 0.20% 3.01 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Extra time -- 20 -- 90.20 23910000 0.81% 4.51 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Extra time -- 15 -- 4.10 220000 0.01% 0.27 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Triple extra -- 20 -- 90.20 5380000 0.18% 4.51 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Jasmine -- 3 -- 16.40 9390000 0.32% 5.47 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Jasmine -- 10 -- 49.20 7710000 0.26% 4.92 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra dots -- 3 -- 16.40 16920000 0.57% 5.47 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra dots -- 10 -- 49.20 13100000 0.44% 4.92 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra ribs -- 3 -- 16.40 7740000 0.26% 5.47 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra ribs -- 10 -- 49.20 4930000 0.17% 4.92 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra thin -- 3 -- 16.40 6740000 0.23% 5.47 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra thin -- 10 -- 49.20 5510000 0.19% 4.92 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra time -- 3 -- 16.40 68570000 2.32% 5.47 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra time -- 10 -- 49.20 75220000 2.55% 4.92 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra time dot -- 3 -- 16.40 15640000 0.53% 5.47 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra time dot -- 10 -- 49.20 15500000 0.53% 4.92 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Triple extra -- 3 -- 16.40 14850000 0.50% 5.47 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Triple extra -- 10 -- 49.20 16730000 0.57% 4.92 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra time -- 3 -- 16.40 590000 0.02% 5.47 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA kohinoor rose -- 3 -- 16.40 7150000 0.24% 5.47 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA kohinoor rose -- 10 -- 49.20 7890000 0.27% 4.92 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Kohinoor xtra dot -- 20 -- 90.20 1850000 0.06% 4.51 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Kohinoor xtra dot -- 3 -- 16.40 4700000 0.16% 5.47 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Kohinoor xtra dot -- 10 -- 49.20 5300000 0.18% 4.92 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Kohinoor xtra ribs -- 3 -- 16.40 1610000 0.05% 5.47 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Kohinoor xtra ribs -- 10 -- 49.20 1700000 0.06% 4.92 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Kohinoor xtra thin -- 3 -- 16.40 1240000 0.04% 5.47 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Kohinoor xtra thin -- 10 -- 49.20 880000 0.03% 4.92 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra dots -- 20 -- 90.20 4580000 0.16% 4.51 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra dots -- 2 -- 8.20 580000 0.02% 4.10 Condoms Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd Pleasure NA Xtra dots -- 2 -- 8.20 1300000 0.04% 4.10
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2950024793.00 100.00% --
-- As per the above there are 6 com -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of MAT Value considered for price calculation 29490.25 (Rs. in lakh) -- -- -- -- -- Sum 1532.37
-- Number of Packs considered 235.00 -- -- -- -- -- -- Number 235.00
-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation 1532.37 -- -- -- -- MAX -- Average 6.52
-- Average PTR 6.52 -- -- -- -- -- Margin 16% 7.56
-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin 1.04 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (without local taxes) 7.56 -- -- -- -- -- Maximum -- 34.73
-- % Reduction with compared to highest price 81.23% -- -- -- -- -- Minimum -- 0.27
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- 0.48 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Revised Ceiling Price (including -- -- 8.04 S.O. 1791(E) dt. 10.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Earlier notified Ceiling Price (incl -- -- 6.97 S.O. 1156(E) dt. 28.4. -- -- -- -- -- -- --


USN NLEM Description Molecule_Desc COMPANY BRANDS Pack Description Dosage Pack size ML/Gm Price to Retailer (PR) MAT Value as on 31.05.2012 MAT % Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin Calamine Lotion ALOE BARBADENSIS + CALAMIN ALKEM* CALKEM CALKEM LOTION 60 Lotion 60 ML 48.00 11968658 4.55% 0.80 --
-- Calamine Lotion ALOE BARBADENSIS + CALAMIN ALKEM* CALKEM CALKEM LOTION 10 Lotion 100 ML 75.61 736894 0.28% 0.76 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE CFL EFATOP-C EFATOP-C LOTION Lotion 75 ML 61.00 2815941 1.07% 0.81 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + ZINC OXIDE DERMOCARE CALDERM CALDERM LOTION 1 Lotion 100 ML 57.90 1110227 0.42% 0.58 --
-- Calamine Lotion ALOE BARBADENSIS + CALAMIN DERMOCARE VERACAL VERACAL LOTION 1 Lotion 125 ML 60.52 1573067 0.60% 0.48 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + SIMETICONE + ZINC DERMOCARE CALDERM CALDERM CREAM 2 Cream 20 G 28.95 298938 0.11% 1.45 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + SIMETICONE + ZINC DERMOCARE CALDERM CALDERM CREAM 2 Cream 20 G 28.95 298938 0.11% 1.45 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + CETRIMIDE + DIMETI ELAN PHARMA PROTECTODERM PROTECTODERM OI Oint 10 G 25.36 1127576 0.43% 2.54 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + CETRIMIDE + DIMETI ELAN PHARMA PROTECTODERM PROTECTODERM OI Oint 25 G 39.20 1045252 0.40% 1.57 --
-- Calamine Lotion ALOE BARBADENSIS + CALAMIN HEGDE & HEGDE DERMADEW-CALOE DERMADEW-CALOE Lotion 100 ML 126.87 40170015 15.27% 1.27 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + CAMPHOR + DIPHE IND-SWIFT CALSKIN CALSKIN LOTION 10 Lotion 100 ML 14.25 25092 0.01% 0.14 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + PARAFFIN OIL IND-SWIFT CALEEZ CALEEZ LOTION 8 % Lotion 60 ML 61.31 814689 0.31% 1.02 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + CAMPHOR + DIPHE INTAS PHARMA* CALACARE CALACARE LOTION Lotion 100 ML 16.75 984955 0.37% 0.17 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + CAMPHOR + DIPHE INTAS PHARMA* CALACARE CALACARE LOTION Lotion 50 ML 13.80 1027343 0.39% 0.28 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + GLYCEROL + ZINC O INVIDA INDIA CALAK CALAK LOTION 50 M Lotion 50 ML 21.14 8839532 3.36% 0.42 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + GLYCEROL + ZINC O INVIDA INDIA CALAK CALAK LOTION 100 Lotion 100 ML 32.53 6960507 2.65% 0.33 --
-- Calamine Lotion ALOE BARBADENSIS + CALAMIN INVIDA INDIA CALAK-A CALAK-A LOTION 10 Lotion 100 ML 64.00 1156451 0.44% 0.64 --
-- Calamine Lotion ALOE BARBADENSIS + CALAMIN INVIDA INDIA CALAK-A CALAK-A LOTION 50 Lotion 50 ML 36.79 1049949 0.40% 0.74 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + CAMPHOR + DIPHE JOHNSON & JOHNS CALADRYL CALADRYL LOTION Lotion 50 ML 30.34 18435445 7.01% 0.61 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + CAMPHOR + DIPHE JOHNSON & JOHNS CALADRYL CALADRYL LOTION Lotion 100 ML 43.98 14725544 5.60% 0.44 --
-- Calamine Lotion ALLANTOIN + ALOE BARBADENSI MED MANOR ORGA CALORA CALORA LOTION 100 Lotion 100 ML 71.62 1513258 0.58% 0.72 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + CAMPHOR + DIPHE MERIDIAN LAB MELADRYL MELADRYL LOTION Lotion 50 ML 27.30 1002236 0.38% 0.55 --
-- Calamine Lotion ALOE BARBADENSIS + CALAMIN MICRO LABS* CALOSOFT CALOSOFT LOTION Lotion 100 ML 93.77 40114773 15.25% 0.94 --
-- Calamine Lotion ALOE BARBADENSIS + CALAMIN MICRO LABS* CALOSOFT CALOSOFT LOTION Lotion 50 ML 53.80 19676576 7.48% 1.08 --
-- Calamine Lotion ALOE BARBADENSIS + CALAMIN NOVARTIS INTL.* VEROKA VEROKA LOTION 10 Lotion 100 ML 75.96 4851252 1.84% 0.76 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE PALSON DRUG LINICAL LINICAL LOTION 8 % Lotion 100 ML 53.80 25740351 9.79% 0.54 --
-- Calamine Lotion ALOE BARBADENSIS + CALAMIN PALSON DRUG LINIMOIST LINIMOIST LOTION 1 Lotion 100 ML 84.54 6239057 2.37% 0.85 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + ZINC OXIDE PARKER ROBINSON PEERLIN PEERLIN LOTION 15 Lotion 50 ML 37.33 1976215 0.75% 0.75 --
-- Calamine Lotion ALOE BARBADENSIS + BENTONI PSYCHOTROPICS CALADIL CALADIL LOTION 60 Lotion 60 ML 50.14 915956 0.35% 0.84 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + PARAFFIN OIL RANBAXY* CIALO CIALO LOTION 10 % Lotion 100 ML 85.20 5716963 2.17% 0.85 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + CAMPHOR + DIPHE SOMATICO HISTO-CALAMINE HISTO-CALAMINE L Lotion 60 ML 33.00 9209760 3.50% 0.55 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + CETRIMIDE BROMID U S V SILODERM SILODERM CREAM Cream 20 G 33.44 29788116 11.33% 1.67 --
-- Calamine Lotion CALAMINE + DIPHENHYDRAMINE WOCKHARDT LTD* DERMIDRYL DERMIDRYL LOTION Lotion 100 ML 18.50 218578 0.08% 0.19 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 263027551 100.00% 0.82 0.95
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 1.67 Minimum 0.33
-- As per the above there are 12 co -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of MAT value considered for -- 2514.77 (Rs. In Lakhs) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of PTR per unit considered f -- 18.02 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Number of Packs considered -- 22 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Average RTP -- 0.82 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.13 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (without local taxes) -- 0.95 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- % Reduction with compared to Hi -- 50.90% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- 0.06 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Revised Ceiling Price (including -- 1.01 S.O. 1792(E) dt. 10.07.201 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Earlier notified Ceiling Price (incl -- 1.03 S.O. 1156(E) dt. 28.4.2014 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


Source of Data-IMS-Health September 2013

Company Dosage Form Pack size MAT Units Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per Capsule Ceiling Price with 16 % Margin
-- -- -- -- -- --


-- -- -- -- -- --


TORRENT PHARMA Capsule 10 3,720,990 65.21 245,131,334 35.46% 6.52 --
SUN PHARMA Capsule 10 2,283,962 68.53 153,700,678 22.23% 6.85 --
RANBAXY Capsule 10 1,491,677 64.61 96,904,750 14.02% 6.46 --
GLENMARK PHARMA Capsule 10 961,327 69.72 67,023,666 9.70% 6.97 --
MICRO LABS Capsule 10 913,332 67.81 58,336,472 8.44% 6.78 --
UNICHEM Capsule 10 671,159 63.09 41,586,941 6.02% 6.31 --
BLUE CROSS Capsule 10 528,763 22.10 11,685,641 1.69% 2.21 --
CIPLA Capsule 10 134,462 63.90 8,728,076 1.26% 6.39 --
ALKEM Capsule 10 80,170 64.76 5,191,812 0.75% 6.48 --
CORONA REMEDIES Capsule 10 35,419 36.57 1,369,732 0.20% 3.66 --
SAVA MEDICA LTD. Capsule 10 3,863 61.71 238,386 0.03% 6.17 --
ALEMBIC Capsule 10 2,483 52.95 131,475 0.02% 5.30 --
MARC LABORATORIES Capsule 10 1,851 36.79 68,098 0.01% 3.68 --
SAYONA MEDICARE Capsule 10 29 64.58 1,873 0.00% 6.46 --
ABBOTT HEALTHCARE Capsule 10 26,033 44.95 1,170,184 0.17% 4.50 --


-- -- 691,269,118 100.0% 6.06 7.03


-- -- Maximum 6.97 Minimum 2.21


6831.00 (Rs. in Lakhs) --


-- 48.49









-- 6.06




-- 0.97






7.03 S.O. 1794(E) dt. 10.0 --




13.06% -- --



Source of Data-IMS-Health November 2013

S.No. Composition of the formulation Company Dosage Form Pack size MAT Units Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per unit Retail Price with 16 % Margin
1 MALATRIT-S INJ AMP 60 MG ABBOTT HEALTHCARE Injection 1 40,022 153.39 6,138,971 0.72% 153.39 --
2 ARTEMBIC INJ VIAL 60 MG 5 ALEMBIC Injection 1 5,305 183.94 975,802 0.11% 183.94 --
3 ARTISAFE INJ VIAL 60 MG 6 ALKEM Injection 1 224,187 148.57 33,307,451 3.88% 148.57 --
4 CHINSUNATE INJ VIAL 60 M ALKEM Injection 1 6,118 118.23 723,330 0.08% 118.23 --
5 ENDOMAL-AT INJ DRY VIAL ALMET CORPORATION Injection 1 80,889 118.09 9,552,190 1.11% 118.09 --
6 COMBITHER-AT INJ VIAL 60 ARISTO PHARMA Injection 1 354,621 151.62 53,767,666 6.27% 151.62 --
7 GSUNATE INJ DRY VIAL 60 BLISS Injection 1 1,661 186.39 309,594 0.04% 186.39 --
8 COROTHER PLUS INJ DRY VI CORONA REMEDIES Injection 1 45,229 113.52 5,134,396 0.60% 113.52 --
9 GLANSUNATE INJ DRY VIAL GLAND PHARMA Injection 1 1,523 156.00 237,588 0.03% 156.00 --
10 OSONIK INJ VIAL 60 MG x 1 GUJARAT TERCE Injection 1 3,093 98.10 303,423 0.04% 98.10 --
11 NOMAL INJ KIT 60 MG x 1 INDI PHARMA Injection 1 33,931 114.73 3,932,623 0.46% 114.73 --
12 FALCIART INJ VIAL 60 MG 5 INTAS Injection 1 18,755 143.50 2,691,343 0.31% 143.50 --
13 LARINATE INJ DRY VIAL 60 IPCA LABS Injection 1 787,478 178.62 140,077,105 16.33% 178.62 --
14 ARH PLUS INJ AMP 60 MG 2 LINCOLN PHARMA Injection 1 18,203 129.17 2,351,283 0.27% 129.17 --
15 AZUNATE INJ DRY VIAL 60 MACLEODS PHARMA Injection 1 611,370 171.43 96,922,696 11.30% 171.43 --
16 MATCH-AR INJ DRY VIAL 60 MANKIND Injection 1 87,688 148.57 11,469,460 1.34% 148.57 --
17 TESUNATE INJ DRY VIAL 60 MCW HEALTHCARE Injection 1 13,829 150.14 1,972,983 0.23% 150.14 --
18 NEOSUNATE INJ DRY VIAL 6 NEON LABS Injection 1 7,874 183.94 1,448,343 0.17% 183.94 --
19 FALCINOVA INJ DRY VIAL 6 RPG LIFE SCIENCES Injection 1 11,517 45.60 525,177 0.06% 45.60 --
20 DUNATE INJ DRY VIAL 60 M SAMARTH PHARMA Injection 1 3,856 140.95 543,503 0.06% 140.95 --
21 FALCYNATE INJ DRY VIAL 6 SKYMAX LABS Injection 1 54,176 176.00 9,534,975 1.11% 176.00 --
22 SVIZUNATE INJ DRY VIAL 60 SVIZERA HEALTHCARE Injection 1 60,232 159.41 9,601,582 1.12% 159.41 --
23 RTSUNATE INJ DRY VIAL 60 THEMIS MEDICARE Injection 1 345,339 130.48 45,059,845 5.25% 130.48 --
24 FALLOUT INJ DRY VIAL 60 M THETA LABS Injection 1 1,554 138.98 215,975 0.03% 138.98 --
25 TROYSUNATE INJ DRY VIAL TROIKAA PHARMA Injection 1 7,931 171.68 1,361,595 0.16% 171.68 --
26 ARTEROSS INJ VIAL 60 MG 5 WOCKHARDT Injection 1 28,754 57.23 1,645,591 0.19% 57.23 --
27 FALCINIL INJ VIAL 60 MG 5 ZUVENTUS PHARMA Injection 1 255,982 188.38 48,221,876 5.62% 188.38 --
28 FALCIGO INJ VIAL 60 MG 1 M ZYDUS CADILA Injection 1 2,137,858 173.10 369,597,624 43.10% 173.10 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 857,623,990 100.0% 155.21 180.04
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 188.38 Minimum 118.09


-- -- -- --


-- As per the above there are 11 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above -- --


-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


8278.36 (Rs. in Lakhs)


-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation


1862.50 --


-- Number of Packs considered --


12 --


-- Ceiling Price --


155.21 --


-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin --


24.83 --


-- MRP (without local taxes) --


180.04 S.O. 1796(E) dt. 10.


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price


17.61% --



Source of Data-IMS-Health November 2013

Composition of the formulatin Company Dosage Form Pack size MAT Units Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per tablet Retail Price with 16 % Margin
G03A2 ETHINYLESTRADIOL+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
NOVELON TAB UNCOATED 0. ORGANON Tablet 21 2,280,373 112.00 235,081,892 96.99% 5.33 --
DESTROGEN TAB UNCOATE CORONA REMEDIES Tablet 21 26,377 94.40 2,406,759 0.99% 4.50 --
MILIANA FILM C.TABS 0.15 MG GERMAN REMEDIES Tablet 21 18,659 83.73 1,504,368 0.62% 3.99 --
I-CON FILM C.TABS 0.15 MG x ESKAG PHARMA Tablet 21 4,758 79.20 376,834 0.16% 3.77 --
OVULOC TAB COMBIPAC 0.0 SERUM INSTITUTE Tablet 28 41,529 78.40 3,010,055 1.24% 2.80 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- 242,379,908 100.00% 4.07 4.72
-- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 5.33 Minimum 2.80


-- -- -- --


As per the above there are 2 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above -- --


Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


2380.92 (Rs. in Lakhs)


Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation


8.13 --


Number of Packs considered


2 --


Ceiling Price --


4.07 --


Add : 16% Retailer Margin --


0.65 --


MRP (without local taxes) --


4.72 S.O. 1797(E) dt. 10.


% Reduction with compared to Highest Price


23.64% --



Source of Data-IMS-Health October 2013

S.No. Composition of the formulation Company Dosage Form Pack size MAT Units Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per unit Ceiling Price with 16 % Margin
-- A10BB GLIMEPER.+METFOR.+VOGLIB. -- -- -- -- --


-- 2MG -- -- -- -- -- --


1 TRIBETROL TABS BILAYER 2 ABBOTT HEALTHCARE Tablet 10 169,652 76.92 13,071,869 2.67% 7.69 --
2 TRIBETROL TABS FORT 2 MG ABBOTT HEALTHCARE Tablet 10 141,122 92.30 13,025,569 2.66% 9.23 --
3 GLUCORYL-MV TABS BILAY ALKEM Tablet 10 265,208 97.29 26,087,605 5.32% 9.73 --
4 GLUCORYL-MV TABS 2 MG x ALKEM Tablet 14 577 97.52 56,269 0.01% 6.97 --
5 VOGLIBITE-GM TABS BILAY CORONA REMEDIES Tablet 10 4,601 57.14 271,308 0.06% 5.71 --
6 XILIA TRIO TABS SR 2 MG x 1 EMCURE Tablet 10 11,806 87.62 1,034,442 0.21% 8.76 --
7 GLIMISAVE MV TABS BILAY ERIS LIFE SCIENCES Tablet 10 223,220 97.50 21,763,951 4.44% 9.75 --
8 GLIMISAVE MV TABS FORT 2 ERIS LIFE SCIENCES Tablet 10 10,211 105.14 1,073,585 0.22% 10.51 --
9 METFFIL-VG TABS BILAYER FOURTS INDIA Tablet 10 206,279 75.43 15,559,612 3.17% 7.54 --
10 TRIMEGAVOG TABS BILAYE GENETICA Tablet 10 42,646 67.81 2,891,830 0.59% 6.78 --
11 TRIMEGABOSE TABS BILAY GENETICA Tablet 10 1,260 69.49 87,558 0.02% 6.95 --
12 TRI-VOBIT TABS BILAYER 2 LUPIN LABS Tablet 10 292,310 98.46 28,780,839 5.87% 9.85 --
13 GLUCONORM-VG TABS BILA LUPIN LABS Tablet 10 280,445 97.52 28,580,698 5.83% 9.75 --
14 VOGLISTAR GM TABS BILAY MANKIND Tablet 10 418,217 72.38 30,896,490 6.30% 7.24 --
15 VOGLI-GM TABS 2 MG x 10 MEDLEY PHARMA Tablet 10 90,879 87.62 7,962,820 1.62% 8.76 --
16 VOGLINORM GM TABS BILA MICRO LABS Tablet 10 342,156 105.14 33,985,295 6.93% 10.51 --
17 TRIPRIDE-LV TABS BILAYER MICRO LABS Tablet 10 7,748 112.82 874,129 0.18% 11.28 --
18 VOLIX TRIO TABS 2 MG x 10 RANBAXY Tablet 10 59,390 99.23 5,893,264 1.20% 9.92 --
19 TRIVOLIB TABS BILAYER 2 SUN PHARMA Tablet 10 1,281,147 97.52 124,937,352 25.48% 9.75 --
20 VOGS-GM TABS BILAYER 2 SYSTOPIC Tablet 10 94,733 56.41 5,343,889 1.09% 5.64 --
21 GLYCOMET TRIO TABS BILA U S V Tablet 10 1,182,704 99.28 117,418,843 23.94% 9.93 --
22 GLYCOMET TRIO TABS BILA U S V Tablet 10 22,637 91.43 2,112,928 0.43% 9.14 --
23 TRIPOSMEAL TABS BILAYER UNICHEM Tablet 10 81,445 95.24 7,756,151 1.58% 9.52 --
24 TRIMETRIDE TABS BILAYER UNICHEM Tablet 10 8,927 102.19 912,252 0.19% 10.22 --


-- -- 490,378,548 100.0% 9.15 10.61


-- -- Maximum 11.28 Minimum 5.64
-- As per the above there are 13 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


4860.93 (Rs. in Lakhs) --


-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation -- 182.93 -- --


-- Number of Packs considered


20 -- --


-- Ceiling Price --


9.15 -- --


-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin


1.46 -- --


-- MRP (without local taxes)


10.61 S.O. 1798(E) dt. 10. --


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price


18.88% -- --


Source of Data-IMS-Health July 2013

S.No. Composition of the Pro Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per capsule Ceiling Price with 16 % Margin
1 Atorvastatin 20 mg + Clopedogril 75 mg Atorfit-CV Ajanta Pharma Capsule 10 69.49 26,250,026 49.82% 6.95 --
2 Atorvastatin 20 mg + Clopedogril 75 mg Atormac-CV Macleods Pharm Capsule 10 147.15 2,010,215 3.81% 14.72 --
3 Atorvastatin 20 mg + Clopedogril 75 mg Storpid 20 Ranbaxy Laborato Capsule 10 146.15 186,049 0.35% 14.62 --
4 Atorvastatin 20 mg + Clopedogril 75 mg Clopitorva 20 Zydus Cadila Hea Capsule 10 172.99 24,248,036 46.02% 17.30 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 52,694,326 100.00% 12.99 15.07
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 17.30 Minimum 6.95
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- As per the above there -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of MAT value con -- -- -- -- 525.08 (Rs. in Lakhs) -- -- --
-- Sum of PTR per unit co -- -- -- -- 38.97 -- -- -- --
-- Number of Packs consi -- -- -- -- 3 -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price -- -- -- -- 12.99 -- -- -- --
-- Add : 16% Retailer Mar -- -- -- -- 2.08 -- -- -- --
-- MRP (without local taxe -- -- -- -- 15.07 S.O. 1800(E) dt. 10.07. -- -- --
-- % Reduction with comp -- -- -- -- 24.91% -- -- -- --


Source of Data-Companies (June 2013)

S.No. Composition of the formulatin Company Dosage Form Pack size (gm) Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per gm Retail Price with 16 % Margin
-- Nadifloxacin, Mometasone Furoate and Miconazole Nitrate Cream
Each gm contains:
Nadifloxacin____________________10 mg (1.0% w/w)
Mometasone Furoate IP__________1.0 mg (0.1% w/w)
Miconazole Nitrate IP ____________20 mg (2.0% w/w)
Cream Base q.s
Methylparaben IP________________0.18% w/w
Propylparaben IP_________________0.02% w/w
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1 3 Mix Cream Abbott Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. Tube 7.5 34.30 17,589,685 39.73% 4.57 --
2 Nadibact Plus Cream Cipla Tube 7.5 43.11 2,993,000 6.76% 5.75 --
3 Nadimix Cream Wockhardt Tube 7.5 46.10 23,685,442 53.50% 6.15 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- 44,268,127 100.00% 5.49 6.37
-- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 6.15 Minimum 4.57


-- -- --


-- As per the above there are 3 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above --


-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation -- 442.68 (Rs. in Lakhs)


-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation -- 16.47 --


-- Number of Packs considered -- 3 --


-- Ceiling Price -- -- 5.49 --


-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin -- -- 0.88 --


-- MRP (without local taxes) -- -- 6.37 S.O. 1801(E) dt. 10.0


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price -- 10.73% --


Source of Data-IMS-Health July 2013

S.No. Composition of the for Company Brand Name Dosage Form Pack size (In Ml) MAT Units Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per ML Ceiling Price with 16 % Margin
1 Paracetamol 250 mg and Me Maneesh Pharmaceuticals L Duoflam DS Sus Suspension 60 181,152 30.06 5,939,000 20.08% 0.50 --
2 Paracetamol 250 mg and Me Blue Cross Laboratories Li Meftagesic-DS S Suspension 60 775,394 30.48 23,634,000 79.92% 0.51 --


-- -- 29,573,000 100.00% 0.51 0.59


-- -- Maximum 0.51 Minimum 0.50
-- As per the above there are 2 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above -- -- --


-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


295.73 (Rs. in Lakhs) --


-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation





-- Number of Packs considered --





-- Ceiling Price






-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin --





-- MRP (without local taxes) --


0.59 S.O. 1802(E) dt. 10.07. --


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price --





Source of Data-IMS-Health

S.No. TC_IV/ Product Name/ Pack Size Company Name Pack Launch (Year/ Month) Nov.2013 --

MAT Value (LC_Rs.) MAT Units Price to Retailer (Rs.) Pack Size MAT % PTR per unit --





-- J01DS CEFIXIME + OFLOXAC -- -- -- 2,463,949,719 32,457,315 --


-- 200MG -- -- -- 2,288,771,356 28,660,009 -- -- -- --
1 MAHACEF-PLUS FILM C.T MA0 MANKIND 200908 299,353,922 4,128,550 68.57 10 13.08 6.86
2 ZENFLOX-PLUS FILM C.TA MA0 MANKIND 201001 179,213,958 2,473,280 68.57 10 7.83 6.86
3 ZIFI-O FILM C.TABS 200 M FC8 FDC 201006 133,141,595 1,468,583 90.66 10 5.82 9.07
4 CEFOLAC-O FILM C.TABS MA5 MACLEODS PHAR 201008 119,700,121 1,572,725 76.11 10 5.23 7.61
5 ZIFEXIM FILM C.TABS 200 RBY RANBAXY 201006 112,185,174 1,235,679 90.45 10 4.90 9.05
6 CEFI-O FILM C.TABS 200 M A1H ABBOTT HEALTH 200906 101,778,693 1,104,489 92.15 10 4.45 9.22
7 ZIMNIC-O FILM C.TABS 20 A1H ABBOTT HEALT 200912 101,270,206 1,098,971 92.15 10 4.43 9.22
8 MILIXIM-O FILM C.TABS 2 GMK GLENMARK PHA 201009 90,485,857 1,470,358 61.54 10 3.95 6.15
9 OMCEF FILM C.TABS 200 ATP ARISTO PHARMA 201104 84,762,287 1,313,979 67.17 10 3.70 6.72
10 HIFEN PLUS FILM C.TABS 2 HT9 HETERO HEALTH 201007 81,012,860 1,074,015 75.43 10 3.54 7.54
11 TAXIM-OF FILM C.TABS 20 A_K ALKEM 201101 75,032,594 449,007 160.92 10 3.28 16.09
12 CEFIPOWER TABS 200 MG UCH UNICHEM 201101 73,093,655 960,622 76.09 10 3.19 7.61
13 CO2 FILM C.TABS 200 MG x MY_ MEDLEY PHARM 201105 52,073,042 686,345 75.87 10 2.28 7.59
14 CEFTAS-O FILM C.TABS 20 IN9 INTAS 201106 42,679,647 639,491 66.74 10 1.87 6.67
15 OFFICE FILM C.TABS 200 HT9 HETERO HEALT 201106 42,503,897 590,923 75.43 10 1.86 7.54
16 OMNIX-O FILM C.TABS 200 CPL CIPLA 201009 38,766,226 423,999 91.43 10 1.69 9.14
17 OFLOMAC CX FILM C.TAB MA5 MACLEODS PHA 201008 37,834,595 497,104 76.11 10 1.65 7.61
18 ZOFIX-O FILM C.TABS 200 AMB ALEMBIC 201104 35,548,654 405,714 87.62 10 1.55 8.76
19 CEFIWOK-O FILM C.TABS WOK WOCKHARDT 201010 35,258,566 373,983 91.39 10 1.54 9.14
20 TRICEF-O FILM C.TABS 200 WOK WOCKHARDT 201104 31,965,342 333,111 95.96 10 1.40 9.60
21 FORMIC-OF FILM C.TABS 2 ED8 ELDER PHARMA 201201 28,419,175 345,354 82.29 10 1.24 8.23
22 CLAVICEF-O FILM C.TABS ZYC ZYDUS CADILA 201201 28,167,154 355,330 75.43 10 1.23 7.54
23 OFCEF FILM C.TABS 200 M UNQ UNIQUE PHARM 201010 25,281,197 390,383 64.76 10 1.10 6.48
24 GRAMOCEF-OF FILM C.TA MRB MICRO LABS 201301 24,742,060 260,126 90.66 10 1.08 9.07
25 TOPCEF-O FILM C.TABS 20 TNT TORRENT PHARM 201111 22,885,418 272,678 83.41 10 1.00 8.34
26 EXTACEF-PLUS TABS 200 MG BCS BLUE CROSS 201011 22,376,885 296,658 75.43 10 0.98 7.54
27 TRAXOF FILM C.TABS 200 M CCT CACHET 201107 18,808,434 234,923 80.10 10 0.82 8.01
28 TYSURE FILM C.TABS 200 A1H ABBOTT HEALT 201105 18,394,033 200,883 92.24 10 0.80 9.22
29 LUFIXCIN FILM C.TABS 200 LU_ LUPIN LABS 201110 18,212,097 263,371 69.15 10 0.80 6.92
30 BRUTACEF-O FILM C.TABS MA0 MANKIND 201103 18,062,391 271,172 71.24 10 0.79 7.12
31 ORFIX-O FILM C.TABS 200 M OR2 ORCHID CHEM&P 201008 16,994,192 234,791 72.38 10 0.74 7.24
32 AB-CEF O FILM C.TABS 200 M BT7 BESTOCHEM 201106 16,710,206 219,323 76.19 10 0.73 7.62
33 OJEN-PLUS FILM C.TABS 200 JEB JENBURKT 201107 16,528,700 272,720 60.79 10 0.72 6.08
34 SI-FIXIM O TABS 200 MG x 10 S7V SVIZERA HEALTH 201108 13,456,969 145,462 91.46 10 0.59 9.15
35 DELBI-O FILM C.TABS 200 M VHL VERITAZ HEALTH 201211 12,649,178 141,965 85.46 10 0.55 8.55
36 FEVORIT O TABS 200 MG x 10 IOO INDOCO 201205 12,578,593 97,117 129.52 10 0.55 12.95
37 ZANOCIN-PLUS FILM C.TA RBY RANBAXY 201308 12,213,472 133,422 91.54 10 0.53 9.15
38 ELFI-O FILM C.TABS 200 M ED8 ELDER PHARMA 201006 12,171,430 147,909 82.29 10 0.53 8.23
39 CEFO-PLUS FILM C.TABS 2 MY_ MEDLEY PHARM 201106 11,998,676 157,401 76.23 10 0.52 7.62
40 XECUTE-O TABS 200 MG x 10 CRR CORONA REMEDI 201012 11,729,035 129,374 90.66 10 0.51 9.07
41 NICEF-O FILM C.TABS 200 IN9 INTAS 201006 11,403,040 75,020 152.00 10 0.50 15.20
42 BIOTAX-OF FILM C.TABS 200 ZBC ZYDUS BIOCHEM 201209 11,215,329 141,416 75.43 10 0.49 7.54
43 CO-FORCE FILM C.TABS 20 FC8 FDC 201107 11,191,640 119,409 99.05 10 0.49 9.91
44 CEFILAB-O FILM C.TABS 200 OZN OZONE 201208 10,094,516 165,484 61.00 10 0.44 6.10
45 ECOCEF-O FILM C.TABS 200 IDH INDCHEMIE 201104 9,866,463 101,607 109.71 10 0.43 10.97
46 OLFICEF FILM C.TABS 200 M IPC IPCA LABS 201206 8,163,680 89,367 91.35 10 0.36 9.14
47 OBEFEX-O TABS 200 MG x 10 ( OB_ OBSURGE BIOTEC 201005 8,150,597 82,587 98.67 10 0.36 9.87
48 VALUECEF-O FILM C.TABS 2 PBL PANACEA BIOTE 201111 7,944,449 102,492 83.70 10 0.35 8.37
49 OQ-CEF TABS 200 MG x 10 ( UNQ UNIQUE PHARM 201203 7,881,496 113,831 64.46 10 0.34 6.45
50 ASERT PLUS TABS 200 MG A1H ABBOTT HEALT 201109 6,184,487 67,627 91.45 10 0.27 9.15
51 VCEF PLUS FILM C.TABS 200 IOO INDOCO 201205 5,777,897 76,365 76.22 10 0.25 7.62
52 C TAX-OF FILM C.TABS 200 M ZTU ZUVENTUS PHAR 201104 5,715,350 50,686 112.76 10 0.25 11.28
53 DP CEF-O FILM C.TABS 200 M NOE NOEL PHARMA 201303 5,700,128 58,595 97.28 10 0.25 9.73
54 PEXOFLOX FILM C.TABS 200 APX APEX 201306 5,436,196 67,097 81.02 10 0.24 8.10
55 GRAMOCEF-O PLUS FILM MRB MICRO LABS 201102 4,391,606 42,695 102.86 10 0.19 10.29
56 CEFOCEF-PLUS FILM C.TABS CAU CENTAUR 201109 4,097,986 46,770 87.62 10 0.18 8.76
57 INXIM-O FILM C.TABS 200 M ID1 INDI PHARMA 201303 3,921,795 47,973 81.75 10 0.17 8.18
58 SECEF-O FILM C.TABS 200 M SDZ SANDOZ 201305 3,616,492 39,804 90.67 10 0.16 9.07
59 BRUFIX-O TABS 200 MG x 10 ( BRW BRAWN 201208 3,501,311 38,295 91.43 10 0.15 9.14
60 BIOFF-CX FILM C.TABS 200 M ZBC ZYDUS BIOCHEM 201008 2,940,671 31,661 92.88 10 0.13 9.29
61 ZAFIL-O TABS 200 MG x 10 (/2 OR2 ORCHID CHEM&P 201205 2,825,301 29,466 91.43 10 0.12 9.14
62 VILCOCEF-O FILM C.TABS 20 VCO VILCO 201301 2,529,892 27,403 88.39 10 0.11 8.84
63 OZEEFIX FILM C.TABS 200 M ZTP ZEST PHARMA 201302 1,616,211 16,614 97.28 10 0.07 9.73
64 KEFCEF-O FILM C.TABS 200 MMR MED MANOR ORG 201306 1,536,916 22,256 67.49 10 0.07 6.75
65 FIXIMEC-O FILM C.TABS 200 MCW MCW HEALTHCA 201302 1,409,399 16,129 83.81 10 0.06 8.38
66 ANCEF-OF FILM C.TABS 200 S6V SHRINIVAS LABS 201105 1,294,429 13,385 95.24 10 0.06 9.52
67 INDCEF-O FILM C.TABS 200 I_S IND-SWIFT 201109 1,236,167 12,974 90.70 10 0.05 9.07
68 ACEF-O FILM C.TABS 200 MG FR4 FRANKLIN LABS 201305 1,051,462 11,692 89.93 10 0.05 8.99
69 IATROCEF-O FILM C.TABS 20 IA3 IATROS PHARMA 201308 1,046,785 11,640 89.93 10 0.05 8.99
70 G-XIME-O FILM C.TABS 200 M G4L GRAF LABS 201302 1,026,127 10,460 98.10 10 0.04 9.81
71 NOVOFRAN-CF FILM C.TABS SGB SEAGULL LABS 201304 967,923 10,963 88.29 10 0.04 8.83
72 FIXICOM-O FILM C.TABS 200 CWH COMMON WEALT 201212 958,176 8,372 114.45 10 0.04 11.45
73 AREXCEF-O FILM C.TABS 200 ARX AR EX 201303 946,273 9,646 98.10 10 0.04 9.81
74 CEFIGARD-O FILM C.TABS 20 VUR VANGUARD 201306 833,588 8,576 97.20 10 0.04 9.72
75 CEFOMARC-PLUS FILM C.TA MO3 MARC LABORAT 201306 726,469 7,109 102.19 10 0.03 10.22
76 C-LET-OF FILM C.TABS 200 M EMU EMCURE 201302 633,292 4,156 152.38 10 0.03 15.24
77 CEFLOMED FILM C.TABS 200 MC3 MIDAS CARE 201306 221,307 2,603 85.02 10 0.01 8.50
78 FIXOX FILM C.TABS 200 MG x HR3 HOUSEHOLD PHA 201305 210,130 2,142 98.10 10 0.01 9.81


2,288,305,162 -- -- -- 100.00 --



-- -- Sum 300.05



-- -- Number 35



-- -- Average 8.57



-- -- 16% 9.94
-- As per the above there are 20 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above


-- -- -- Maximum 16.09
-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation -- -- 20,110 -- (Rs. In Lakhs) -- Minimum 6.15
-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation -- -- 300.05 -- --


-- Number of Packs considered


-- 35 -- --


-- Average PTR


-- 8.57 -- --


-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin


-- 1.37 -- --


-- Ceiling Price (without local taxes)


-- 9.94 S.O. 1803(E) dt. 10. --


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price -- -- 46.74% -- --


Source of Data-IMS-Health October 2013

S.No. Composition of the formulation Company Dosage Form Pack size MAT Units Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per unit Retail Price with 16 % Margin


-- --


-- -- -- -- -- --
1 TELPRES-AM TAB UNCOATE ABBOTT HEALTHCARE Tablet 10 816,937 63.47 47,930,817 3.57% 6.35 --
2 TELLZY-AM TAB UNCOATE ALEMBIC Tablet 10 1,243,237 63.62 79,094,799 5.89% 6.36 --
3 TETAN AM TABS 40 MG x 10 ( ALEMBIC Tablet 10 1,239,237 58.96 69,977,205 5.21% 5.90 --
4 TSART AM TABS 40 MG x 10 (/ ALKEM Tablet 10 155,793 63.47 11,252,258 0.84% 6.35 --
5 TELVAS AM TABS BILAYER ARISTO PHARMA Tablet 10 2,445,559 41.58 93,865,510 6.99% 4.16 --
6 TELMISAT-AM TABS BILAYE BIOCON Tablet 10 155,631 64.00 9,296,194 0.69% 6.40 --
7 XSTAN-AM FILM C.TABS 40 BLUE CROSS Tablet 10 89,160 22.75 2,392,725 0.18% 2.28 --
8 TELI-AM TAB UNCOATED 40 CADILA PHARMA Tablet 10 49,770 83.38 4,149,826 0.31% 8.34 --
9 AMDEPIN-T TABS 40 MG x 10 CADILA PHARMA Tablet 10 31,745 52.57 1,668,833 0.12% 5.26 --
10 T-LET-AM TAB UNCOATED 4 CAPLET INDIA Tablet 15 15,496 85.84 1,330,176 0.10% 5.72 --
11 T-LET-AM TAB UNCOATED 5 CAPLET INDIA Tablet 10 26,362 54.22 1,403,458 0.10% 5.42 --
12 CRESAR-AM TAB UNCOATE CIPLA Tablet 10 700,484 54.10 37,142,608 2.76% 5.41 --
13 CORTEL A FILM C.TABS 40 M CORONA REMEDIES Tablet 10 93,788 25.14 3,321,818 0.25% 2.51 --
14 STAMLO-T TAB UNCOATED DR REDDYS LABS Tablet 10 854,726 65.14 55,676,819 4.14% 6.51 --
15 TELSARTAN-AM TAB UNCO DR REDDYS LABS Tablet 10 719,692 70.86 50,997,386 3.80% 7.09 --
16 TELSARTAN-AM TABS 40 MG DR REDDYS LABS Tablet 30 318,823 98.67 30,571,644 2.28% 3.29 --
17 HYTEL-AM TAB UNCOATED EAST WEST PHARMA Tablet 10 54,885 65.57 3,598,806 0.27% 6.56 --
18 TEMSAN-AM TAB UNCOATE EMCURE Tablet 10 113,909 71.81 8,149,697 0.61% 7.18 --
19 ERITEL-AM TAB UNCOATED ERIS LIFE SCIENCES Tablet 10 973,967 57.14 55,652,504 4.14% 5.71 --
20 AMODEP TM TABS BILAYER FDC Tablet 10 156,365 26.66 3,884,189 0.29% 2.67 --
21 AMLOSAFE TM TABS BILAY GENETICA Tablet 10 8,605 44.15 379,911 0.03% 4.42 --
22 TELMA-AM TABS 40 MG x 15 ( GLENMARK PHARMA Tablet 15 2,164,999 101.08 219,365,784 16.33% 6.74 --
23 TELMA-AM TAB UNCOATED GLENMARK PHARMA Tablet 10 435,967 67.38 29,375,458 2.19% 6.74 --
24 TELCROS-AM TABS 40 MG x 1 GOLDLINE PHARMACE. Tablet 10 17,897 57.14 1,085,122 0.08% 5.71 --
25 TELMICHEK-A TAB UNCOAT INDOCO Tablet 10 41,156 54.86 2,206,688 0.16% 5.49 --
26 SARTEL-AM TABS 40 MG x 15 INTAS Tablet 15 427,338 88.22 39,398,688 2.93% 5.88 --
27 SARTEL-AM TAB UNCOATE INTAS Tablet 10 89,107 53.85 4,798,407 0.36% 5.39 --
28 CALCHEK-T TAB UNCOATE IPCA LABS Tablet 10 267,055 66.29 17,388,160 1.29% 6.63 --
29 TELMINORM-AM TAB UNCO IPCA LABS Tablet 10 122,949 66.29 8,004,278 0.60% 6.63 --
30 TELLY PLUS TABS BILAYER LINCOLN PHARMA Tablet 10 2,231 48.97 109,252 0.01% 4.90 --
31 TELISTA AM TABS BILAYER LUPIN LABS Tablet 10 719,388 66.60 48,111,034 3.58% 6.66 --
32 TELRIDE-AM TAB UNCOATE MANEESH HEALTHCARE Tablet 10 1,375 60.19 87,915 0.01% 6.02 --
33 TELMIKIND-AM TABS BILAY MANKIND Tablet 10 3,613,491 24.76 104,355,362 7.77% 2.48 --
34 TELMED-AM TAB UNCOATE MEDLEY PHARMA Tablet 10 323,632 60.83 18,627,163 1.39% 6.08 --
35 SAFETELMI -AM TABS 40 MG MEDREICH LIFECARE Tablet 10 23,592 52.57 1,240,229 0.09% 5.26 --
36 ARBITEL-AM FILM C.TABS 40 MICRO LABS Tablet 10 556,492 72.37 38,231,684 2.85% 7.24 --
37 TELMORE- AM TABS BILAYE MOREPEN LABS Tablet 10 18,550 55.75 1,034,164 0.08% 5.58 --
38 TELMASURGE AM FILM C.TA OBSURGE BIOTECH Tablet 10 7,052 37.33 276,235 0.02% 3.73 --
39 TELMIVAS-AM TAB UNCOAT ORCHID CHEM&PHARMA Tablet 10 198,248 50.29 9,354,698 0.70% 5.03 --
40 ECOTEL-A FILM C.TABS 40 M ORDIAN HEALTHCARE Tablet 10 32,923 56.38 1,878,257 0.14% 5.64 --
41 AXETEN-AM TAB UNCOATE ORGANON Tablet 10 140,737 69.34 9,233,097 0.69% 6.93 --
42 TELTOR-AM TAB UNCOATE PANACEA BIOTEC Tablet 10 19,000 57.52 1,092,882 0.08% 5.75 --
43 TARGIT-AM TAB UNCOATED PFIZER Tablet 10 384,045 74.62 28,587,157 2.13% 7.46 --
44 AMLOGARD-TM TAB UNCOA PFIZER Tablet 10 32,339 62.18 2,007,576 0.15% 6.22 --
45 TELDIL-A TAB UNCOATED 5 PULSE PHARMA Tablet 10 3,820 54.86 209,565 0.02% 5.49 --
46 TELEACT-AM TAB UNCOATE RANBAXY Tablet 10 274,082 63.09 16,782,784 1.25% 6.31 --
47 TELSITE-AM TAB UNCOATE SANOFI AVENTIS Tablet 10 261,208 64.76 15,987,424 1.19% 6.48 --
48 AMLOZ-TS TAB UNCOATED SHREYA LIFESCIENCE Tablet 10 376,073 64.19 20,527,910 1.53% 6.42 --
49 AMPINE-TMT TAB UNCOATE SUNIJ PHARMA Tablet 10 6,608 34.26 226,390 0.02% 3.43 --
50 NEWTEL AM TAB UNCOATE SYSTOPIC Tablet 10 356,849 34.65 12,974,218 0.97% 3.47 --
51 TELDAY-AM TAB UNCOATE TORRENT PHARMA Tablet 10 413,998 73.56 30,739,950 2.29% 7.36 --
52 TELMIKAA-AM TABS BILAY TROIKAA PHARMA Tablet 10 43,487 63.24 2,750,117 0.20% 6.32 --
53 TELMITIME A TABS BILAYE TTK HEALTHCARE LTD Tablet 10 6,799 57.14 415,383 0.03% 5.71 --
54 AMLOPIN-TL TAB UNCOATE U S V Tablet 10 43,444 64.38 2,796,927 0.21% 6.44 --
55 TELSAR-A TAB UNCOATED 4 UNICHEM Tablet 10 898,896 64.00 55,257,205 4.11% 6.40 --
56 TELMIRIDE-AM TABS BILAY UNISON PHARMA Tablet 10 30,157 18.48 557,303 0.04% 1.85 --
57 TEMAX-AM TAB UNCOATED WOCKHARDT Tablet 14 72,534 70.00 4,872,180 0.36% 5.00 --
58 INDITEL AM TAB UNCOATE ZYDUS CADILA Tablet 10 425,576 54.74 21,674,775 1.61% 5.47 --


-- -- 1,343,358,604 100.0% 6.05 7.02


-- -- Maximum 7.46 Minimum 2.48
-- As per the above there are 20 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above -- -- --


-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


12401.30 (Rs. in Lakhs) --


-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation -- 163.37 -- --


-- Number of Packs considered


27 -- --


-- Ceiling Price --


6.05 -- --


-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin


0.97 -- --


-- MRP (without local taxes)


7.02 S.O. 1804(E) dt. 10. --


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price


18.90% -- --



Source of Data-IMS-Health October 2013

S.No. Composition of the formulati Company Dosage Form Pack size (In ML) MAT Units Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per unit Retail Price with 16 % Margin
1 TOPAC INJ AMP 75 MG 1 ML x ABBOTT HEALTHCARE Injection 1 3,122,903 9.89 30,885,643 9.07% 9.89 --
2 ESGIPYRIN-AQ INJ AMP 75 M ABBOTT HEALTHCARE Injection 1 1,477,264 12.92 19,086,240 5.60% 12.92 --
3 DOLENTIA INJ AMP 75 MG 1 M AKUMENTIS HEALTH Injection 1 525,071 12.19 6,795,120 1.99% 12.19 --
4 VIVOGESIC INJ AMP 75 MG 1 BESTOCHEM Injection 1 231,348 11.58 2,679,015 0.79% 11.58 --
5 VIVOGESIC INJ VIAL 75 MG 1 BESTOCHEM Injection 1 184,243 10.72 1,975,080 0.58% 10.72 --
6 LYSOFLAM INJ VIAL 75 MG 1 CACHET Injection 1 597,355 9.00 5,373,067 1.58% 9.00 --
7 D-PAIN AQ INJ AMP 75 MG 1 M GENIX Injection 1 627,660 12.57 7,314,946 2.15% 12.57 --
8 VIVIAN PLUS INJ AMP 75 MG 1 LINCOLN PHARMA Injection 1 394,417 13.49 5,320,746 1.56% 13.49 --
9 VIVIAN INJ AMP 75 MG 1 ML x 1 LINCOLN PHARMA Injection 1 188,874 12.57 2,242,812 0.66% 12.57 --
10 NUDICLO INJ AMP 75 MG 1 ML MACLEODS PHARMA Injection 1 1,182,512 10.66 12,605,587 3.70% 10.66 --
11 DOLOKIND-AQUA INJ AMP 75 MANKIND Injection 1 1,494,439 13.33 14,306,201 4.20% 13.33 --
12 DOLOBAN INJ AMP 75 MG 1 M MANKIND Injection 1 1,095,176 9.90 10,718,656 3.15% 9.90 --
13 DIVON INJ IM. AMP 75 MG 1 M MICRO LABS Injection 1 326,514 12.27 4,006,303 1.18% 12.27 --
14 JUSTIN INJ AMP 75 MG 1 ML x NEON LABS Injection 1 401,850 14.72 5,915,262 1.74% 14.72 --
15 DICOR-AQ INJ AMP 75 MG 1 M OCTAN BIOTECH Injection 1 7,667 11.45 87,787 0.03% 11.45 --
16 NAC INJ VIAL 75 MG 1 ML x 1 (/ SYSTOPIC Injection 1 327,634 10.59 3,657,817 1.07% 10.59 --
17 AQUADOL INJ AMP 75 MG 1 M THEMIS MEDICARE Injection 1 234,522 13.71 3,276,397 0.96% 13.71 --
18 INSTANAC INJ AMP 75 MG 1 M THEMIS MEDICARE Injection 1 37,227 14.72 547,985 0.16% 14.72 --
19 DYLOAQUA INJ VIAL 75 MG 1 THEMIS MEDICARE Injection 1 11,497 14.72 169,237 0.05% 14.72 --
20 DYNAPAR AQ INJ AMP 75 MG TROIKAA PHARMA Injection 1 14,049,211 14.10 183,464,049 53.85% 14.10 --
21 DYNATROY AQ INJ AMP 75 M TROIKAA PHARMA Injection 1 195,592 13.73 2,685,467 0.79% 13.73 --
22 DICLOAQUA INJ AMP 75 MG 1 WOCKHARDT Injection 1 1,481,109 11.50 17,562,893 5.16% 11.50 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 340,676,310 100.00% 12.33 14.30
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 14.72 Minimum 9.00


-- -- -- --


-- As per the above there are 14 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above -- --


-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


3405.89 (Rs. in Lakhs)


-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation


258.88 --


-- Number of Packs considered


21 --


-- Ceiling Price --


12.33 --


-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin --


1.97 --


-- MRP (without local taxes) --


14.30 S.O. 1806(E) dt. 10.


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price


16.24% --



Source of Data-IMS-Health July 2013

S.No. Composition of the Pro Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per unit Retail Price with 16 % Margin
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1 Each film coated tablet contains:
Bromhexine Hydrochloride IP 8 mg,
Phenylephrine Hydrochloride IP 5 mg,
Guaiphensin IP 100 mg,
Chlorpheniramine Maleate Ip 2 mg,
Paracetamol IP 325 mg
Ingahist Tablets Inga Laboratorie Tablet 10 50,486 22.72 1,147,043 1.56% 2.27
2 Kufcol-D Rockstar Pharma Tablet 10 2,011 28.80 57,917 0.08% 2.88 --
-- TUSQ Tablets Blue Cross Labo Tablet 10 2,981,443 24.25 72,300,000 98.36% 2.43 --
3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 73,504,960 100.00% 2.35 2.73
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 2.43 Minimum 2.27


-- -- --


-- As per the above there are 2 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above -- -- --


-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


734.47 (Rs. in Lakhs) --


-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation





-- Number of Packs considered --





-- Ceiling Price -- --





-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin --





-- MRP (without local taxes) --


2.73 S.O. 1808(E) dt. 10.07. --


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price --






Source of Data-Companies July 2013

S.No. Composition of the Pro Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per unit Retail Price with 16 % Margin
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1 Trypsin Chymotrypsin & Diclofenac Potassium Tablets
Each enteric coated tablet contains:
50,000 Armour units of enzymatic activity ( Supplied by a puriifed concentrate which has specific Trypsin and Chymotrypsin I.P activity
in a ratio of approximately six to one )
(As enteric coated ) IP 50,000 Armour Units
Diclofenac Pottasium BP 50 mg
Colours: Titanium Dioxide IP
Sistal Plus Besto Chem F Tablet 10 52.57 13,125,900 6.16% 5.26 --
-- K Trip Plus FDC Limited Tablet 10 44.95 15,883,991 7.46% 4.50 -- --
-- Chymoral Elder Pharmac Tablet 15 78.48 184,000,000 86.38% 5.23 -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- 213,009,891 100.00% 5.00 5.80 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 5.26 Minimum 4.50 --


-- -- -- -- --
-- As per the above there are 3 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above -- --


-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


2130.10 (Rs. in Lakhs)


-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation


14.99 --


-- Number of Packs considered --


3 --


-- Ceiling Price -- --


5.00 --


-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin --


0.80 --


-- MRP (without local taxes) --


5.80 S.O. 1809(E) dt. 10.07.


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price --


4.94% --



Source of Data-Companies Data, October 2013

S.No. Composition of the Pro Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size (In Ml) Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per unit Retail Price with 16 % Margin
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1 Each 5ml contains:
Paracetamol IP 125 mg
Mefenamic Acid IP 50 mg
Meftagesic-P Suspensio Blue Cross La Suspension 60 23.62 44,893,000 72.19% 0.39 --
-- Centamol Plus Suspensi Centaur Pharm Suspension 60 24.06 4,421,667 7.11% 0.40 -- --
-- RXMEF-P Suspension ( Veritaz Healthc Suspension 60 22.86 3,465,000 5.57% 0.38 -- --
-- -- Mefast P Suspension Zuventis Healt Suspension 60 23.43 9,410,000 15.13% 0.39 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 62,189,667 100.00% 0.39 0.45


-- Maximum 0.40 Minimum 0.38


-- -- -- -- --
-- As per the above there are 4 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above -- --


-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


621.90 (Rs. in Lakhs)


-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation


1.56 --


-- Number of Packs considered --


4 --


-- Ceiling Price -- --


0.39 --


-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin --


0.06 --


-- MRP (without local taxes) --


0.45 S.O. 1810(E) dt. 10.07.


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price --


2.50% --



Source of Data-Companies data, October 2013

S.No. Composition of the Pro Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per tablet Retail Price with 16 % Margin
1 Each film coated tablet contains:
Atorvastatin Calcium Ip eq. to Atorvastain 10 mg,
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) IP 1000 IU Excipients q.s
Colour: Titanium Dioxide IP
LIPICURE D-10 TABLE Intas Pharmac Tablet 10 72.89 11,649,391 14.92% 7.29 --
-- Atorec D 3 Tablet Emcure Pharm Tablet 10 65.52 7,200,000 9.22% 6.55 --
-- Daztor Sun Pharma L Tablet 10 75.43 59,233,295 75.86% 7.54 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- 78,082,686 100.00% 7.13 8.27


-- Maximum 7.54 Minimum 6.55


-- -- -- -- --
-- As per the above there are 3 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above -- --


-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


780.83 (Rs. in Lakhs)


-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation


21.38 --


-- Number of Packs considered --


3 --


-- Ceiling Price -- --


7.13 --


-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin --


1.14 --


-- MRP (without local taxes) --


8.27 S.O. 1811(E) dt. 10.07.


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price --


5.44% --



Source of Data-IMS-Health June 2013(As per Companies)

S.No. Composition of the Product Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per unit Ceiling Price with 16 % Margin
1 Oxitan Inj IV. Vial 100 mg 50 ml x 1 Oxitan Fresenius Kabi Injection 1 3,865.13 31,201,874 30.04% 3865.13 --
2 Oxaliplatin Oxa- 100 Injection 50 ml Emcure Injection 1 4,571.43 11,800,000 11.36% 4571.43 --
3 Oxaliplatin 100 mg Xalipat 100 Khandelwal La Injection 1 532.00 1,663,000 1.60% 532.00 --
4 Oxaliplatin BP 100 mg Lactos Monohydrate used as excepient Oxaliplatin United Biotech Injection 1 5,714.29 141,866 0.14% 5714.29 --
5 Oxaliplatin 5 mg Oxiplat 100 Sun Pharma Injection 1 3,701.87 47,628,259 45.85% 3701.87 --
6 Oxaliplatin 100 mg Lactos Monohydrate IP Inj.Oxyrea-100 Neon Laborato Injection 1 844.00 603,000 0.58% 844.00 --
7 Oxaliplatin Inj.Oxaliplatin-100 Samarth Life S Injection 1 5,338.67 10,842,839 10.44% 5338.67 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 103,880,838 100.00% 3601.82 4178.11
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 5338.67 Minimum 532.00
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- As per the above there -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of MAT value con -- -- -- -- 1031.36 (Rs. in Lakhs) -- -- --
-- Sum of PTR per unit co -- -- -- -- 18009.10 -- -- -- --
-- Number of Packs consi -- -- -- -- 5 -- -- -- --
-- Average RTP -- -- -- -- 3601.82 -- -- -- --
-- Add : 16% Retailer Mar -- -- -- -- 576.29 -- -- -- --
-- Retail Price (without loc -- -- -- -- 4178.11 S.O. 1813(E) dt. 10.07. -- -- --
-- % Reduction with comp -- -- -- -- 32.53% -- -- -- --



May 2013 data

Last Page Updated: 15-01-2019