

NLEM Molecule_Desc Market PACK_DESC BRANDS Unit COMPANY MAT May’12 Value PTR May’12 MAT % PTR per unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin
18.3.2 IUD-COPPER WIRE IUD containing Copper MULTILOAD CU 250 IUD x 1 MULTILOAD 1 Organon (I 44729595 320.00 60.42 320.00


18.3.2 IUD-COPPER WIRE IUD containing Copper MULTILOAD CU 375 IUD x 1 MULTILOAD 1 Organon (I) 25861337 481.60 34.93 481.60



IUD-COPPER WIRE IUD containing Copper T care 200B T care 200B 1 HLL Lifecar 225985 96.00 0.31 96.00



IUD-COPPER WIRE IUD containing Copper T Care 380A T Care 380A 1 HLL Lifecar 341147 100.00 0.46 100.00



IUD-COPPER WIRE IUD containing Copper M care Cu 250 M care Cu 25 1 HLL Lifeca 2058797 280.00 2.78 280.00



IUD-COPPER WIRE IUD containing Copper N care Cu 375 N care Cu 37 1 HLL Lifecar 810725 432.00 1.10 432.00








Total 74027586


100.00 284.93 330.52


 maximum 481.60  minimum 96.00


As per the above there are 2 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above





Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation 740.28 (Rs. in lakhs)



Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation 1709.60




Number of Packs considered 6.00




Average PTR 284.93




Add : 16% Retailer Margin 45.59




Ceiling Price (without local taxes) 330.52




% Reduction with compared to Highest Price 40.84%




WPI increase on 1 April, 2014 6.32%



Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment 351.41 S.O. 2349(E) dt. 15.9.2014



NLEM Molecule_Desc Market PACK_DESC BRANDS COMPANY No. of Doses MAT May’12 Value PTR May’12 MAT % PTR per dose VACCINE, BACILLUS CALMETTE-GUERIN B.C.G Vaccine Injection BCG VACCINE BCG VACCINE SERUM INS 10 83339000 83.35 29763928.57 8.34


VACCINE, BACILLUS CALMETTE-GUERIN B.C.G Vaccine Injection BCG INJ DRY V BCG UNIDENT MA 5 23661 23.22 8450.36 4.64


Total 83362661


29772378.93 8.34


Monopoly situation as only M/s. Se











PTR per unit











Price fixed in the relevant sub-secti











19.3.1: For Universal Immunisation


S.No. Drugs Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price Meeting No. S.O.No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price


1 B.C.G Vaccine P,S,T Injection Not mentioned Under consideration






2 D.P.T Vaccine P,S,T Injection Not mentioned 232.86 1st 1671 14.06.2013 47.67


3 Hepatitis B Vaccine P,S,T Injection Not mentioned 101.09 8th 3351 05.11.2013 78.15


4 Measles Vaccine P,S,T Injection Not mentioned 252.97 8th 3352 05.11.2013 44.53


5 Oral Poliomyelitis vaccine (LA) P,S,T Solution Not mentioned 99.9 10th 3374 (E) 20.12.2013 12.21


Average 45.64


Therefore, PTR per unit



8.34 x(1-45.64%) 4.53



Add: 16% Retailer Margin







Ceiling Price per unit







WPI @ 6.32%







Ceiling price with WPI




5.58 per dose S.O. 2356(E) dt. 15.9.2014





ENALAPRI Enalapril Maleate Injection 1.25 mg/ml ENVAS INJ AMP 1.25 MG 1 ML x 1 (/1ML) ENVAS CADILA PHARM CADILA PHARMA 11881948 167.86




Monopoly situation as only M/s. Cadila Pharma











PTR per unit











Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for oth










12.3: Anti hypertensive medicines

S.No. Drugs Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price Meeting No. S.O.No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
12.3.3 Enalpril Maleate P,S,T Tablets 2.5 mg 1.78 1st 1633 14.06.2013 6.75
12.3.3 Enalpril Maleate P,S,T Tablets 5 mg 2.96 1st 1634 14.06.2013 14.33
12.3.3 Enalpril Maleate T Injection 1.25mg/ml Under consideration




Average 10.54


Therefore, PTR per unit



167.86x(1-10.54%) 150.17



Add: 16% Retailer Margin







Ceiling Price per unit







WPI @ 6.32%







Ceiling price with WPI




185.21 S.O. 2357(E) dt. 15.9.2014



NLEM Un Composition as per NLEM PACK_DESC BRANDS MANUFACTU Strength Unit Unit MAT Sep’13 Value MAT% PTR Sep’13 Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Tablets 50 mg CHLORPROMAZINE TABS 50 MG x 10 CHLORPROMAZINE SUN* 50 10 per tablet 1712751 396470.14% 3.36 0.34

-- Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Tablets 50 mg CPZ FILM C.TABS 50 MG x 10 CPZ A.N.PHARMA 50 10 per tablet 3617119 837296.06% 3.36 0.34

-- Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Tablets 50 mg EMETIL TABS 50 MG x 10 EMETIL LA PHARMA 50 10 per tablet 1233262 285477.31% 3.43 0.34




6563132 1519243.52%


0.34 0.39









 maximum 0.34  minimum 0.34



As per the above there are 3 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above




Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation 65.63 (Rs. In Lakhs)



Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation 1.02



Number of Packs considered 3



Average PTR 0.34



Add : 16% Retailer Margin 0.05



Ceiling Price (without local taxes) 0.39



% Reduction with compared to Highest Price 0.00%







WPI increase on 1 April, 2014 6.32%



Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment 0.41 S.O. 2351(E) dt. 15.9.2014



NLEM Unique No. Composition as per NLEM PACK_DESC BRANDS Company Strength Unit Unit MAT Sep’13 Value MAT% PTR Sep’13 Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin
24.1.0. Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Tablets 1 CHLORPROMAZINE TABS 100 MG x 10 CHLORPROMAZINE SUN* 100 10 per tablet 2839149 38.85 5.48 0.55


24.1.0. Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Tablets 1 CPZ FILM C.TABS 100 MG x 10 CPZ A.N.PHARM 100 10 per tablet 3122847 42.73 5.48 0.55


24.1.0. Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Tablets 1 EMETIL TABS 100 MG x 10 EMETIL LA PHARM 100 10 per tablet 1345939 18.42 5.45 0.55










7307935 100.00


0.55 0.64









 maximum 0.55  minimum 0.55
















As per the above there are 3 companies consi













Sum of MAT value considered for price calculat


                                                             73.08 (Rs. In Lak










Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calcul













Number of Packs considered













Average PTR













Add : 16% Retailer Margin













Ceiling Price (without local taxes)













% Reduction with compared to Highest Price


























WPI increase on 1 April, 2014













Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment


0.68 S.O. 2351(E)










S.No. Formulation PACK_DESC Pack size BRANDS COMPANY MAT Sep’13 Value PTR Sep’13 MAT % PTR Retailer Margin@16%
1 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat FLOXIP FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 FLOXIP ABBOTT* 5566785 8.50 1.87 0.85


2 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat CIPROWIN FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CIPROWIN ALEMBIC 18322245 10.50 6.14 1.05


3 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat STROX FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 STROX ALEMBIC 8623045 10.50 2.89 1.05


4 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coated) BAYCIP FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 BAYCIP BAYER ZYDUS PHARMA 2756036 26.21 0.92 2.62


5 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat CEBRAN FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CEBRAN BLUE CROSS 7532922 25.56 2.53 2.56


6 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat CIPRODAC FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CIPRODAC CADILA PHARMA 3676060 9.25 1.23 0.93


7 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat CIPLOX FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CIPLOX CIPLA 85237149 28.60 28.57 2.86


8 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coated) CIPROLET FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CIPROLET DR REDDYS LABS 1422802 26.53 0.48 2.65


9 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat ZOXAN FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 ZOXAN FDC 16871490 23.16 5.66 2.32


10 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coated) CIPRIND FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CIPRIND INDOCO* 421804 22.56 0.14 2.26


11 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat CIFLOX FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CIFLOX IND-SWIFT 3084930 9.68 1.03 0.97


12 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat SWIFLOX FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 SWIFLOX IND-SWIFT 3714784 11.26 1.25 1.13


13 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coated) CIPROLAR FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CIPROLAR LARK LABS 271039 24.87 0.09 2.49


14 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat CIPROVA FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CIPROVA LUPIN LIMITED 2907993 10.10 0.97 1.01


15 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat LUCIPRO FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 LUCIPRO LUPIN LIMITED 85934 8.10 0.03 0.81


16 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coated) MAFLO FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 MAFLO MAPRA LABS 408035 21.53 0.14 2.15


17 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat MICROFLOX FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 MICROFLOX MICRO LABS* 12267906 25.51 4.11 2.55


18 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat CIFRAN FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CIFRAN RANBAXY* 113687607 28.60 38.11 2.86


19 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat CIPBID FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CIPBID SHREYA LIFE SCIENC 4764092 10.80 1.60 1.08


20 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coat QUINTOR FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 QUINTOR TORRENT PHARMA 3964087 25.39 1.33 2.54


21 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coated) CIPBACT FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CIPBACT UNICHEM* 695527 8.22 0.23 0.82


22 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coated) CIPROTAB FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 CIPROTAB WOCKHARDT LTD* 728981 13.50 0.24 1.35


23 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coated) BIOBID FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 BIOBID ZYDUS CADILA* 84687 12.00 0.03 1.2


24 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coated) BIOCIP FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 BIOCIP ZYDUS CADILA* 1132446 26.36 0.38 2.64


25 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 250 mg (Coated) GERCIP FILM C.TABS 250 MG x 10 10 GERCIP ZYDUS CADILA* 89400 7.40 0.03 0.74






Average 1.64                  1.90







Maximum 2.86 Minimum 0.81



As per above, there are 12 companies having Market share of 1% and above





Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation    2,903.07 (Rs. in Lakhs)



Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation 24.57




Number of Packs considered 15




Average PTR 1.64




Add : 16% Retailer Margin 0.26




Ceiling Price (without taxes) 1.90




% Reduction with compared to Highest Price 42.66%









WPI  increase on 1 April 2014 6.32%



Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment 2.02 S.O. 2352(E) dt. 15.9.2014



S.No. NLEM Molecule_Desc Market PACK_DESC BRANDS Pack size COMPANY MAT Sep’13 Value PTR Sep’13 MAT % PTR per un
1 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg FLOXIP FILM FLOXIP 10 ABBOTT* 19250643 16.00 1.04% 1.60


2 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIFOMED TABS CIFOMED 10 AGLOWMED 18481947 49.44 0.99% 4.94 --
3 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROWIN FIL CIPROWIN 10 ALEMBIC 24916794 19.00 1.34% 1.90


4 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg STROX FILM C. STROX 10 ALEMBIC 13126369 17.00 0.71% 1.70


5 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg ALCIPRO FILM ALCIPRO 10 ALKEM* 127000827 52.95 6.84% 5.30


6 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg LOXY TABS 50 LOXY 10 ALKEM* 124609 19.68 0.01% 1.97


7 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg BAYCIP FILM BAYCIP 10 BAYER ZYDUS PHA 24655505 50.80 1.33% 5.08


8 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg QUFLOX FILM C QUFLOX 10 BECKCEM 45916 46.38 0.00% 4.64 --
9 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg XIPRO TABS 50 XIPRO 10 BLISS 631954 41.58 0.03% 4.16 --
10 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CEBRAN FILM CEBRAN 10 BLUE CROSS 31753006 44.66 1.71% 4.47


11 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPRODAC FIL CIPRODAC 10 CADILA PHARMA 27099845 17.50 1.46% 1.75


12 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPLOX FILM CIPLOX 10 CIPLA 417527787 55.00 22.47% 5.50


13 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPTEC TABS CIPTEC 10 CIPLA 303886 13.50 0.02% 1.35


14 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg NEOCIP TABS NEOCIP 10 CIPLA 416660 10.11 0.02% 1.01


15 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROLET FILM CIPROLET 10 DR REDDYS LABS 15500858 52.01 0.83% 5.20 --
16 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg ECIP FILM C.TA ECIP 10 EAST WEST PHARMA 358132 45.50 0.02% 4.55 --
17 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg ZUCIPRO TABS ZUCIPRO 10 EMCURE* 73779 21.50 0.00% 2.15 --
18 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg ZOXAN FILM C ZOXAN 10 FDC 91771420 45.48 4.94% 4.55


19 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPRIND FILM CIPRIND 10 INDOCO* 1347044 42.92 0.07% 4.29 --
20 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg SWIFLOX FILM SWIFLOX 10 IND-SWIFT 18328134 18.00 0.99% 1.80 --
21 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg C-FLOX TABS 5 C-FLOX 10 INTAS PHARMA* 3537905 16.00 0.19% 1.60 --
22 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROTAS TAB CIPROTAS 10 INTAS PHARMA* 1543499 17.00 0.08% 1.70 --
23 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg COUTIM FILM C COUTIM 10 JAGSON PAL 576504 18.50 0.03% 1.85 --
24 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CEFLOX TABS 5 CEFLOX 10 LABORATE PHARMA 6029304 16.00 0.32% 1.60 --
25 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROLAR FILM CIPROLAR 10 LARK LABS 134455 41.42 0.01% 4.14 --
26 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROLEB FILM CIPROLEB 10 LEBEN LABS 815039 32.26 0.04% 3.23 --
27 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CEEPRO TABS CEEPRO 10 LINCOLN PHARMA 2437029 51.32 0.13% 5.13 --
28 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROLUP TAB CIPROLUP 10 LUPIN LIMITED 798570 21.00 0.04% 2.10


29 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROVA FILM CIPROVA 10 LUPIN LIMITED 21370954 16.80 1.15% 1.68


30 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg LUCIPRO FILM LUCIPRO 10 LUPIN LIMITED 162432 17.27 0.01% 1.73


31 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROZOLE FI CIPROZOLE 10 MANKIND 26606539 46.00 1.43% 4.60


32 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg MAFLO FILM C.T MAFLO 10 MAPRA LABS 3890959 45.22 0.21% 4.52 --
33 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPTAB TABS CIPTAB 10 MICRO LABS* 385390 18.00 0.02% 1.80


34 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg MICROFLOX FI MICROFLOX 10 MICRO LABS* 76910063 49.44 4.14% 4.94


35 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg ICIP TABS 500 ICIP 10 NOEL PHARMA 951532 20.80 0.05% 2.08 --
36 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROCURE FIL CIPROCURE 10 RADICURA PHARMA 243293 38.50 0.01% 3.85 --
37 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIFRAN FILM CIFRAN 10 RANBAXY* 607671276 55.00 32.70% 5.50


38 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPRACT TABS CIPRACT 10 RANBAXY* 9538079 14.64 0.51% 1.46


39 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg QUINTOR FIL QUINTOR 10 TORRENT PHARMA 28703717 49.21 1.54% 4.92


40 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPBACT FILM CIPBACT 10 UNICHEM* 367514 16.20 0.02% 1.62 --
41 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROTAB FILM CIPROTAB 10 WOCKHARDT LTD* 7819661 17.95 0.42% 1.80 --
42 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROSYN TAB CIPROSYN 10 WOCKHARDT LTD* 70171 16.00 0.00% 1.60 --
43 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROZEN-F TA CIPROZEN-F 10 ZENITH LABS 329098 45.63 0.02% 4.56 --
44 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg BIOBID FILM BIOBID 10 ZYDUS CADILA* 395991 15.21 0.02% 1.52


45 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg BIOCIP FILM C BIOCIP 10 ZYDUS CADILA* 10299714 52.80 0.55% 5.28


46 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg CIPROBID FIL CIPROBID 10 ZYDUS CADILA* 213605318 52.53 11.50% 5.25


47 CIPROFLOXACIN HYDROCHLORIDE Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets 500 mg GERCIP FILM GERCIP 10 ZYDUS CADILA* 176029 12.00 0.01% 1.20












100.00% 3.13 3.63


Maximum 5.50 Minimum 1.01



As per above, there are 14 companies having Market share of 1% and above




Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation                                                 17,745.71 (Rs. in la



Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation 78.16




Number of Packs considered 25




Average PTR 3.13




Add : 16% Retailer Margin 0.50




Ceiling Price (without taxes) 3.63




% Reduction with compared to Highest Price 43.09%









WPI  increase on 1 April 2014 6.32%



Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment 3.86 S.O. 2352(E) dt. 15.9.2014





NLEM SKU COMPANY Value Sum of MAT UNIT SEPT 13 Pack size Sum of MAT VALUE SEPT 13 MAT % PTR PTR per tab PTR with Retailer Margin@16% MACOX 300 MG TABLET 6 MACLEODS PHARMACEUTICALS PVT.LTD 89475.0 6 1386445.8 90.19% 13.74 2.29



MONOCIN 300 MG TABLET 10 OVERSEAS HEALTHCARE PVT LTD. 6304.0 10 137510.1 8.95% 21.81 2.18



RF 300 MG TABLET 10 SUNIJ PHARMA PVT LTD 539.0 10 13286.4 0.86% 22.90 2.29



Grand Total




1537242.3 100.00% Average 2.24 2.60



Maximum 2.29 Minimum 2.18



As per above, there are 2 companies having Market share of 1% and above





Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation                                                        15.24 (Rs. in la



Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation 4.47




Number of Packs considered 2




Average PTR 2.24






Add : 16% Retailer Margin 0.36






Ceiling Price (without taxes) 2.60






% Reduction with compared to Highest Price 2.18%















WPI  increase on 1 April 2014 6.32%






Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment 2.76 S.O. 2354(E) dt. 15.9.2014




Pack size Sum of MAT VALUE SEPT 13 MAT % PTR PTR per tab PTR with Retailer Margin@16% MONOCIN 450 MG TABLET 10 OVERSEAS HEALTHCARE PVT LTD. 18721.0 10 591209.18 93.03% 31.58 3.16



RF 450 MG TABLET 10 SUNIJ PHARMA PVT LTD 229.0 10 7685.63 1.21% 33.50 3.35



RIMACTANE 450 MG TABLET 4 NOVARTIS INDIA LTD 2214.0 4 36596.88 5.76% 13.40 3.35



Grand Total




635491.69 100.00% Average 3.29 3.82



Maximum 3.35 Minimum 3.16



As per above, there are 3 companies having Market share of 1% and above





Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation                                                          6.35 (Rs. in la



Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation 9.86




Number of Packs considered 3




Average PTR 3.29






Add : 16% Retailer Margin 0.53






Ceiling Price (without taxes) 3.82






% Reduction with compared to Highest Price 1.79%















WPI  increase on 1 April 2014 6.32%






Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment 4.06 S.O. 2354(E) dt. 15.9.2014



S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Company Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Furosemide Tablets 40mg LASIX TAB UNCOATED 40 MG x 15 LASIX SANOFI* 40 15 TABS 97765568 99.95% 5.46 0.36



Furosemide Tablets 40mg Frusenex 40mg Tablet Frusenex 40mg Geno Pharmaceuticals 40 10 TABS 44062 0.05% 3.5 0.35










97809630 100.00%





Monopoly situation as M/s Sanofi is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%





PTR per unit







Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:





Section: 16 –Diuretics








Medicines Category Route of Admn Strengths MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price





Furosemide P,S,T Injection 10 mg/ ml To be consi









Furosemide P,S,T Tablets 40mg Under con









Hydrochlorothiazide P,S,T Tablets 25 mg 1.66 1st 1640 14.6.2013 20.78%





Hydrochlorothiazide P,S,T Tablets 50 mg Data Not Available








Mannitol P,S,T Injection 10% 0.23 9th 3572(E) 02.12.2013 2.50%





Mannitol P,S,T Injection 20% 0.35 4th 2062 05.07.2013 54.50%





Spironolactone P,S,T Tablets 25 mg To be consi
















Average % Reduction 25.93%





Therefore, PTR per unit 0.36 X (1-25.93%) 0.27





Add: 16% Retailer Margin







Ceiling Price per unit












WPI increase on 1 April, 2014 0.02



Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment 0.33 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014



S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Company Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Furosemide Injection 10 mg/ ml LASIX INJ AMP 10 MG 2 ML x 1 (/1ML) LASIX SANOFI* 10mg 2 ML 77654065 100.00% 2.46 1.23
















Monopoly situation as M/s Sanofi is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%




PTR per unit






Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:




Section: 16 –Diuretics







Medicines Category Route of Admn Strengths Ceiling price excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price




Furosemide P,S,T Injection 10 mg/ ml Under con








Furosemide P,S,T Tablets 40mg To be consi








Hydrochlorothiazide P,S,T Tablets 25 mg 1.66 1st 1640 14.6.2013 20.78%




Hydrochlorothiazide P,S,T Tablets 50 mg Data Not Available





Mannitol P,S,T Injection 10% 0.23 9th 3572(E) 02.12.2013 2.50%




Mannitol P,S,T Injection 20% 0.35 4th 2062 05.07.2013 54.50%




Spironolactone P,S,T Tablets 25 mg To be consi















Average % Reduction 25.93%




Therefore, PTR per unit 1.23 X (1-25.93%) 0.91





Add: 16% Retailer Margin







Ceiling Price per unit











WPI increase on 1 April, 2014 0.07



Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment 1.13 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014





Source SKU COMPANY Sum of MAT UNIT SEPT 13 Sum of MAT VALUE SEPT 13 Pack size PTR PTR per tablet
Pharma R-CIN 150 MG TABLET 20 LUPIN LTD 2486.0 71099.6 20 24.4 1.22



Monopoly situation as only M/s. Lupin is the  known manufacturer






PTR per unit








Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other similar drugs is as follows:





6.2.3:Antileprosy medicines



S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price Meeting No. S.O.No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
1 Clofazimine P,S,T Capsules 50 mg 1.28 1st 1581 14.06.2013 15.00
2 Clofazimine Capsules 100 mg 2.22 1st 1582 14.06.2013 22.19
3 Dapsone Tablets 50 mg 0.20 7th 2835 (E) 20.09.2013 18.60
4 Dapsone Tablets 100 mg 0.22 7th 2836 (E) 20.09.2013 18.60


Average reduction 18.60


Therefore, PTR per unit



1.22 x(1-18.60%) 0.99



Add: 16% Retailer Margin







Ceiling Price per unit







WPI @ 6.32%







Ceiling price with WPI




1.22 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014



S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Company Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Spironolactone Tablets 25 mg ALDACTONE TAB UNCOATED 25 MG x 15 ALDACTONE RPG LIFE SCIENCES 25 15 TABS 50111219 100.00% 19.93 1.33
















Monopoly situation as M/s RPG Life Science is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%




PTR per unit






Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:




Section: 16 –Diuretics







Medicines Category Route of Admn Strengths Ceiling price excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price




Furosemide P,S,T Injection 10 mg/ ml To be consi








Furosemide P,S,T Tablets 40mg To be consi








Hydrochlorothiazide P,S,T Tablets 25 mg 1.66 1st 1640 14.6.2013 20.78%




Hydrochlorothiazide P,S,T Tablets 50 mg Data Not A








Mannitol P,S,T Injection 10% 0.23 9th 3572(E) 02.12.2013 2.50%




Mannitol P,S,T Injection 20% 0.35 4th 2062 05.07.2013 54.50%




Spironolactone P,S,T Tablets 25 mg Under con















Average % Reduction 25.93%




Therefore, PTR per unit 1.33 X (1-25.93%) 0.99




Add: 16% Retailer Margin






Ceiling Price per unit










WPI increase on 1 April, 2014 0.07



Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment 1.22 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014





Source SKU COMPANY Values
Sum of MAT UNIT SEP 13
Sum of MAT VAUE SEPT 13  PTR PTR per tablet
Pharma data SULPHADIAZINE 500 MG TABLET 10 ABOTT HEALTHCARE PVT. LTD. 214.0 2534.0           9.20 0.92


Grand Total


214.0 2534.0




Monopoly situation as only M/s. Abott  is the  k







PTR per unit







Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for oth







6.2.2 Othe antibacterials


S.No. Drugs Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths  Unit Ceiling Price Meeting No. S.O.No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
1 Amikacin S,T Injection 250 mg/2 ml         13.96 2nd 1801 21.6.2013 56.43%
2 Azithromycin S,T Tablets 100 mg           5.13 4th 2051 05.07.2013 36.19%
3 Azithromycin S,T Tablets 250 mg       10.26 4th 2052 05.07.2013 54.23%
4 Azithromycin S,T Tablets 500 mg       20.51 8th 3379 05.11.2013 55.10%
5 Azithromycin S,T Suspension 100mg/5ml         1.55 5th 2237 22.07.2013 50.83%
6 Azithromycin S,T Injection 500 mg        182.27 1st 1578 14.06.2013 11.30%
7 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride P,S,T Injection 200 mg/100 ml           0.16 14th 1157 (E) 28.04.2014 6.67%
8 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride P,S,T Tablets 250 mg           1.90 To be considered in 18 th meeting 42.66%
9 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride P,S,T Tablets 500 mg           3.63 To be considered in 18 th meeting 43.09%
10 Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim + Sulphamethoxazole) P,S,T Tablets 80+400 mg           0.55 To be considered in 18 th meeting 5.27%
11 Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim + Sulphamethoxazole) P,S,T Tablets 160+800 mg           1.28 14th 1157 (E) 28.04.2014 5.98%
12 Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim + Sulphamethoxazole) P,S,T Suspension 40+200 mg/5 ml           0.24 14th 1157 (E) 28.04.2014 4.55%
13 Doxycycline P,S,T Tablets 100 mg           0.94 14th 1157 (E) 28.04.2014 1.22%
14 Erythromycin Estolate P,S,T Syrup 125 mg/5 ml Data not available


15 Erythromycin Estolate P,S,T Tablets 250 mg Data not available


16 Erythromycin Estolate P,S,T Tablets 500 mg Data not available


17 Gentamicin P,S,T Injection 10 mg/ml Data not available


18 Gentamicin P,S,T Injection 40 mg/ml           2.18 14th 1157 (E) 28.04.2014 42.68%
19 Metronidazole P,S,T Tablets 200 mg/100 ml Data not available


20 Metronidazole P,S,T Tablets 400 mg Data not available


21 Metronidazole P,S,T Injection 500 mg/100 ml Data not available


22 Metronidazole P,S,T Syrup 100 mg/5ml           0.16 13th 1012(E) 02.04.2014 0.00
23 Nitrofurantoin P,S,T Tablets 100 mg           6.88 3rd 1885 28.06.2013 27.57%
24 Sulphadiazine S,T Tablets 500 mg Under consideration


25 Vancomycin Hydrochloride P,S,T Injection 500 mg        330.60 1st 1579 14.6.2013 27.37%
26 Vancomycin Hydrochloride P,S,T Injection 1 g        514.44 1st 1580 14.6.2013 15.10%




Average 27.01%


Therefore, PTR per unit



0.92 x(1-27.01%)         0.67



Add: 16% Retailer Margin







Ceiling Price per unit







WPI @ 6.32%







Ceiling price with WPI




        0.83 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014



S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Company Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Vitamin A Injection 50000 IU/ml AQUASOL-A INJ IM. AMP 50 K 2 ML x 1 (/1ML) AQUASOL-A U S V 50000 2 ML 1140794 100.00% 2.84 1.42
















Monopoly situation as M/s USV  is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%




PTR per unit






Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:


Section: 27 – Vitamins and Minerals




Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price


1 Ascorbic Acid P,S,T Tablets 100 mg Data not  ava







2 Ascorbic Acid P,S,T Tablets 500 mg Data not  ava







3 Calcium carbonate P,S,T Tablets 250 mg 1.68 7th 2867(E) 20.09.2013 18.45%



4 Calcium carbonate P,S,T Tablets 500 mg 1.67 5th 2255 (E) 22.07.2013 24.33%



5 Multivitamins (As per Schedule V of Drugs and Cosmetics Rules) P,S,T Tablets


Data not  ava







6 Nicotinamide P,S,T Tablets 50 mg Data not  ava







7 Pyridoxine P,S,T Tablets 25 mg Data not  ava







8 Riboflavin P,S,T Tablets 5 mg Data not  ava







9 Thiamine P,S,T Tablets 100 mg Data not  ava







10 Vitamin A P,S,T Tablets 5000 IU Data not  ava







11 Vitamin A P,S,T Capsules 50000 IU Data not  ava







12 Vitamin A P,S,T    Capsules 100000 IU Data not  ava







13 Vitamin A P,S,T Injection 50000 IU/ml Under consi







14 Vitamin D (Ergocalciferol) P,S,T Capsules 0.25 mg Data not  ava







15 Vitamin D (Ergocalciferol) P,S,T Capsules 1 mg Data not  ava








Added Medicines








16 Calcium Gluconae P,S,T Injection 100mg/ml in 10 ml Ampoule 9.95 7th 2868 (E) 20.09.2013 35.67%






















Average Reduction 26.15%



Therefore, PTR per unit 1.42 X (1-26.15%) 1.05



Add: 16% Retailer Margin





Ceiling Price per unit










WPI increase on 1 April, 2014 0.08



Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment 1.30 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014


Source of Data-IMS and Pharma trac ( Sep, 2013)



S.No. Composition of the formulation Company Dosage Form Pack Size  (In Ml) MAT Units Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per ml Ceiling Price with 16 % Margin













1    ALCON-PRED EYE DROPS 1 % 5 ML x 1 ALCON Drops 5 85,626 8.70 4,280,711 4.05% 1.74



2    PRED FORTE OPHTH.SUSP. 1 % 10 ML x 1 ALLERGAN Drops 10 1,114,318 74.39 82,894,102 78.51% 7.44



3    PREDNISOLONE ACET. OPHTH.SUSP. 1 % 10 ML x ALLERGAN Drops 10 2,443 13.20 32,248 0.03% 1.32



4  PREDLY 1% EYE DROPS 5 ML INDSWIFT LABORATORIES LTD. Drops 5 1,757 8.70 57,416 0.05% 1.74



5    RENISONE EYE DROPS 1 % 5 ML x 1 INTAS Drops 5 975 8.70 22,893 0.02% 1.74



6    PRESOLON EYE DROPS 1 % 5 ML x 1 KLAR SEHEN Drops 5 14,038 8.70 356,988 0.34% 1.74



7    NAYANPRED EYE DROPS 1 % 5 ML x 1 KLAR SEHEN Drops 5 858 8.70 17,538 0.02% 1.74



8    PREDACE EYE DROPS 1 % 5 ML x 1 MICRO LABS Drops 5 10,376 8.70 250,996 0.24% 1.74



9    PDN EYE DROPS 1 % 5 ML x 1 OPTHO REMEDIES Drops 5 3,628 8.70 99,951 0.09% 1.74



10    PREDMET OPHTH.SUSP. 1 % 5 ML x 1 SUN PHARMA Drops 5 352,769 8.70 11,228,642 10.63% 1.74



11    PREDMET OPHTH.SUSP. 1 % 10 ML x 1 SUN PHARMA Drops 10 460,383 13.74 6,325,383 5.99% 1.37



12    PREDNIN-A OPHTH.SOLUT 1 % 5 ML x 1 SUNWAYS Drops 5 620 8.70 16,691 0.02% 1.74










105,583,559 100.00% 2.72 3.16



Maximum 7.44 Minimum 1.32



As per the above there  are 3 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above









Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


1047.61 (Rs. in Lakhs)




Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation








Number of Packs considered









Ceiling Price









Add : 16% Retailer Margin









MRP (without local taxes)









% Reduction with compared to Highest Price









WPI factor @ 6.32%









Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)



3.36 S.O. 2360(





Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Company Strength Pack Size  Unit  MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin
17.1.5. Famotidine Tablets 20 mg ACICON FILM C.TABS 20 MG x 14 ACICON ALEMBIC 20 14 TABS 1285723 1.62% 2.50 0.18



Famotidine Tablets 20 mg FACID FILM C.TABS 20 MG x 14 FACID INTAS PHA 20 14 TABS 2564249 3.23% 2.38 0.17



Famotidine Tablets 20 mg FADINE TAB UNCOATED 20 MG x 14 FADINE ARISTO PH 20 14 TABS 7173977 9.03% 1.73 0.12



Famotidine Tablets 20 mg FAMOCID FILM C.TABS 20 MG x 14 FAMOCID SUN* 20 14 TABS 21985123 27.68% 2.66 0.19



Famotidine Tablets 20 mg FAMONEXT TAB UNCOATED 20 MG x 14 FAMONEXT CADILA PH 20 14 TABS 1612777 2.03% 2.50 0.18



Famotidine Tablets 20 mg FAMOTIDINE TABS 20 MG x 14 FAMOTIDINE CADILA PH 20 14 TABS 77466 0.10% 2.45 0.18



Famotidine Tablets 20 mg FAMTAC TAB GELA.COA 20 MG x 14 FAMTAC ABBOTT* 20 14 TABS 10700000 13.47% 9.31 0.67



Famotidine Tablets 20 mg FM TAB UNCOATED 20 MG x 14 FM CAPLET IN 20 14 TABS 1698864 2.14% 2.50 0.18



Famotidine Tablets 20 mg TOPCID FILM C.TABS 20 MG x 14 TOPCID TORRENT 20 14 TABS 32339973 40.71% 2.62 0.19










79438152 100.00%


0.23 0.27









 maximum 0.67  minimum 0.12



As per the above there are 8 companies consisting of Market Share of 1 % & above





Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation         794.38 (Rs. in lakhs)






Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation 2.06







Number of Packs considered 9







Average PTR 0.23







Add : 16% Retailer Margin 0.04







Ceiling price 0.27







% Reduction with compared to Highest Price 65.67%











WPI increase on 1 April, 2014 6.32%



Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment 0.29 S.O. 2366(E) dt. 15.9.2014


Source of Data-Companies data July, 2013
S.No. Composition of the Product Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per tablet Retail Price with 16 % Margin
1 Azibact-CF
Each film coated tablet contains:
Cefpodoxime Proxetil
Eq. to Cefpodoxime IP 200 mg
Azithromycin Dihydrate
Eq. to Azithromycin Anhydrous IP 250 mg q.s
Approved Colour used
GUDCEF -AZ Tablet Lifestar Pharma Private Ltd. Tablet 10 152.38 68,000,000 23.27% 15.24




Kefpod-AZ 250 mg Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited Tablet 10 151.62 65,323,000 22.36% 15.16




Macpod AZ Macleods Pharmaceuticals Limited Tablet 10 153.21 71,100,000 24.33% 15.32




Zedocef AZ Macleods Pharmaceuticals Limited Tablet 10 153.21 29,600,000 10.13% 15.32




GUDCEF -AZ Tablet Mankind Pharmaceuticals ltd. Tablet 10 152.38 57,788,134 19.78% 15.24






Hetero Healthcare Ltd. Tablet 10 153.21 376,437 0.13% 15.32










292,187,571 100.00% 15.26 17.70









Maximum 15.32 Minimum 15.16



As per the above there  are 4 companies c












Sum of MAT value considered for price cal





2918.11 (Rs. in Lakhs)






Sum of PTR per unit considered for price c












Number of Packs considered












Average PTR












Add : 16% Retailer Margin












MRP (without local taxes)





17.70 S.O. 2361(E) dt.






% Reduction with compared to Highest Pri











Source of Data-IMS( Dec, 2013)
S.No. Composition of the Product Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per tablet
1 Metformin HCL SR Tablets
Each uncoated sustained release tablet contains:
Metformin Hydrochloride IP 750 mg


Strides Arcolab Tablet 30 87.20 2,180 0.96% 2.91



Monopoly situation as only M/s. Str











PTR per unit











Price fixed in the relevant sub-secti











18.5: Medicines used in Diabetes mellitus







18.5.1: Insulins and other Antidiabetic agents






S.No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
1 Metformin P, S, T Tablets 500 mg 1.56 2nd 1814 21.6.2013 41.56










Average Reduction 41.56



Therefore, PTR per unit



2.91x(1-41.56%) 1.70







Add: 16% Retailer Margin











Retail Price per unit




1.97 S.O. 2363(





Source of Data-Pharma Trac data Dec, 2013


S.No. Composition of the Product Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per capsule
1 Parvon -Spas Plus
Each capsule contains:
Tramadol Hydrochloride IP 50 mg,
Dicyclomine Hydrochloride IP 10 mg,
Acetaminophen IP 325 mg
Spasmo Proxyvon Plus Wockhardt Ltd. Capsule 8 24.37 281,807,978 100.00% 3.05



Monopoly situation as only M/s. Wockhardt is t











PTR per unit











Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for oth











Section: 2 – Analgesics , Antipyretics, Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory  Medicines,  Medicines  used  to  treat Gout and Disease Modifying Agents used in Rheumatoid Disorders






2.1: Non-Opioid  Analgesics,    Antipyretics    and    Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory  Medicines





Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price


Paracetamol P, S, T Injection 150 mg/ml 3.43 9th 3567(E) 02.12.2013 22.31%



Paracetamol P, S, T Syrup 125 mg / 5ml 0.32 11th 421(E) 17.02.2014 30.00%



Paracetamol P, S, T Tablets 500 mg 0.94 1st 1555(E) 14.6.2013 56.97%



Paracetamol P, S, T Suppository 80 mg 6.96 9th 3568(E) 02.12.2013 28.45%



Paracetamol P, S, T Suppository 170 mg 8.07 9th 3569(E) 02.12.2013 16.98%



Added medicines








Tramadol S,T Capsule 50 mg 6.03 16th 1788(E) 10.07.2014 26.24%



17.4: Antispasmodic medicines





Dicyclomine Hydrochloride P,S,T Tablets 10 mg No Data







Dicyclomine Hydrochloride P,S,T Injection 10 mg/ml 2.95 4th 2064(E) 05.07.2013 65.44%










Average Reduction 35.20%



Therefore, PTR per unit 3.05 X (1-35.20%) 1.98




Add: 16% Retailer Margin






Retail Price per unit


2.30 S.O. 2364(E) dt. 15.9.2014




Source of Data-Company ( Sep, 2013)

S.No. Composition of the Product Brand Name Company Dosage Form Pack size Price to Retailer (Rs.) MAT Value MAT % Price per tablet
1 Each uncoated bilayered tablet contains:
Glimepiride IP 0.5 mg
Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500 mg
(As extended  release form)
Glycomet GP 0.5 USV Limited Tablet 10 34.17 55,700,000 16327.27% 3.42








55,700,000 16327.27% 0.31


Monopoly situation as only M/s.










PTR per unit










Price fixed in the relevant sub-s










18.5: Medicines used in Diabetes mellitus



18.5.1: Insulins and other Antidiabetic agents


S>No. Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Unit Ceiling Price (Rs.) Meeting No. S.O. No. Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price
1 Metformin P,S,T Tablets 500mg 1.56 2nd 1814 21.6.2013 41.56








Average Reduction 41.56












Therefore, PTR per unit 3.42x(1-41.56%) 2.00






Add: 16% Retailer Margin








Retail Price per unit


2.32 S.O. 2365(





S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit
1 Pheniramine Maleate Injection 22.75 mg / ml AVIL INJ AMP 22.7 MG 2 ML x 10 (/1ML) AVIL 22.7 20 ML 220174 0.12% 28.93 1.45



Pheniramine Maleate Injection 22.75 mg / ml AVIL INJ AMP 22.7 MG 2 ML x 1 (/1ML) AVIL 22.7 2 ML 75544237 40.28% 2.91 1.46



Pheniramine Maleate Injection 22.75 mg / ml AVIL INJ VIAL 22.7 MG 10 ML x 1 (/1ML) AVIL 22.7 10 ML 111379608 59.39% 8.27 0.83



Pheniramine Maleate Injection 22.75 mg / ml INTAVIL INJ AMP 22.7 MG 2 ML x 1 (/1ML) INTAVIL 22.7 2 ML 409121 0.22% 2.56 1.28















Monopoly situation as M/s Sanofi is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 99.78%








Average PTR per unit









Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:














Section: 3 – Antiallergics and Medicines used in Anaphylaxis






Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price



Adrenaline Bitartrate P, S, T Injection 37.24 1st 1565 14.06.2013 48.32%



Chlorpheniramine Maleate P, S, T Tablets 0.10 5th 2232 22.07.2013 76.21%



Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate P, S, T Syrup 0.30 7th 2831 20.09.2013 44.86%



Dexamethasone P, S, T Tablets 0.19 14th 1157 28.04.2014 11.11%



Dexamethasone P, S, T Injection 2.51 14th 1157 28.04.2014 38.81%



Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate P, S, T Injection 37.13 5th 2233 22.07.2013 44.72%



Pheniramine Maleate P, S, T Injection Monopoly







Prednisolone P, S, T Tablets 0.55 13th 1008 02.04.2014 2.08%



Prednisolone P, S, T Tablets 0.92 13th 1009 02.04.2014 4.82%



Prednisolone P, S, T Tablets 1.72 12th 947 27.03.2014 0.00%



Promethazine P, S, T Tablets 0.93 7th 2832 20.09.2013 28.00%



Promethazine P, S, T Tablets 2.49 1st 1566 14.06.2013 12.70%



Promethazine P, S, T Syrup/Elixir 0.21 1st 1552 14.06.2013 43.30%



Added Medicines






Cetrizine P, S, T Tablets 1.81 3rd 1875 28.06.2013 49.14%



Cetrizine P, S, T Syrup 0.54 3rd 1876 28.06.2013 56.48%








Average Reduction% 32.90%



Therefore, PTR per unit 1.25 X (1-32.90%) 0.84






Add: 16% Retailer Margin








Ceiling Price per unit








WPI factor @ 6.32%








Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


1.03 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014






S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Silver Sulphadiazine Cream 1% SILVEZ CREAM 1 % 20 G x 1 SILVEZ 1 20 G 1041855 99.90% 7.53 0.38



Silver Sulphadiazine Cream 1% SILVA 1% CREAM 20 G SILVA 1 20 G 180 0.02% 7.60 0.38



Silver Sulphadiazine Cream 1% SILVERINE 1% CREAM 20 G SILVERINE 1 20 G 826 0.08% 7.60 0.38







1042861 100.00% Average 0.38



Monopoly situation as M/s LABORATE PHARMA  is the only company manufacturing the formulation and h








PTR per unit









Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:








13.2: Antiinfective medicines







Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price



Acyclovir S, T Cream 8.88 2nd 1812 21.06.2013 34.22%




Framycetin Sulphate P,S,T Cream Data not yet avaibale








Methylrosanilinium Chloride (Gentian Violet) P,S,T Aqueous solution Data not yet available








Neomycin + Bacitracin P,S,T Ointment 0.85 17th 2087 20.08.2014 53.75%




Povidone Iodine P,S,T Solution 0.39 1st 1651 14.06.2013 69.14%




Povidone Iodine P,S,T  Ointment 1.64 3rd 1905 28.06.2013 57.89%




Silver Sulphadiazine P,S,T Cream Monopoly













Average Reduction






Therefore, PTR per unit 0.38 X (1-53.75%) 0.18








Add: 16% Retailer Margin









Ceiling Price per unit








WPI factor @ 6.32%








Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


0.22 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014






S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Verapamil Tablets 40mg CALAPTIN FILM C.TABS 40 MG x 10 CALAPTIN 40 10 TABS 45248924 100.00% 5.7 0.57















Monopoly situation as M/s Abbott is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%








PTR per unit









Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:








12.2: Antiarrhythmic medicines






Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price



Adenosine S,T Injection 114.55 1st 1627 14.06.2013 39.69%





Amiodarone S,T Tablets 6.52 1st 1628 14.06.2013 16.99%





Amiodarone S,T Tablets 11.67 1st 1629 14.06.2013 20.76%





Amiodarone S,T Injection 20.76 1st 1630 14.06.2013 23.31%





Diltiazem S,T Tablets 2.27 1st 1622 14.06.2013 33.04%





Diltiazem S,T Tablets 4.79 3rd 1899 28.06.2013 46.47%





Diltiazem T Injection 3.02 7th 2843 20.09.2013 39.75%





Esmolol T Injection 20.51 1st 1631 14.06.2013 11.59%





Lignocaine Hydrochloride S,T Injection 6.87 8th 3376 05.11.2013 49.41%





Lignocaine Hydrochloride S,T Injection 1.00 5th 2248 22.07.2013 49.41%





Procainamide Hydrochloride T Tablets Data not available









Procainamide Hydrochloride T Injection Data not yet available









Verapamil S,T Tablets Monopoly









Verapamil S,T Tablets Monopoly









Verapamil S,T Injection Monopoly


























Average Reduction% 33.04%














Therefore, PTR per unit  0.57X (1-33.04%) 0.38







Add: 16% Retailer Margin









Ceiling Price per unit









WPI factor @ 6.32%








Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


0.47 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014






S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Verapamil Tablets 80 mg CALAPTIN FILM C.TABS 80 MG x 10 CALAPTIN 80 10 TABS 11735709 100.00% 10.9 1.09















Monopoly situation as M/s Abbott is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%








PTR per unit









Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:








12.2: Antiarrhythmic medicines






Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price



Adenosine S,T Injection 114.55 1st 1627 14.06.2013 39.69%





Amiodarone S,T Tablets 6.52 1st 1628 14.06.2013 16.99%





Amiodarone S,T Tablets 11.67 1st 1629 14.06.2013 20.76%





Amiodarone S,T Injection 20.76 1st 1630 14.06.2013 23.31%





Diltiazem S,T Tablets 2.27 1st 1622 14.06.2013 33.04%





Diltiazem S,T Tablets 4.79 3rd 1899 28.06.2013 46.47%





Diltiazem T Injection 3.02 7th 2843 20.09.2013 39.75%





Esmolol T Injection 20.51 1st 1631 14.06.2013 11.59%





Lignocaine Hydrochloride S,T Injection 6.87 8th 3376 05.11.2013 49.41%





Lignocaine Hydrochloride S,T Injection 1.00 5th 2248 22.07.2013 49.41%





Procainamide Hydrochloride T Tablets Data not available









Procainamide Hydrochloride T Injection Data not yet available









Verapamil S,T Tablets 0.46 Proposed for 18th AM








Verapamil S,T Tablets Monopoly Item









Verapamil S,T Injection Under consideration














Average Reduction% 33.04%














Therefore, PTR per unit 1.09 X (1-33.04%) 0.73







Add: 16% Retailer Margin









Ceiling Price per unit








WPI factor @ 6.32%








Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


0.90 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014






S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Verapamil Injection 2.5mg/ml VPL INJ AMP 2.50 MG 2 ML x 1 (/1ML) VPL 2.5 MG 2 ML 20696 100.00% 1.76 0.88















Monopoly situation as M/s Samarth Pharma is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%








PTR per unit









Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:








12.2: Antiarrhythmic medicines






Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price



Adenosine S,T Injection 114.55 1st 1627 14.06.2013 39.69%





Amiodarone S,T Tablets 6.52 1st 1628 14.06.2013 16.99%





Amiodarone S,T Tablets 11.67 1st 1629 14.06.2013 20.76%





Amiodarone S,T Injection 20.76 1st 1630 14.06.2013 23.31%





Diltiazem S,T Tablets 2.27 1st 1622 14.06.2013 33.04%





Diltiazem S,T Tablets 4.79 3rd 1899 28.06.2013 46.47%





Diltiazem T Injection 3.02 7th 2843 20.09.2013 39.75%





Esmolol T Injection 20.51 1st 1631 14.06.2013 11.59%





Lignocaine Hydrochloride S,T Injection 6.87 8th 3376 05.11.2013 49.41%





Lignocaine Hydrochloride S,T Injection 1.00 5th 2248 22.07.2013 49.41%





Procainamide Hydrochloride T Tablets Data not available









Procainamide Hydrochloride T Injection Data not  available









Verapamil S,T Tablets 0.44 Proposed for 18th AM 33.04%





Verapamil S,T Tablets 0.85 Proposed for 18th AM 33.04%





Verapamil S,T Injection Under Consideration


























Average Reduction% 33.04%














Therefore, PTR per unit 0.88 X (1-33.04%) 0.59







Add: 16% Retailer Margin









Ceiling Price per unit








WPI factor @ 6.32%








Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


0.72 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014






S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Acetyl Salicylic Acid Tablets 325 mg ECOSPRIN ENTER C.TABS 325 MG x 14 ECOSPRIN 325 14 TABS 8048948 100.00% 7.58 0.54















Monopoly situation as M/s USV is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%








PTR per unit









Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:








2.1: Non-Opioid  Analgesics,    Antipyretics    and    Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory  Medicines




Medicines Category Strengths MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price



1 Acetyl Salicylic Acid P, S, T 325 mg Under consideration








2 Acetyl Salicylic Acid 350  mg Data not  available








3 Diclofenac T 50 mg 1.95 3rd 1909 28.06.2013 52.64%




4 Diclofenac T 25 mg / ml 1.49 7th 2869 20.09.2013 70.44%




5 Ibuprofen P, S, T 200 mg Price Notified in Dec 2013 under DPCO, 1995 in 10th Meeting will be notified in April 2015





6 Ibuprofen 400 mg Price Notified in Dec 2013 under DPCO, 1995 in 10th Meeting will be notified in April 2015





7 Ibuprofen 100mg/5ml 0.21 12th 946 27.03.2014 0.00%




8 Paracetamol P, S, T 150 mg / ml 3.43 9th 3567 02.12.2013 22.31%




9 Paracetamol P, S, T 125 mg / 5ml 0.32 11th 421 17.02.2014 30.00%




10 Paracetamol P, S, T 500 mg 0.94 1st 1555 14.06.2013 56.97%




11 Paracetamol P, S, T 80 mg 6.96 9th 3568 02.12.2013 28.45%




12 Paracetamol P, S, T 170 mg 8.07 9th 3569 02.12.2013 16.98%






















Average Reduction% 34.72%













Therefore, PTR per unit 0.54 X (1-34.72%) 0.35







Add: 16% Retailer Margin










Ceiling Price per unit








WPI factor @ 6.32%










Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


0.44 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014








S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit 16% Margin

-- Prednisolone Injection 20 mg OMNACORTIL INJ AMP 20 MG 2 ML x 1 (/1ML) OMNACORTIL 20 2 ML 133151 100.00% 7.32 3.66















Monopoly situation as M/s Macleods Pharma is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%








PTR per unit









Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:













8.3: Hormones and antihormones





Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price


Prednisolone S, T Tablets 0.55 13th 1008 02.04.2014 2.08%



Prednisolone Injection Under consideration







Prednisolone Injection Data not available












Average Reduction% 2.08%









Therefore, PTR per unit 3.66 X (1-2.08%) 3.58






Add: 16% Retailer Margin








Ceiling Price per unit









WPI factor @ 6.32%









Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


4.41 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014






S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit 16% Margin

& 6.5.4
Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim + SulphamethoxaZole) Tablets 80 + 400 mg ANTRIMA TABS 400 MG x 10 (/80) ANTRIMA 400/80 10 TABS 1039856 0.50% 4.50 0.45


Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim + SulphamethoxaZole) Tablets 80 + 400 mg SEPTRAN TABS ADULT 400 MG x 10 (/80) SEPTRAN 400/80 10 TABS 207920398 99.50% 5.04 0.50


208960254 100.00%




Monopoly situation as M/s GLAXOSMITHKLINE   is the company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 99.50%





PTR per unit







Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:






Section: 6 – Anti-infective Medicines







6.2.2 Other Antibacterials





Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price


Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim + Sulphamethoxazole) P,S,T Tablets Under consideration







Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim + Sulphamethoxazole) P,S,T Tablets 1.28 14th 1157(E) 28.04.2014 5.98%



Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim + Sulphamethoxazole) P,S,T Suspension 0.24 14th 1157(E) 28.04.2014 4.55%



Average Reduction 5.27%






Therefore, PTR per unit 0.50 X (1-5.27%) 0.47





Add: 16% Retailer Margin







Ceiling Price per unit







WPI factor @ 6.32%







Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


0.58 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014





S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit Aluminium Hydroxide+Magnesium Hydroxide GELUSIL TABLET 10


PFIZER LTD 10 Tablet 18048180 76.41% 7.72 0.77



Aluminium Hydroxide+Magnesium Hydroxide GELUSIL TABLET 8


PFIZER LTD 8 Tablet 25130 0.11% 7.79 0.97



Aluminium Hydroxide+Magnesium Hydroxide GELUSIL XTRACOOL BLUE 50/250 MG TABLET 10


PFIZER LTD 10 Tablet 5546806 23.48% 7.67 0.77






23620117 100.00%














Monopoly situation as M/s Pfizer Ltd  is the company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%









PTR per unit








Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:









Section: 17 – Gastrointestinal medicines






17.1: Antacids and other Antiulcer medicines





Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price


Aluminium Hydroxide + Magnesium Hydroxide P,S,T Tablet








Aluminium Hydroxide + Magnesium Hydroxide Suspension








Omeprazole P,S,T Capsules 10 mg 2nd 1828 21.06.2013 30.50%



Omeprazole Capsules 20 mg 2nd 1829 21.06.2013 192.11%



Omeprazole Capsules 40 mg 8th 3346 05.11.2013 17.16%



Ranitidine P,S,T Injection 25 mg / ml 14th 1157 28.04.2014 15.17%



Added Medicines







Pantoprazole T Injection 40 mg 16th 1789 10.07.2014 31.57%



Famotidine P,S,T Tablets 20 mg 13th 1016 02.04.2014 30.77%



Average Reduction 52.88%



Therefore, PTR per unit 0.84 X (1-52.88%) 0.40





Add: 16% Retailer Margin







Ceiling Price per unit









WPI factor @ 6.32%









Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)




S.O. 2355(E) dt. 15.9.2014






S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Aluminium Hydroxide+Magnesium Hydroxide ZEROCID MPS MINT SYRUP 170 ML


Not specified SEAGULL 170 ML 15528 9.80% 12.00 0.07

-- Aluminium Hydroxide+Magnesium Hydroxide STABIGEL SUSPENSION 170 ML


Not specified RHOMBUS 170 ML 1441 0.91% 41.16 0.24

-- Aluminium Hydroxide+Magnesium Hydroxide


Manila Not specified Swiss India 170 ML 35280 22.27% 38.22 0.22

-- Aluminium Hydroxide+Magnesium Hydroxide


Alocid Not specified Swiss India 170 ML 54411 34.34% 38.22 0.22

-- Aluminium Hydroxide+Magnesium Hydroxide


Concid Not specified Swiss India 170 ML 33495 21.14% 38.22 0.22

-- Aluminium Hydroxide+Magnesium Hydroxide


Ralcain Not specified Swiss India 170 ML 18270 11.53% 42.12 0.25





158425 100.00%








maximum 0.25 minimum


As per the above there  are 2 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above










Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


1.57 (Rs. in Lakhs)




Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation








Number of Packs considered









Ceiling Price









Add : 16% Retailer Margin









MRP (without local taxes)










% Reduction with compared to Highest Price










WPI factor @ 6.32%








Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)





S.O. 2348(E) dt. 15.9.2014




S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- & Acetyl Salcylic Acid Tablet 100 mg COLSPRIN(RECKITT) 100 MG TABLET 14X10


100 MG 140 TABLET 5001 100% 16.80 0.12


Monopoly situation as M/s Reckitt Benckiser is the company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%






PTR per unit









Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:







Section: 12 – Cardiovascular medicines






12.1 : Antianginal medicines & Section 12.5: Antithrombotic medicines






Medicines Category Route of Administration/ Dosage Form Strengths Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price



Acetyl salicylic acid P,S,T Tablets 75 mg soulble/dispersible 12th 952(E) 27.03.2014 8.33%



Acetyl salicylic acid P,S,T Tablets 100 mg







Acetyl salicylic acid P,S,T Tablets 350 mg








Average Reduction 8.33%








Therefore, PTR per unit 0.12 X (1-8.33%) 0.11






Add: 16% Retailer Margin








Ceiling Price per unit








WPI factor @ 6.32%








Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)




S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014






S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit 16% Margin

-- Framycetin Sulphate Cream 0.5% SOFRAMYCIN 0.5% CREAM 30 GM


0.005 30 GM 299353768 100% 19.06 0.64






















Monopoly situation as M/s Sofi India Ltd. is the company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%






PTR per unit









Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:








13.2: Antiinfective medicines








Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price




Acyclovir S, T Cream 8.88 2nd 1812 21.06.2013 34.22%




Framycetin Sulphate P,S,T Cream Under consideration








Methylrosanilinium Chloride (Gentian Violet) P,S,T Aqueous solution Data not available








Neomycin + Bacitracin P,S,T Ointment 0.85 17th 2087 20.08.2014 53.75%




Povidone Iodine P,S,T Solution 0.39 1st 1651 14.06.2013 69.14%




Povidone Iodine P,S,T  Ointment 1.64 3rd 1905 28.06.2013 57.89%




Silver Sulphadiazine P,S,T Cream 0.21 Proposed for 18th Authority meeting 53.75%









Average Reduction 53.75%













Therefore, PTR per unit 0.64 X (1-53.75%) 0.30








Add: 16% Retailer Margin










Ceiling Price per unit










WPI factor @ 6.32%









Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


0.37 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014






S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit 16% Margin

-- Cloxacillin  250 mg Injection BIOCLOX 250 MG INJECTION 1



1 Each pack 837731 100% 5.65999973 5.66


Monopoly situation as M/s Biochem is the company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%






PTR per unit









Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:







6.2 Antibacterials





6.2.1 Beta lactam medicines





Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price



Cloxacillin P,S,T Capsules Data Not available





Cloxacillin Capsules 1.09 Proposed for 18th Meeting 46.59%



Cloxacillin Injection Under consideration







Cloxacillin Liquid Data Not available










Average Reduction 46.59%



Therefore, PTR per unit 5.66 X (1-46.59%) 3.02






Add: 16% Retailer Margin








Ceiling Price per unit








WPI factor @ 6.32%








Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


3.72 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014






S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR Price per Unit  Ceiling price with 16% Margin

-- Cloxacillin Capsule 500 mg BIOCLOX 500 MG CAPSULE 10



10 Capsule 14387646 92.91% 17.56 1.76








10 Capsule 128840 0.83% 18.20 1.82








15 Capsule 969813 6.26% 27.30 1.82





15486298 100.00%


1.79 2.08





Maximum 1.82 Minimum 1.76



As per the above there  are 2 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above







Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation


154.00 (Rs. in Lakhs)





Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation








Number of Packs considered









Ceiling Price









Add : 16% Retailer Margin









MRP (without local taxes)









% Reduction with compared to Highest Price









WPI factor @ 6.32%







Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)



2.21 S.O. 2353(E) dt. 15.9.2014



S.No Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 30th Sept. 2013 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Carbamazepine Syrup 100mg /5ml TEGRITAL SYRUP 100 MG 100 ML x 1 (/5ML) TEGRITAL 100 mg/5ml 100 ML 19268931 100.0% 15.40 0.15















Monopoly situation as M/s Novartis Intl is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%




PTR per unit






Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:







Section: 5 – Anticonvulsants/ Antiepileptics




Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price




Carbamazepine P, S, T Tablets 0.70 13th 1010 02.04.2014 29.41%



Carbamazepine Tablets 1.37 14th 1157 28.04.2014 21.85%



Carbamazepine Syrup Under Consideration












Average Reduction% 25.63%




Therefore, PTR per unit 0.15 X (1-25.63%) 0.11




Add: 16% Retailer Margin






Ceiling Price per unit






WPI factor @ 6.32%






Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


0.14 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014



S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 31.05.2012 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Dextromethorphan DMR 30 MG Tablet 10


30 mg 10 Tablet 235303.4 100.00% 54.22 5.42







235303 22.56% Average 5.42



Monopoly situation as M/s West Coast Pharma Works  is the only company manufacturing the formulation








PTR per unit









Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:







25.2: Antitussives



Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price


Codeine phosphate S,T Tablets 0.92 16th 1782 10.07.2014 13.71%



Codeine phosphate Syrup No Data







Dextromethorphan P,S,T Tablets Under Consideration











Average Reduction 13.71%



Therefore, PTR per unit 5.42 X (1-13.71%) 4.68






Add: 16% Retailer Margin








Ceiling Price per unit








WPI factor @ 6.32%








Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


5.77 S.O. 2358(E) dt. 15.9.2014






Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 31.05.2012 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit Thiamine BENALGIS 100 MG TABLET 10


100 mg 10 Tablet 17056349 100.00% 45.71999995 4.57 Thiamine THYMINE 100 MG TABLET 10


100 MG 10 Tablet 385 0.00% 38.50 3.85






17056734 1635.57% Average 4.57


Monopoly situation as M/s Franco Indian Pharmaceuticals Ltd.  is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%






PTR per unit








Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:







Section: 27 – Vitamins and Minerals




Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price


Ascorbic Acid P,S,T Tablets No data







Ascorbic Acid Tablets No data







Calcium carbonate P,S,T Tablets 1.68 7th 2867 20.09.2013 18.45%



Calcium carbonate Tablets 1.67 5th 2255 22.07.2013 24.33%



Multivitamins (As per Schedule V of Drugs and Cosmetics Rules) P,S,T Tablets No data







Nicotinamide P,S,T Tablets No data







Pyridoxine P,S,T Tablets No data







Riboflavin P,S,T Tablets No data







Thiamine P,S,T Tablets Under Consideration







Vitamin A P,S,T Tablets        Capsules No data







No data







No data







Injection 1.3 Proposed for 18th AM 26.15%



Vitamin D (Ergocalciferol) P,S,T Capsules No data







Vitamin D (Ergocalciferol) Capsules No data







Added Medicines







Calcium Gluconate P,S,T Injection 9.95 7th 2868 20.09.2013 35.67%







Average Reduction 26.15%



Therefore, PTR per unit 4.57 X (1-26.15%) 3.37






Add: 16% Retailer Margin








Ceiling Price per unit








WPI factor @ 6.32%








Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


4.16 S.O. 2360(E) dt. 15.9.2014






S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 31.05.2012 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Didanosine DINEX EC 400 MG TABLET 30


400 mg 30 Tablet 4079334 100.00% 904.9100044 30.16









Average 30.16



Monopoly situation as M/s Cipla Ltd.  is the only company manufacturing the formulation and has market share of 100%







PTR per unit









Price fixed in the relevant sub-section for other drugs is as follows:














Section: 27 – Vitamins and Minerals






Medicines Category Route of Admn MRP excl. local taxes (Rs./unit) Meeting No. S.O No Date % Reduction w.r.t. Highest Price




Didanosine S,T Tablet 23.93 7th 2840(E) 20.09.2013 11.73%







Average Reduction 11.73%



Therefore, PTR per unit 30.16 X (1-11.73%) 26.62






Add: 16% Retailer Margin








Ceiling Price per unit








WPI factor @ 6.32%








Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


32.83 S.O. 2359(E) dt. 15.9.2014






S.No. Unique No. as per NLEM Composition as per NLEM Pack Description BRANDS Strength Pack Size  Unit MAT Value as on 31.05.2012 MAT %  PTR  Price per Unit

-- Cefotaxime Injection 500 mg OMNATAX 500 MG INJECTION 2 ML


ABBOTT HEALTHCARE PVT. LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 4043635 0.76% 14.68 14.68






ABBOTT HEALTHCARE PVT. LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 256405 0.05% 13.57 13.57






ALKEM LABORATORIES LTD. 500 mg 1 Each Pack 423804094 79.75% 16.29 16.29






ARISTO PHARMACEUTICALS PVT.LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 7373658 1.39% 16.29 16.29






BIOCHEM PHARMACEUTICAL INDS 500 mg 1 Each Pack 75032452 14.12% 16.29 16.29






EMCURE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 502414 0.09% 16.15 16.15






LEBEN LABORATORIES PVT.LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 609642 0.11% 15.86 15.86






LINCOLN PHARMACEUTICALS LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 737278 0.14% 14.84 14.84






LUPIN LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 10064799 1.89% 16.25 16.25






LUPIN LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 276484 0.05% 16.13 16.13






MANEESH PHARMACEUTICALS LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 76431 0.01% 16.29 16.29






MAPRA LABORATORIES PVT. LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 1580520 0.30% 15.44 15.44






SHREYA LIFE SCIENCES PVT. LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 151032 0.03% 15.70 15.7






SHRINIVAS GUJARAT LABORATORIES PVT LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 28676 0.01% 15.27 15.27






TROIKAA PHARMACEUTICALS LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 74539 0.01% 16.29 16.29






ZUVENTUS HEALTHCARE LTD 500 mg 1 Each Pack 6602051 1.24% 16.29 16.29






ZYDUS CADILA 500 mg 1 Each Pack 205134 0.04% 16.29 16.29










531419245 100.00%













Maximum 16.29 Minimum










As per the above there  are 5 companies consisting of Market Share of 1% & Above







Sum of MAT value considered for price calculation



5232 (Rs. in Lakhs)




Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calculation








Number of Packs considered









Ceiling Price









Add : 16% Retailer Margin








MRP (without local taxes)








% Reduction with compared to Highest Price








WPI factor @ 6.32%








Revised Ceiling Price
(including WPI but without local taxes)


20.05 S.O. 2350(E) dt. 15.9.2014



NLEM Unique No. Composition as per NLEM PACK_DESC BRANDS Company Strength Unit MAT Sep’13 Value MAT% PTR Sep’13 Price per Unit Ceiling Price with 16% Margin Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg CEFOTAX INJ DRY VIAL 250 MG x 1 CEFOTAX ABBOTT* 250 1 113007 5060.77% 9.00 9.00

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg OMNATAX VIAL DRY+SOL 250 MG 2 ML x 1 OMNATAX ABBOTT* 250 1 3056523 136879.67% 11.23 11.23

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg TAXIM VIAL DRY+SOL 250 MG x 1 TAXIM ALKEM* 250 1 250495104 11217873.00% 12.35 12.35

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg OMNICEF INJ DRY VIAL 250 MG x 1 OMNICEF ARISTO PH 250 1 5916378 264951.99% 12.35 12.35

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg ORITAXIM VIAL DRY+SOL 250 MG x 1 ORITAXIM CADILA PH 250 1 524321 23480.56% 9.00 9.00

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg C-TAX INJ DRY VIAL 250 MG x 1 C-TAX EMCURE* 250 1 5688567 254749.98% 12.35 12.35

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg Q-TAX INJ VIAL 250 MG 5 ML x 1 Q-TAX EMCURE* 250 1 345804 15486.07% 12.14 12.14

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg HALTAX INJ DRY VIAL 250 MG x 1 HALTAX HINDUSTAN 250 1 2652803 118799.96% 12.35 12.35

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg TOX INJ DRY VIAL 250 MG x 1 TOX LABORATE 250 1 558882 25028.30% 8.25 8.25

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg CEFAXIL INJ DRY VIAL 250 MG x 1 CEFAXIL LEBEN LAB 250 1 325810 14590.69% 11.57 11.57

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg CEFANTRAL VIAL DRY+SOL 250 MG 5 ML CEFANTRAL LUPIN LIMI 250 1 6085640 272532.02% 12.35 12.35

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg OMINAX INJ DRY VIAL 250 MG x 1 OMINAX MAPRA LAB 250 1 3160403 141531.71% 12.03 12.03

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg STANCEF INJ DRY VIAL 250 MG x 1 STANCEF RANBAXY* 250 1 135943 6087.91% 11.69 11.69

-- Cefotaxime Injection 250 mg BIOTAX VIAL DRY+SOL 250 MG x 1 BIOTAX ZYDUS CA 250 1 79593385 3564414.91% 12.35 12.35



358652570 16061467.53%


12.32 14.29


 maximum 12.35  minimum 12.14



As per the above there are 5 companies consi






Sum of MAT value considered for price calculat


                                                        3,481.25 (Rs. In Lakhs



Sum of PTR per unit considered for price calcul






Number of Packs considered






Average PTR






Add : 16% Retailer Margin






Ceiling Price (without local taxes)






% Reduction with compared to Highest Price











WPI increase on 1 April, 2014





Ceiling Price after WPI Adjustment


15.19 S.O. 2350(E) dt. 15.9.2014


Last Page Updated: 11-01-2019