

Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Unit(mg) Dosage Form Pack Size(in ml) Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit Phenytoin Sodium Injection Sara Pharmaceuticals -- 50 Injection 2 4.18 959937 100.00% 2.09
-- Monopoly situation as only M/s. Sara Pharma -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- PTR per unit 25 mg/ml 2.09 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for ot -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


5.5: Anticonvulsants/ Antiepileptics

S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
-- Phenytoin Sodium P,S, T Injection 50 mg/ml 5.15 8th 3329 05.11.2013 10.48%
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Average Reduc -- 10.48%
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 2.09x(1-10.48%) 1.87 -- -- -- -- --
-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.30 -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 2.17 -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- 0.14 -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (including WPI but without local taxes) 2.31 S.O. 2089(E) dat -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Unit Dosage Form Pack Size(in gm) Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit Neomycin + Bacitracin Crescent Labs ltd. Vetbacin Ointm Gm Ointment 20 31.57 9243696 100.00% 1.58
-- Monopoly situation as only M/s. Crescent Lab -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- PTR per unit -- 1.58 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for ot -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- 13.2: Antiinfective medicines -- -- -- --


S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
1 Acyclovir S, T Cream 5% 8.88 2nd 1812 21.06.2013 34.22
2 Framycetin Sulphate P,S,T Cream 0.50% Data not yet available -- -- -- --
3 Methylrosanilinium Chloride (Gentian Violet) P,S,T Aqueous solution 0.50% Data not yet available -- -- -- --
4 Neomycin + Bacitracin P,S,T Ointment 5 mg + 500 IU / g Under consideration -- -- -- --
5 Povidone Iodine P,S,T Solution 5% 0.39 1st 1651 14.06.2013 69.14
6 Povidone Iodine P,S,T Ointment 5% 1.64 3rd 1905 28.06.2013 57.89
6 Silver Sulphadiazine P,S,T Cream 1% Data not yet available -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- Average Reduction -- Average Reduction 53.75
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 1.58X (1-53.75%) 0.73 -- -- -- -- --
-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.12 -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 0.85 -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6. -- -- 0.05 -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (including WPI but without local taxes) 0.90 S.O. 2087 -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Unit Dosage Form Pack Size Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit Phenylephrine Drop Auro Lab Aurophenyl ml Drops 5 28.00 57457 100.00% 5.60
-- Monopoly situation as only M/s. Auro Lab. is t -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- PTR per unit -- 5.60 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for ot -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- 21.5 : Mydriatics -- -- -- --


S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
1 Atropine Sulphate P,S,T Drops 1% 2.91 2nd 1830 21.06.2013 34.71
2 Atropine Sulphate P,S,T Ointment 1% 3.24 2nd 1831 21.06.2013 27.44
3 Homatropine P,S,T Drops 2% 5.44 9th 3573 02.12.2013 22.52
4 Phenylephrine P,S,T Drops 5% Under Consideration -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Average Reduction 28.22
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 5.60X (1-28.22%) 4.02


-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.64


-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 4.66


-- WPI factor @ 6. -- -- 0.29


-- Ceiling Price (including WPI but without local taxes) 4.95 S.O. 2088



Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Unit Dosage Form Pack Size Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit Sodium Meglumine Diatrizoate 60% Arco Lifesciences (I) Pvt. Ltd. -- ml Injection 20 114.69 393700 92.55% 5.73 Sodium Meglumine Diatrizoate 60% Arco Lifesciences (I) Pvt. Ltd. -- ml Injection 50 271.40 31680 7.45% 5.43
-- Monopoly situation as only M/s. Arco Lifescie -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- PTR per unit -- 5.58 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for ot -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Section: 14 –Diagnostic agents


-- 14.1: Ophthalmic medicines



S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
-- Fluorescein S, T Eye drops 1% Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Lignocaine S, T Eye Drops 4% Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Tropicamide S, T Eye drops 1% 9.60 1st 1650 14.06.2013 28.52
-- 14.2: Radiocontrast media -- -- -- -- --
-- Barium Sulphate S, T Suspension 100% w/v Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Barium Sulphate S, T Suspension 250% w/v Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Calcium Ipodate S, T Injection 3 g Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Iopanoic Acid S, T Tablets 500 mg Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Meglumine Iothalamate S, T Injection 60% w/v (iodine =280 mg / ml) Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Meglumine Iotroxate S, T Solution 5-8 g iodine in 100-250 ml Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Propyliodone S, T Oily, suspension 500-600 mg / ml Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Sodium Iothalamate S, T Injection 70% w/v(Iodine =420 mg / ml) Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Sodium Meglumine Diatrizoate S, T Injection 60% w/v(Iodine conc. =292 mg / ml) Under consideration -- -- -- --
-- Sodium Meglumine Diatrizoate S, T Injection 76% w/v(Iodine conc. =370 mg / ml) Under consideration -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- Average Reduction 28.52
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 5.58X (1-28.52%) 3.99 -- -- -- -- --
-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.64 -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 4.63 -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- 0.29 -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (including WPI but without local taxes) 4.92 S.O. 2092(E) dat -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Unit Dosage Form Pack Size Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit Sodium Meglumine Diatrizoate 76% Arco Lifesciences (I) Pvt. Ltd. -- ml Injection 20 137.59 1622400 60.96% 6.88 Sodium Meglumine Diatrizoate 76% Arco Lifesciences (I) Pvt. Ltd. -- ml Injection 50 318.24 1039080 39.04% 6.36
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2661480 100.00% 6.62
-- Monopoly situation as only M/s. Arco Lifescie -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- PTR per unit -- 6.62 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for ot -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Section: 14 –Diagnostic agents


-- 14.1: Ophthalmic medicines



S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
-- Fluorescein S, T Eye drops 1% Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Lignocaine S, T Eye Drops 4% Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Tropicamide S, T Eye drops 1% 9.60 1st 1650 14.06.2013 28.52
-- 14.2: Radiocontrast media -- -- -- -- --
-- Barium Sulphate S, T Suspension 100% w/v Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Barium Sulphate S, T Suspension 250% w/v Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Calcium Ipodate S, T Injection 3 g Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Iopanoic Acid S, T Tablets 500 mg Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Meglumine Iothalamate S, T Injection 60% w/v (iodine =280 mg / ml) Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Meglumine Iotroxate S, T Solution 5-8 g iodine in 100-250 ml Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Propyliodone S, T Oily, suspension 500-600 mg / ml Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Sodium Iothalamate S, T Injection 70% w/v(Iodine =420 mg / ml) Data Not Available -- -- -- --
-- Sodium Meglumine Diatrizoate S, T Injection 60% w/v(Iodine conc. =292 mg / ml) 4.63 Proposed 28.52
-- Sodium Meglumine Diatrizoate S, T Injection 76% w/v(Iodine conc. =370 mg / ml) Under consideration -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- Average Reduction 28.52
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 6.62X (1-28.52%) 4.73 -- -- -- -- --
-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.76 -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 5.49 -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- 0.35 -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (including WPI but without local taxes) 5.84 S.O. 2092(E) dat -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Unit Dosage Form Pack Size Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit Pyridoxine Tablet 10 mg Vikas Pharmaceuticals Laboratories -- Tablet Tablet 1000 100.00 100000 20.04% 0.10
-- -- Vikas Pharmaceuticals Laboratories -- Tablet Tablet 200 114.00 399000 79.96% 0.57
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 499000 100.00% 0.34
-- Monopoly situation as only M/s. Vikas Pharma -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- PTR per unit -- 0.34 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for ot -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- 10.1 Antianaemia Medicines -- -- -- -- --


S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
-- Cyanocobalamin P, S,T Injection 1 mg/ml No Data -- -- -- --
-- Ferrous Sulphate/Fumrate P,S,T Tablets Tablets equivalent to 60 mg elemental iron No Data -- -- -- --
-- Ferrous Sulphate/Fumrate P,S,T Oral solution 25mg elemental iron (as sulphate)/ml No Data -- -- -- --
-- Folic Acid P,S,T Tablets 1 mg 0.25 8th meeti 3365 05.11.2013 48.07
-- Folic Acid P,S,T Tablets 5mg 1.37 9th meeti 3570 02.12.2013 38.02
-- Iron Dextran S, T Injection 50 mg iron/ml 28.71 5th meeti 2245 22.07.2013 57.46
-- Pyridoxine P,S,T Tablets 10 mg Under Consideration -- -- -- --


-- -- -- -- Average Reduction 47.85
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 0.34X (1-47.85%) 0.18


-- -- --
-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.03


-- -- --
-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 0.21


-- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- 0.01


-- -- --
-- Ceiling Price (including WPI but without local taxes) 0.22 S.O. 2091(E) dat -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Company Brands Unit Dosage Form Pack Size Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2012 MAT % Price per Unit Polygeline Abbott Healthcare Pvt. Ltd -- ml Injection 500 244.66 375084000 100% 0.49
-- Monopoly situation as only Abbott Health -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- PTR per unit -- -- 0.49 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
-- Dextran-40 P,S,T Injection 10% 0.75 8th 3344 05.11.2013 12.47
-- Dextran-70 P,S,T Injection 6% No Data -- -- -- --
-- Fresh frozen plasma T Injection -- No Data -- -- -- --
-- Hydroxyethyl Starch (Hetastarch) S, T Injection 6% 0.74 8th 3366 05.11.2013 12.47
-- Polygeline S, T Injection 3.50% Under Consideration -- -- -- --
-- -- --


Average Reduction 12.47 --



-- Therefore, PTR per unit 0.49X (1-12.47%) 0.43


-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.07


-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 0.50


-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- 0.03


-- Ceiling Price (including WPI but without local taxes) 0.53 S.O. 2090(E) dat



Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Descripti BRANDS Company Strength Pack Siz Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT % PTR Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Tablets 25 CPZ FILM C.TA CPZ A.N.PHARMA 25 10 TABS 2344440 68.07% 2.22 0.22 --
-- Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Tablets 25 mg EMETIL TABS 2 EMETIL LA PHARMA 25 10 TABS 984237 28.58% 2.42 0.24 --
-- Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Tablets 25 mg RELITIL FILM C. RELITIL RELIANCE LI 25 10 TABS 115520 3.35% 2.31 0.23 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3444197 100.00% -- 0.23 0.27
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- maximum 0.24 minimum 0.22 --
-- As per the above there are 3 companies c -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of MAT value considered for price ca -- -- 34.44 (Rs. In Lakhs) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price -- -- 0.69 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Number of Packs considered -- -- 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price -- -- 0.23 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin -- -- 0.04 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- MRP (without local taxes) -- -- 0.27 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Pr -- -- 4.17% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- 0.02 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Revised Ceiling Price(including W -- -- 0.29 S.O. 2094(E) dat -- -- -- -- -- -- --


Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Descripti BRANDS Company Strength Pack Siz Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT % PTR Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin Cefotaxime Injection 125 mg BIOTAX VIAL D BIOTAX ZYDUS CADI 125 1 -- 9673777 12.00% 10.81 10.81 --
-- Cefotaxime Injection 125 mg C-TAX INJ DRY C-TAX EMCURE* 125 1 -- 2366813 2.94% 10.71 10.71 --
-- Cefotaxime Injection 125 mg CEFANTRAL VI CEFANTRAL LUPIN LIMITE 125 1 -- 656051 0.81% 9.72 9.72 --
-- Cefotaxime Injection 125 mg CEFANTRAL IN CEFANTRAL LUPIN LIMIT 125 1 -- 259480 0.32% 9.72 9.72 --
-- Cefotaxime Injection 125 mg OMINAX INJ DR OMINAX MAPRA LAB 125 1 -- 2684813 3.33% 10.22 10.22 --
-- Cefotaxime Injection 125 mg TAXIM VIAL DR TAXIM ALKEM* 125 1 -- 62978703 78.13% 10.98 10.98 --
-- Cefotaxime Injection 125 mg OMNICEF INJ D OMNICEF ARISTO PHA 125 1 -- 1988666 2.47% 10.71 10.71 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 80608303 100.00% -- 10.41 12.08
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- maximum 10.98 minimum 9.72 --
-- As per the above there are 6 companies c -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of MAT value considered for price ca -- -- 806.08 (Rs. In Lakhs) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price -- -- 72.87 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Number of Packs considered -- -- 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price -- -- 10.41 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin -- -- 1.67 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- MRP (without local taxes) -- -- 12.08 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Pr -- -- 5.19% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- WPI factor @ 6.32% -- -- 0.76 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Revised Ceiling Price(including W -- -- 12.84 S.O. 2093(E) dat -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- --


-- -- --
Pack Description BRANDS Company Strength Pack Size Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT % PTR Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin
-- SYNDOPA TAB UNCOATED 100 M SYNDOPA SUN* 100 10 TABS 68761083 93.89% 13.6 1.36 -- --
-- TIDOMET TABS L.S 100 MG x 10 (/1 TIDOMET TORRENT 100 10 TABS 4472436 6.11% 12.36 1.24 -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 73233519 100.00% -- 1.30 1.51 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- maximum 1.36 minimum 1.24 -- --
-- -- -- 732.34 (Rs. In Lak -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- 2.60 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- 1.30 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- 0.21 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- 1.51 Earlier S.o. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- 4.41% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- 0.10 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- 1.61 S.O. 2095(E)


-- --
-- -- --


-- -- --
Pack Description BRANDS Company Strength Pack Size Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT % PTR Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin
-- LCD TAB UNCOATED 100 MG x 10 (/25) LCD INTAS PHAR 100/25 10 TABS 1448413 0.95% 17.21 1.72 -- --
-- SYNDOPA TABS PLUS 100 MG x 10 (/25) SYNDOPA SUN* 100/25 10 TABS 129727536 84.90% 18.9 1.89 -- --
-- SYNDOPA TABS CR 100 MG x 10 (/25) SYNDOPA SUN* 100/25 10 TABS 10708407 7.01% 17.34 1.73 -- --
-- TIDOMET TABS PLUS 100 MG x 10 (/25) TIDOMET TORRENT P 100/25 10 TABS 10913296 7.14% 18.98 1.90 -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 152797652 100.00% -- 1.84 2.13 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- maximum 1.90 minimum 1.73 -- --
-- -- 1,513.49 (Rs. In Lak -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 5.52 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 1.84 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 0.29 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 2.13 Earlier, S. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 3.16% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 0.13 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 2.26 S.O. 2095(E) d -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


Pack Description BRANDS Company Strength Pack Size Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT % PTR Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin
SYNDOPA TAB UNCOATED 250 M SYNDOPA SUN* 250 10 TABS 36465035 81.00% 32.7 3.27 --
TIDOMET TABS FORT 250 MG x 10 TIDOMET TORRENT 250 10 TABS 8552734 19.00% 29.67 2.97 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- 45017769 100.00% -- 3.12 3.62
-- -- -- -- -- -- maximum 3.27 minimum 2.97 --
-- -- 450.18 (Rs. In Lak -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 6.24 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 3.12 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 0.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 3.62 Earlier, S.O -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 4.59% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 0.23 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 3.85 S.O. 2095(E) -- -- -- -- -- -- --


Source of Data-IMS-Health November 2013

S.No. Composition of the formulation Company Dosage Form Pack size MAT Units Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per tablet Retail Price with 16 % Margin
1 PYRALFIN TABS 25 MG x 2 (/500) LUPIN LABS Tablet 2 6,184,711 3.04 18,802,107 42.12% 1.52 --
2 PYRALFIN TAB UNCOATED 25 MG x 10 (/500) LUPIN LABS Tablet 10 363,843 15.35 5,585,008 12.51% 1.54 --
3 DARAMIN TABS 25 MG x 10 (/500) INDICA Tablet 10 20,635 4.20 86,668 0.19% 0.42 --
4 AMALAR TAB UNCOATED 25 MG x 2 (/500) MICRO LABS Tablet 2 18,346 3.12 57,241 0.13% 1.56 --
5 REZIZ TAB UNCOATED 500 MG x 2 (/25) PLETHICO Tablet 2 3,717,547 3.42 11,941,269 26.75% 1.71 --
6 LARIDOX TABS 500 MG x 2 (/25) IPCA LABS Tablet 2 1,868,367 3.96 7,002,743 15.69% 1.98 --
7 MALCIDAL TABS 500 MG x 3 (/25) LARK LABS Tablet 3 188,107 4.64 893,184 2.00% 1.55 --
8 MALARCE TAB UNCOATED 500 MG x 2 (/25) GUJARAT TERC Tablet 2 15,401 16.35 251,805 0.56% 8.18 --
9 META-FIN TAB UNCOATED 500 MG x 2 (/25) -- Tablet 2 1,067 15.03 16,037 0.04% 7.52 --
10 MALASULF TABS 500 MG x 2 (/25) BOMBAY TABLE Tablet 2 1,411 2.55 3,598 0.01% 1.28 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 44,639,660 100.00% 1.66 1.93
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Maximum 1.98 Minimum 1.52
-- As per the above there are 4 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above --


-- Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


442.24 (Rs. in Lakhs)


-- Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation


8.30 --


-- Number of Packs considered --


5 --


-- Ceiling Price --


1.66 --


-- Add : 16% Retailer Margin --


0.27 --


-- MRP (without local taxes) --


1.93 S.O. 2100


-- % Reduction with compared to Highest Price


16.16% --



Source of Data-Company ( July, 2013)

S.No. Composition of the Product Brand Nam Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per tablet
1 Each uncoated bilayered tablet contains:
Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500 mg
(In sustained release form)
Gliclazide IP 60 mg
(In sustained release form)
Pioglitazone Hydrochloride IP
Eq. to Pioglitazone 7.5 mg
Approved colours are used
Excipiencts q.s
Glizid Total P 7.5 Panacea Biotec Tablet 10 53.90 1,024,000 100.00% 5.39
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,024,000 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
-- Monopoly situation as only M/s. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- PTR per unit -- -- 5.39 -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-s -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- 18.5: Medicines used in Diabetes mellitus


-- 18.5.1: Insulins and other Antidiabetic agents



S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
1 Metformin P,S,T Tablets 500mg 1.56 2nd 1814 21.6.2013 41.56
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Average Reduction 41.56
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 5.39x(1-41.56%) 3.15 -- -- -- --
-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.50 -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 3.65 S.O. 2101 -- -- --



Unique No. as per NLEM Name of the Product Composition of the Product Company Brands Dosage Form Pack Size Price to Retailer MAT Value as on 31st May 2013 MAT % Price per Tablet & Tramadol and Diclofenac SR Tablets Each film coated bilayered tablet contains:
Tramadol HCL IP 50 mg
diclofenac Sodium IP 75 mg
(as sustained release layer)
Abbott Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. DURAPAIN tablets10’s Tablets 10 75.43 6428212 10000% 7.54
-- Monopoly situation as only M/s. Abbott Healt -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- PTR per unit -- -- 7.54 -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for ot -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Section: 2 – Analgesics , Antipyretics, Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Medicines, Medicines used to treat Gout and Disease Modifying Agents used in Rheumatoid Disorders -- -- -- --
-- 2.1: Non-Opioid Analgesics, Antipyretics and Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Medicines -- -- -- --


S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
1 Diclofenac T Tablets 50 mg 1.95 3rd 1909(E) 28.06.2013 52.64
2 Diclofenac T Injection 25 mg / ml 1.49 7th 2869(E) 20.09.2013 70.44
-- 2.2 Opioid Analgesics -- -- -- -- --


S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths          
-- Added medicines -- -- -- -- --
3 Tramadol S,T Injection 50 mg/ml 11.73 5th 2231(E) 22.07.2013 42.16
4 Tramadol S,T Cap 50 mg 6.03 16th 1788(E) 10.07.2014 26.24
5 Tramadol S,T Cap 100 mg Nil Data -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- Average Reduction 47.87
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 7.54x(1-47.87%) 3.93 -- -- -- --
-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.63 -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 4.56 S.O. 2102 -- -- --


Source of Data-Companies data July, 2013

Composition of the Product Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size(in ml) Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per ml
Each 5 ml Contains:
Cetirizine HCL IP 2.5 mg
Paracetamol IP 125 mg
Phenylephrine HCL IP 2.5 mg
Flavoured Syrup Base q.s
colour : Sunset Yellow
Belrin-D Ms Globus Remedies Ltd./PDC Healthcare Suspensio 60 28.70 1,093,585 100.00% 0.48
Monopoly situation as only M/s. Gl -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
PTR per unit -- -- 0.48 -- -- -- -- --
Price fixed in the relevant sub-sect -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
-- Section: 2 – Analgesics , Antipyretics, Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Medicines, Medicines used to treat Gout and Disease Modifying Agents used in Rheumatoid Disorders -- -- -- --
-- 2.1: Non-Opioid Analgesics, Antipyretics and Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Medicines -- -- -- --
-- Paracetamol P, S, T Syrup 125 mg / 5ml 0.32 11th 421 17.02.2014 30.00
-- -- -- -- -- f -- -- -- --
-- Section: 3 – Antiallergics and Medicines used in Anaphylaxis -- -- -- --
-- Added Medicines -- -- -- --
-- Cetrizine P,S,T Syrup 5 mg/ml 0.54 3rd 1876 28.06.2013 56.48
-- Section: 21 – Ophthalmological Preparations -- -- -- --
-- 21.5 Mydriatics -- -- -- --
-- Phenylephrine P,S,T Drops 5% 4.66 Proposed in 17th Meeting 28.22
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Average Reduction 38.23
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 0.48x(1-28.22%) 0.30 -- -- -- --
-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.05 -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 0.35 S.O. 2103 -- -- --
Source of Data-IMS-Health July, 2013 -- -- -- --


Composition of the Product Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per Tablet
Bisoprolol Fumarate & Amlodipine Besilate Tablets
Each film coated tablet contains:
Bisoprolol Fumarate U.S.P 5 mg
Amlodipine Besilate I.P
Eq. to Amlodipine 5 mg
ZABESTA-A USV Tablet 10 55.06 12,312,873 100.00% 5.51
Monopoly situation as only M/s. U -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
PTR per unit -- -- 5.51 -- -- -- -- --
Price fixed in the relevant sub-sect -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
12.3: Antihypertensive medicines -- -- -- --


S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
-- Amlodipine P,S,T Tablets 5 mg 2.83 10th 3773 20.12.2013 62.23
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Average Reduction 62.23
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 5.51x(1-62.23%) 2.08 -- -- -- --
-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.33 -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 2.41 S.O. 2104 -- -- --
Source of Data-IMS( Dec, 2013)


S.No. Composition of the Product Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per tablet
1 Azulix 4 MF
Each uncoated bilayered tablet contains:
Glimepiride IP 4 mg
Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500 mg
(in sustained release form)
Zoryl-M Intas Tablet 10 97.28 5,878,926 100.00% 9.73
-- Monopoly situation as only M/s. In -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- PTR per unit -- -- 9.73 -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-sect -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
18.5: Medicines used in Diabetes mellitus


18.5.1: Insulins and other Antidiabetic agents



S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
1 Metformin P, S, T Tablets 500 mg 1.56 2nd 1814 21.6.2013 41.56
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Average Reduction 41.56
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 9.73x(1-41.56%) 5.69 -- -- -- --
-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.91 -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 6.60 S.O. 2105 -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- Source of Data-IMS( Dec, 2013) -- -- -- --


S.No. Composition of the Product Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per tablet
1 Azulix 3 MF
Each uncoated bilayered tablet contains:
Glimepiride IP 3 mg
Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500 mg
(in sustained release form)
Zoryl-M Intas Tablet 10 68.46 9,733,156 100.00% 6.85
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Monopoly situation as only M/s. In -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- PTR per unit -- -- 6.85 -- -- -- -- --
-- Price fixed in the relevant sub-sect -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
18.5: Medicines used in Diabetes mellitus


18.5.1: Insulins and other Antidiabetic agents



S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
1 Metformin P, S, T Tablets 500 mg 1.56 2nd 1814 21.6.2013 41.56
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Average Reduction 41.56
-- Therefore, PTR per unit 6.85x(1-41.56%) 4.00 -- -- -- --
-- Add: 16% Retailer Margin -- 0.64 -- -- -- --
-- Ceiling Price per unit -- 4.64 S.O. 2105 -- -- --

Last Page Updated: 15-01-2019